![]() The Demon GodA Story by Arwen
Some say that fear is only an emotion that some enjoy, and some get drowned in a cold sweat and their heart beats so fast it feels as if it is going to burst out of their body. Some fears are given to us from other people like a fear of snakes or spiders. But some fears are real like a fear of demons and their ruler. Let me tell you of the adventure I had, an adventure many few escape from alive.
I was out riding my horse in the forestry by my house, I leaned back in the saddle and slackened the reins and looked up at the sky and clouds, lost in thought, my horse stopped to graze on the verge, I did not stop him for I knew he was hungry and wanted some food, so I let him eat. As he ate I carried on looking up at the clouds I seen funny shapes that the clouds are making, one of them I thought was a little scary and weird. The cloud looked like some sort of monster with four horns and slits for eyes. At that time I thought nothing of it, but there would be a time when I wish I did pay attention to that cloud shape. After I let my horse have a couple mouthfuls of grass I tapped him to move and he galloped along the path, then suddenly out of now where a 3 – D version of that monster shape that I seen in the clouds, appeared in front of us and flew towards us. Midnight spooked so much he reared and I fell off him screaming. A malicious laughter filled the air and then as fast as it came it disappeared. I stood up and tried to think what had happened and what was that thing that made Midnight so scared?
When I mounted Midnight once more he galloped all the way back to the stables, quite a few of the people in the stable asked what was wrong when I finally dismounted him. Of course I did not tell them what happened. So I put Midnight back in his stall and washed him down after the gallop. Once he was washed and dried I went to teach people how to ride.
Once the lesson was finished I went to check on Midnight one last time before I went home to see my lover.
“SELA!!” Someone called me.
“YES?” I called back.
“OK THANKS” If it is another person wanting a riding lesson I’ll scream I thought. So I went down to the office where my phone was kept and I answered it.
“Hello. Elvin hey, how are you?”
“I’m fine love; I was just wondering could you come over to my house once you finished work?”
“Sure! Is everything ok?”
“Ye, everything is fine, but please hurry.” Then the line went dead. As soon as he said that I ran to my jeep with my heart in my throat (or so it felt). I drove the whole way to Elvin’s house, my mind full of thoughts and ridicules ideas.
By the time I arrived at his house it was dark and of course it was all hallows eve. I stopped the jeep and got out my heart beating so fast it could have been heard by all in the silence. As I made my way towards his house I noticed the lights were off, fear then started to show and my heart beat faster and harder. I went up to the front door and knocked. No answer. So I got my keys out and tried to find his house key my heart beating all the more. The click of the door sounded loud in the quiet street. The door squeaked open; all inside the house was pitch blackness.
“Elvin? Elvin are you here? If this is some sort of joke to try and scare me it is working now please show yourself!” Then suddenly the door slammed shut behind me, my escape route blocked.
“Sela I’ am here, come in a bit closer.” Came Elvin’s voice. So I did. The next thing I knew a hand covered my mouth and an arm was around my waist holding me tightly so I could not escape or get free. A light shone in my face.
“I suppose we should have known your lover would get you to come and try to save you.” I tried to scream and fight to get free but the grip of the person holding me was to strong, fear then crept up into my face and up to my eyes. A ruthless laughter emitted from the men.
“Take her over to her lover.” I then noticed a circle of some sort of stones emitting some sort of light and by that light I seen Elvin. Then one of the men gently nudged one of the stones out of the way and pushed me into the circle and put the stone back into place.
All around us candles were being light, and by the fire place was an upside down pentagram. All of a sudden I felt this power inside of me and for a while I did not feel so scared or afraid. I searched for Elvin’s hand and held it. All the while I tried to think of a way to set me and Elvin free.
“Hey, excuse me!” I called to the man that was near us. He turned around and looked at me.
“I need to go somewhere.”
“Fine. You two!” He called to two of his other accomplices. They came over.
“Come with me” And he moved one of the stones and grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the circle, he then pushed me up the stairs. We came to a door he opened it and pushed me in.
“There, and hurry up.” He told me. This is going to be harder than I thought. I thought. Then suddenly I felt this power grow stronger inside of me and I lunged at the men and started fighting them. I beat all three of them but then more men came running upstairs and they overcame me and brought me down to my knees.
“Take her downstairs, we shall let the demons deal with her.” Said the man that brought me upstairs, his eyes full of malice and his nose and lip bleeding, where I had punched him. Two men on either side of me grabbed my arms and lead me downstairs and lead me to stand in front of the pentagram. Suddenly all the men started chanting.
Magic forces black and white
Reaching out through space and light,
Be he far or be he near
Bring us the demon Balthazar here
Suddenly the pentagram on the fireplace lit up and in front of it appeared a figure clad in all black. Its face concealed behind a hood. Suddenly a deep rasping voice came from beneath the hood.
