![]() my little storiesA Story by Arwen
There was once a little kitten that was left on the streets to look after herself. Nobody noticed her, nobody wanted her, and if anyone did notice her, they just did not care; they all thought that she was just a wild cat.
But one day a girl who was 12 spotted the little kitten and took pity on her, and went towards her, the kitten was so thin she was almost on deaths doorstep. So the girl bent down and picked up the kitten and took her home and fed her, and the girl named the kitten “Star Dust” she did not know why she called the kitten that but somehow it seemed the right thing to do; and anyway the kitten had a little star on her forehead
Once the kitten was groomed and fed her coat started to shine and glow like a star and the kitten was such a beautiful tabby kitten but her coat looked like a bright golden dust that is on stars.
As the days progressed Star Dust grew and grew, until one day she was a grown cat, the girl could not believe her eyes, it was only a few days ago when Star Dust was only a tiny kitten. And what’s more Star Dust spoke to the girl.
“Thank you for looking after me, my name is really Star Dust, I’ am princess of the fairies an evil sorcerer changed me into a cat so that he could have the throne of fairy world for himself. Please help me get back to fairy world.”
“Yes of course I will” replied the girl.
So they set out to get fairy world back from the evil sorcerer and to get Star Dust back on the throne of fairy world. After about 2 hours they were in fairy world where at the moment the evil sorcerer was ruling. When they arrived fairy world was so dark it told of the evil that rules there, but normally fairy world is so pretty, but all of this darkness brought tears to the fairy princess’s eyes and she cried.
So they went to the palace to face the evil sorcerer and face him they did.
“What are you doing here? I thought I turned you into a cat and banished you?” the evil sorcerer screamed.
“You did evil one, but this kind human child saved me and her love changed me back” Star Dust explained. And so Star Dust and the evil sorcerer fought with their powers of good and evil, and in the end the sorcerer was overcome by the princess and lost the battle and so was banished to the never lands of fairy world and he had to live out the rest of his life with no powers and no immortality, so the fairy princess was back on the throne and married the fairy prince. And they lived happily ever after.
Once long ago or maybe it’s sometime in this century, there was a little vampire called Darella, she was not like any other vampires, she did not like to kill people to drink their blood, as the other vampires did, and her parents did not approve of her methods, or her thinking.
"Darella you are a vampire, killing people to eat is what we do." her father told her.
"But father I do not like killing people, I shall find something else to eat" she replied so she left the lands of the vampire and went searching for something else to eat.
But no matter where she went she was turned away from every village, then one day she asked one village.
"Why do you turn me away?"
"Because you are a vampire" they replied "we fear for our lives and we fear for our animals"
"But I do not want to be a vampire, I want to be a normal little girl" she said to them and started to cry, so the village toke her in and fed her other things, she did not like what they fed her but she ate what they gave her anyway. Then one day she said to the village.
"Thank you for feeding me and looking after me, but I must be going, I don't want to be a vampire any more so I' am going to find a way to turn myself into a normal little girl." then she left the village to go and look for something to change her into a normal little girl like she wanted. Darella travelled for days and for some reason the sun did not affect her as it affected the other vampires, so maybe things were already starting to change for her. As she travelled other villages turned her away because she was a vampire and she was also the high vampire’s daughter, so they feared for their lives.
After so many had turned her away she started to cry and a little bird came and perched on her knee.
“Child why are you crying?” the little bird asked.
“Because everyone is turning me away and because I do not want to be a vampire any more” replied Darella still crying, then the bird changed into a beautiful woman.
“Child weep no more for I’ am the high fairy and I shall change you into a normal girl, for I have seen your kindness and determination” said the high fairy and so she waved her wand and Darella was a normal child forever.
“Now child go back to the first village that toke you in and go to the castle and tell them your name for they shall take you in.” said the high fairy. So Darella got up and went back to the first village and went up to the castle and told the king and queen her name.
“My daughter, you have returned to us we have missed you so” the king said to her so she ran to the king and queen and embraced them, and she lived happily ever after.
Once there was a prince called Carsen. One day his parents went out on holidays and to give their son the chance to rule on his own. Suddenly one day a big crate was waiting for him in the throne room and it said:
“Fragile, wild animal handle with care”
And so Carsen was confused, why would someone leave this crate here in the middle of the throne room, so he went over to the crate and on top of the crate was a note from his parents.
Dear Carsen we thought you might like this animal as a pet treat her well and goodbye my son
Mother and Father
And at the bottom of the letter were spots of red sticky stuff. Then came a little tiny roar from inside the crate, and so Carsen opened the crate and inside was a little tiger cub who just looked up at him and purred. So Carsen toke out the cub and fed her.
Night time came and the prince went upstairs to his room, when suddenly down below in the castle grounds a woman with long brown hair was walking and singing to herself, so Carsen went down into the grounds to go and look for the woman he had just seen but as he reached the castle grounds, the woman was no where to be seen. This went on for a week, until finally one night the prince was waiting for the woman to show up in the castle grounds, and show up she did, and so Carsen stepped out from where he was hiding and the woman went to run away but Carsen stopped her and they talked until finally Carsen noticed the woman’s eyes and he thought to himself.
“This woman has the same coloured eyes that my tiger cub has”.
