![]() RainA Story by Arya
I was seven years old when the drought hit us hard. It converted nearly half of our farming lands to barren wastelands. Appa was worried . Our main crop was paddy and though we were better off than some of our neighbors there is only so much one can do with pumps and irrigation systems and even that water wouldn't last for long.We needed rain, badly.
The government wouldn't aid us my grandpa was saying. Well I wasn't surprised . The government never did. My parents were worried. Our survival would be really hard without farming. All the village elders were discussing about bringing in water from the neighboring villages , but they were affected too and we didn't know in what capacity they could help us. My grandma seemed to be the only person who was not worried.She would keep on telling me that only if we did good things it would rain. I wondered how she connected stuff like that.She could perhaps sense my skepticism. She said many centuries ago, when there was less corruption and more trees, less people and less sins , our ancestors believed that our good deeds were valued and rewarded with rains. But now, because humans were not as pure as their ancestors we were only rewarded with droughts.I told this to my Appa ,but he only said that this just an old story and that it didn't work that way at all. He said that both in villages and in cities more trees should be planted for it to rain. But somehow I couldn't take my grandma's story out of my head.Suddenly I wanted to do a lot of good deeds and bring rain to my village.So I started by giving my extra chocolates to my little sister. I did this for many days. It didn't rain. Then I started helping my mother milk the cows and started helping the village ladies carry their mathkas (mud pots) from the well to their houses.It still didn't rain but my mom and my elder brother got very suspicious. My anna (elder brother) then asked me about the reason for my sudden angelic transformation. I told him grandma's story. He laughed his head off. I was hurt by this but I didn't let it show and tried to act as if I found it funny too. But then the next day my anna took me to an old house which was nearly at the outskirts. It had some sort of a banner with a plant symbol.Inside the house was so cool. I was so surprised and began looking around for an AC.But there was no AC. My anna was talking to a middle aged woman . He then introduced me to her. Her name was Priya. He said she was in charge of the reserved forest areas around our village.She was also in charge of some sapling programme which my brother wanted me to join. She said I could help the village by planting saplings . I liked the idea because it coincided with both my dad's idea as well as with my grandma's story. So i agreed immediately. She said as an initiation ceremony I would have to plant a sapling in the village square.They fixed a date. It was buddha purnima (Lord buddha's birthday). The day finally came and I was very excited about it. It was a sunny afternoon .Some of our village elders were gathered along with my family at the village square. I was given a tender Neem sapling to plant. I first dug a pit and then filled it with some mulch and then Priya removed the cover and handed the sapling to me. I held the sapling with trembling hands. It seemed so fragile, like a baby. It was hard to believe that one day it would grow into a big, sturdy tree. I carefully planted it and started piling the mud . Something cool fell on my cheek. A drop of water! And then it started falling steadily . Cool, small,glistening droplets. I finished planting it and was now tying it up to a stick nearby for supporting it in the initial growth stage. Everyone was looking up to the skies, except my grandma who was just looking at me. She gave me a radiant smile and then winked at me. I winked right back and just like her I knew that sometimes the most incredible thing about miracles is that they just happen.
© 2018 AryaFeatured Review
5 Reviews Added on June 3, 2018 Last Updated on June 8, 2018 |