“Who dares to summon me?”
“We do Great Balthazar, the Blood brothers, we who worship the all mighty Satan.”
“The Lord of all darkness shall be pleased that his greatest worshipers have finally stepped forward.” Balthazar told them.
“Great Balthazar, this mortal tried to escape from us, and claims the Lord of darkness is of a false pretence.” The leader of the Blood Brothers said. The figure then stepped towards me and the stench of decaying flesh over whelmed me.
“Very well, I shall take her to his Lord he shall deal with her.” Said the figure, he then stretched forth a bony hand and took my arm; he hauled me up onto my feet and literally dragged me to the pentagram. He threw me towards the fire place, I expected to hit a solid wall, but I did not. I went straight through the fire place and landed on a walkway of some sorts. I walked to the edge of the walkway and looked at what was below me. Below me were flames reaching up and people screaming in continual pain. There was nothing below the walkway to hold it up. I looked over the edge once more and out of the flames came a flying demon, its head and wings were of a bird but its body was red skin. It cawed in a malicious laughter, and came towards me, its long spindly fingers hot with heat grabbed the sides of my head, and images flooded my mind, images so horrific they can not be talked about for they would give even the toughest person nightmares. I put my hands on what might pass for wrists on this demon trying to wrest his hands away from my head, but they would not move. His slited eyes full of malice. I screamed a scream full of despair and as I screamed so did the demon, then his hands let go of my head and all went black.
I did not know that the whole time I was being watched by both Balthazar and the Dark Lord.
“Why have you brought her here Balthazar?”
“I have brought her to be punished my Lord. According to the Blood Brothers she claimed that you were of a false pretence and she tried to escape them.” Suddenly the Dark Lord laughed a laugh that was corse and rasping.
“If what I have been told of her by my son, yes she does not believe in me but she does not believe in most things.”
“Your son? But My Lord is he not in the world above?”
“Yes, he has found a likely bride.”
“Someone like her?” Balthazar said in disgust and unbelief.
“Yes. Someone like her. She does not know what her past or future holds for her, and it is not teaching people how to ride.” Balthazar looked at the Dark Lord understanding slowly creeping up into what was once eyes. The Dark Lord then went down the red stone steps and came towards me. He knelt down and checked my pulse that should have been beating like a wild staccato but was faint. He picked me up and took me to one of the sleeping quarters to recover and wake up.
I woke up under a velvet cover and in a dark room. I got up thinking yesterday was all a dream and that I was in my house in my room, but the velvet cover was not in my room as I do not have one. I got dressed and went towards the door and opened it only to see an older version of Elvin carrying a tray of food and about to do the same. I gasped in shock as to see Elvin but I knew that it was not him.
“Ah you’re awake. How are you feeling?” All I could do is nod at him. He burst out in laughter. The same laugh and the same smile as Elvin, who is this man? And where am I?
“I’ am Elvin’s father, and you are at my home.” He answered my unspoken questions as if he could read my mind. I nodded and walked over to the window and looked out. Everywhere was fire, mountains, that should have flowers and different types of greenery on them but all was fire. Where am I? I thought all this was a dream. Why do I fear this place so? This is no normal place. Suddenly I did not feel so scared and the power that came to me in Elvin’s house ran through me once more. I turned towards Elvin’s father and I have never seen a grown man look so scared. He put the tray of food on the bedside table and literally ran out of the room.
“My Lord what is wrong?” Asked Balthazar seeing the fear in the Lords eyes.
“Her powers are growing stronger; even I felt them that time, the daughter of Nuwela has got her powers at last.”
“Well done, blood brothers, my father and his followers should be able to deal with her.”
“We are honoured to serve the Dark Lord and his son.” Said the leader.
“Now release me from this circle.”
“About that Dark Prince, I’m afraid I cannot.”
“How dare you.”
“We helped you and your father prince, but now we want something in return and of course we cannot do that on our own. When the Daughter of Nuwela realises her powers, we shall have her join us and conquer your father’s realm.” Suddenly the Dark Prince burst out laughing.
“What is so funny Prince?”
“The Lady Suala will come to her powers, but when she does they will know no limits as she does not know how to control them yet. And as for taking over my father’s realm. Good luck with that for you will need it.” He said with an evil grin set upon his face. Suddenly fear came up into the Prince’s eyes and face.
“My father is afraid of something. But what?” Then realisation dawned on his face.
“The Lady Suala has acquired her powers at last. I have never felt my father so afraid.” Fear suddenly came up into the leaders eyes.
“So soon? But how?” The leader thought out loud.
