

A Story by Ashentara

true story..



The car was small.

The driver was drunk.

I was drunk.

So were my two girlfriends.

But we didn’t have any money for a cab

So when the guy offered to get us home

Stupidly we said yes

And we even thanked him



As soon as I got into the car

I had a bad feeling

I knew something bad was gonna happen

And happen it did

After swerving for a few miles

The guy just hit a post

It’s funny in a way

Coz I knew it was happening

I knew we were gonna crash

I could feel and see it in slow motion


I even told my friends

We’re gonna crash

She said don’t be silly

But my instincts were right

And crash we did

Weird experience

© 2008 Ashentara

Author's Note

nobody got badly hurt :)

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Hello Ashentara,
I've just been reading through some of your recent poems and I am very sorry to hear the sad news of your loved one. I want to keep reading, but this poem stood out to me, because this has happened to me. I also had the experience of seeing the accident happen in slow motion and I knew it was going to happen.
The first stanza is brilliant, it sets the scene, and I think that the final line there is just so striking.
"And we even thanked him"
Then came the prediction - the premonition. This part of us that knows something that we don't want to listen to, or we aren't ready to hear. Then the crash. Well divided up, Glad noone got hurt....
I liked it, it reminded me to listen to that inner voice.
Now I'm going to read more of your poems.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This poem really made me think. I was in an accident several years ago that could have turned out much worst than it did - even though I still broke my back. I would never thought of writing a poem about it until now. Thanks for making me aware. Well done!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Hello Ashentara,
I've just been reading through some of your recent poems and I am very sorry to hear the sad news of your loved one. I want to keep reading, but this poem stood out to me, because this has happened to me. I also had the experience of seeing the accident happen in slow motion and I knew it was going to happen.
The first stanza is brilliant, it sets the scene, and I think that the final line there is just so striking.
"And we even thanked him"
Then came the prediction - the premonition. This part of us that knows something that we don't want to listen to, or we aren't ready to hear. Then the crash. Well divided up, Glad noone got hurt....
I liked it, it reminded me to listen to that inner voice.
Now I'm going to read more of your poems.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Gut feelings tend to be right most of the time. Glad that this one was a much less tragic case than others have experienced. :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on February 11, 2008



Brest, France

Bio... hmmm.... what can I say. I'm 30 going on 31, I'm French, I translate video games for a living, but my dream would be to become a real writer. Working on it! I have a daughter whose name is Gab.. more..

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A Poem by Ashentara