What is wrong with me? Why do I feel this way? And the fear in Elvin’s father’s eyes, was that real or did I imagine it? It seemed so real, the shock, horror and realisation in his eyes was all so real but why? I do not understand why do I feel so strong, feel as if I have no limits or fears? The answers to these questions are unknown to me at the present time, but I shall find out. Why do I feel that danger is coming? Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
“My Lady, I’m sorry to disturb you but his Lord wishes to speak with you.” My Lady and His Lord? What is going on here?
“I’m sorry but His Lord?”
“Yes My Lady, the Dark Lord, or as he is know by some The Demon God, or by most Satan!”
“And why do you call me my lady?”
“Because you are the daughter of the great sorceress Nuwela, and you are following in your mother’s footsteps. You have the power of the sorceress inside of you My Lady.”
“I’m sorry but could you please leave me alone for a bit?”
“Of course My Lady” she left my room and left me to think about what she said. Ok so my father left my mother and me when I was young, and my mother went on a trip for her work but she never came back. So I have been on my own for most of my life. But if I was the daughter of a powerful sorceress that would explain what I have been feeling lately. Why do I feel as if something bad is about to happen? I cannot get rid of this feeling no matter what I try. Maybe I should go and see this Dark Lord.
So I opened the bedroom door and made my way to the throne room, every where I went I could feel demon eyes upon me, watching my every move, but shrinking back into the darkness away from me. I can feel this renewed strength within me, no fear, no limits, just this almighty strength and…. What was it that the maid had said to me? Power. Yes that is it. I could feel this almighty strength and power inside of me. I finally came to a set of double doors so I opened them, when I opened the doors, a flash of de-ja-vue came to me. It was the walk way that, that black figure had brought me.
“Ah My Lady, welcome to the depths of hell.” Came a voice.
“Who is there? Show yourself!” I asked, well more like demanded. Suddenly without knowing how I did it, a great light burst forth from me and lit up everything, all the demons screamed and shrank away from the light, as if it burned them. By that light I saw the voice that had acknowledged me.
“You have definitely got your mother’s powers” Said Elvin’s father. I walked towards him, aware of all the eyes watching me. Suddenly I saw this man for who he really is. That cloud shape I seen When I was out riding was the Dark Lord.
“You had your son trick and deceive me?” I demanded.
“I would not say that he deceived you Suala. More like he was testing you.”
“YOU HAD YOUR SON LIE TO ME, HOW DARE YOU MESS AROUND WITH PEOPLE’S EMOTIONS!” I bellowed. Then suddenly I heard it. A mental shout of war. I looked up at the Dark Lord and tried to see if he heard it as well, I was not disappointed. Again the shout was heard, but louder, I had to cover my ears for it so loud.
“BLOCK THE DOORS AND GATES, MAKE SURE THEY DO NOT GET IN HERE!” He suddenly bellowed to all the demons. All the demons went flying, crawling, slithering and walking away to protect the Dark Lord’s realm.
“Maybe it is not coincidence that you have finally got your powers.” Said The Dark Lord. I just looked at him.
“Just because my powers have come to me Lucifer does not mean it was coincidence!” Suddenly all we could hear were the screams of the demons, shouts of battle and war cries. Banging suddenly filled the throne room. I looked up at his Lord and I seen fear. Fear of losing all he owned, but then recognition dawned on his face as he finally realised who was attacking his realm. Suddenly he flew out of the throne.
“BALTHAZAR GO WAKE UP LEGION AND GET HERE!” Bellowed Lucifer. Out of nowhere appeared Balthazar and Legion.
“What is it you want O Lord of Darkness?” Asked the demon of many.
“We are under attack by the Blood Brothers, most of your brothers and sisters have fallen, go help the other’s protect my realm!” As if out of nowhere a shout was heard and the banging grew in pitch and hardness, while a chant could also be heard coming from behind the blocked doors.
Power of the witches’ rise,
Course unseen across the skies,
Come to us, we call you near.
Come to us and settle here.
Suddenly the throne room doors burst open and an almighty wave of power came towards me. A battle commenced within my mind to see who would take control of the powers inside.
“Give in to the spell Suala; let me merge with your mind.” Said the voice of the leader of the Blood Brothers.
“I shall not let my powers be used or manipulated by evil” I told him.
“You will give in to it My Lady; don’t make it harder for yourself.” No matter what the leader said I fought against him. An evil laugh then came into my mind.
“You’re weakening Suala, your powers may be newfound but you are no match for me!” He’s right I’m weakening I can feel it but my powers should not be like this, I have been told that my powers know no limits and are unstoppable, but somehow one chant from this man and I am on my knees virtually, but I still carry on fighting even though I have no strength left within me to fight the battle in my mind.
“Come now Suala stop fighting the spell, you know I am right” Why does this man make me feel such fear?
“I know who your mother is Suala, let me into your mind and I shall show you who she is and tell you the spell to bring her back to you.”
“My mother?” I asked him questioningly
“Yes the powerful sorceress Nuwela, the High Queen of all sorceress’s and sorcerers.” I opened my mind to just get the information from him, but once I did that, the leader of The Blood Brothers pushed into my mind fully.
“You may as well give in to me Suala, I have got into your mind, but first here is the information you seek.” Suddenly I knew who my mother was, and that she died protecting me but there is a spell known to bring her back to me.
Power of the witches’ rise.
Course unseen across the skies
Come to us, we call you near.
Come to us and settle here.
Blood to blood, I summon thee.
Blood to blood, return to me.
Once I had this information I tried to get the leader out of my mind, but he would not go.
“Get out of my mind” A malicious laughter filled my mind.
“I told you that I would give you the information you seek but I did not say that I would leave your mind. All of this power, untapped power, all here for the taking.” Suddenly I felt as if I was someone else and the last thing I remember was trying to fight him to get him out of my mind.
It felt like days, but in fact it was mere hours, when I heard a woman’s voice inside my head.
“Suala, come my child, do not let these foolish men take away your freedom and power, it is yours to do as you will not theirs.” Somehow I knew who this woman was but I did not know her when I was younger.
“Yes Suala, I knew you would know me even now, when I have not been with you for these long years.” Then I saw her, my mother as a young woman. Long black hair, a long white flowing robe, blue eyes, her face looked as if it had been carved by angles, so pure and innocent but deadly at the same time, her eyes gave away her love and power, the tiara she wore upon her brow, portrayed the power that was inside her, as well as her rank. The High Queen of all sorcerers and sorceresses, but also the priestess of the kingdom she once ruled. Suddenly a bright light shone around her, and the leader of the blood brothers screamed, a scream on pain and disbelief.
“How can this be? I took control of your mind.”
“You forgot Zakrath, you told Suala of me.”
“Nuwela! I thought you were gone”
“You told Suala the spell to bring me back, now get out of her mind, or you will regret it, son or not.” Son? Zakrath is my brother?
“Yes Suala, never forget that, you have a brother” Suddenly Zakrath attacked our mother.
“You took away my powers when you banished me and named Suala as the next ruler. So there is no way that I’ am going to give this up, finally I have powers that I can name my own even if they are not in my own body.” Surprised as our mother was she fought back, with more strength and power than both Zakrath and I. The fight seemed to last for years but it was only hours, in the deepest part of my mind. Suddenly I screamed and Zakrath’s body fell backwards, and our mother’s silhouette emerged between Zakrath and I.
“Now Zakrath leave Suala alone, you were banish for a reason, if you wanted to keep your powers then you should have thought of that before, using your powers for evil and for your own gain, I had no other choice but to banish you, the council would not let me keep you at the palace with you gone astray and with a new born baby. I’ am sorry for doing this to you Zakrath but you leave me no other choice as I know you will go after your sister and not leave her alone.”
Ashes to ashes,
Spirit to spirit,
Take his soul,
Banish this evil.
Once this spell was said, Zakrath was no more, he screamed in eternal pain and burst into flame and vanished.
“Now Suala I think it is time that you go home to your rightful place as high queen and sorceress of all. Sleep well my daughter for your adventure here is nothing more than a memory long forgotten.”
A time for everything and
To everything it’s place,
Return what has been moved,
Through time and space.
I felt my eyes close and I fell into a deep sleep, it felt as if I slept for days and in fact it was. I awoke in a palace in a bed covered in satin and silk, the door in front of the bed, windows and a balcony to the right, dressing table and wardrobe to the left, with a gown hanging up on the front of the wardrobe, a lilac satin gown, with gold embroidery on the cuffs of the gown and around the middle of the gown, with a powerful crystal tiara on the dressing table, that betrays both rank and power. I got changed into the gown and put on the tiara, and made my way through the palace to look around and where ever I went everyone bowed or curtsied to me, I was shown the way to the council chambers, where I would have my first council meeting and begin my role as high queen, I told them of my adventure in the depths of hell, and of my mother and brother.
“You are the first that we know of to get out of hell alive My Lady, you are lucky your mother came when she did.” Said one of the council members.
Once the meeting was adjourned I was taken into the throne room and officially crowned high queen and priestess of all sorcerers and sorceress’s, and so I began my role as high queen from that day.
© 2009 ArwenAuthor's Note
Added on April 10, 2009 Author![]() Arwensouth wales, United KingdomAbouthi im 19, female and im in college, studying national diploma in horse management. I love writing my own stories and i love to read books, at the mo im reading books written by kelly armstrong. I also.. more..Writing