Then the sun started to come up and the woman ran, Carsen ran and followed her but when he arrived to where he seen the woman run to, she was not there but the tiger cub was. So he picked up the cub and toke her inside. Then one night he thought to himself.
“This has gone on long enough; I shall see who this woman is tonight.”
So he left the throne room and stood watch, spying on his tiger. When suddenly the tiger started to change into the woman. Once the change was complete Carsen went into the throne room and asked the woman who she is.
“My name is Keesha; a dark sorcerer changed me into a tiger. I can only be changed back when night and day become one.”
“I don’t know what you mean by that but I shall try to help you” Carsen told Keesha. As the days wore on Carsen started to guess what Keesha was on about when she said when night and day become one.
When it was night time Carsen asked Keesha did she mean the eclipse.
“Yes dear prince”
“Yes, I know, but I must be there infront of the sorcerer on the day of the eclipse.” Keesha told him. So the two of them set out to change Keesha back into a woman. Night time the next day the two of them arrived at the palace where Keesha lived and then the sun came up and Keesha was changed back into a tiger. And so the two of them went into the palace and stood infront of the sorcerer.
“What is the meaning of this?” the sorcerer screeched.
“You shall see dark one!” Carsen told the sorcerer then night and day became one and Keesha was changed back to normal and she fought the sorcerer and won. Once the sorcerer had been beaten Carsen’s parents came out from a corner and ran to hug their son.
“The sorcerer captured us and held us prisoner when he found out that we gave you the tiger.” Explained his mother. And so Keesha was once again sitting on the throne of her kingdom, but not alone she is now married to Carsen with children of her own.
There was once a little unicorn called Midnight, and she wondered why the humans were always killing her kind, she did not hate the humans like her parents seeing that her older brother was killed by the humans, but she pitied them, she felt sorry for them. So she thought to herself that she will go out and try to put a stop to the killing of all of the unicorns, but how? She was still not fully grown and she still had her baby hair, so she was easier to recognize. But her horn was almost fully grown it was no longer a little thing.
So as night came she fell asleep, waiting for what dawn would bring. As morning came she was woken up by the happy neighs of her parents and the remaining unicorns.
“Mother, Father why are you neighing so?” she asked her parents.
“Dear daughter look at yourself, go to the lake and see your reflection.” Her father told her. So she did just that, she went to the lake and saw herself. During the night her coat had changed, she was no longer a baby but a full grown unicorn; her coat had changed from the gold coat of the foals to the silver coat of the adults.
“Our daughter a grown mare.” Said her parents together.
So the days past and more unicorns were killed and this time she knew why. One day after she had witnessed a killing she went to her parents and told them.
“Mother, father I’ am going to put a stop to these killings, I shall change into a different form and go and see the ruler of the humans.”
“Midnight are you mad? They will kill you” her parents told her.
“No, dear parents they will not kill me because I will not be in the form of a unicorn but one like them.” Midnight told her parents. And so Midnight set off and when she was sure she was far enough away from her parents she changed into a human girl. In a gown of silk and a circlet of gold with a pearl dangling from the circlet adorned her head, and so she called herself the princess Narina. So she travelled far and wide looking for the ruler of the humans. One day she stumbled across an old lady who was being set upon by some outlaws.
“Hey lads we got another one here.” One of the outlaws told the others, when he seen Midnight approach.
“I’ am not like yonder lady whom you so viscously attack, and I’ am not so helpless.” She warned them.
So the little black moon on her forehead glowed and she blew away the outlaws with her unicorn power. Once the men had gone she went over to the old lady.
“Are you all right?” Midnight asked the woman, but the old lady opened her mouth in shock and just stared at Midnight.
“You may be in a different form but you do not fool me little unicorn!” the old woman told her.
“If you know who I’ am then please help me, for you must know why I’ am here?”
“Yes dear child I know why you are here and I shall help you.” Said the old woman.
“What are you known as child?” asked the woman
“I shall be known as princess Narina.”
“Very well then your highness, I shall be your nanny and maid.” The old woman told Midnight.
And so the old woman and Midnight who is also the Princess Narina set off once again to go and speak to the ruler of the humans. Then the next day they both came to a village where the ruler of the humans lived. So they walked to the village gates where a couple of guards waited.
“Halt! Who are you and what is your business here?” asked one of the guards.
“Fools do you not now royalty when you see it?” the old woman asked the guards.
“This is the Princess Narina.” The old woman told the guards.
“And who are you old woman?” asked the guard.
“I ‘am her nanny and maid.” The old woman replied.
“Forgive me your highness, we must always ask questions to strangers, but tell me where are your horses?” asked the guard.
“Forgive me good sir but I’ am fatigued, my maid shall tell you.” Midnight told the guard.
“We where set upon by outlaws, who stole our horses and other belongings except for the clothing that are on our backs.” The old woman explained.
“Very well I shall get you some horses, but you have not told me your business here.” Said the guard.
“Her highness wishes to speak to your king.” The old woman said to the guard. And so the guard called another guard over and then went and got a couple of horses. Once the guard had brought the horses they all mounted and the guard escorted them to the palace.
Once the old woman and Midnight were at the palace the guard toke them to see the king in the throne room.
“Forgive me your majesty but her highness here wishes to speak with you.” The guard told the king.
“Of course captain you may go know, before you go send for my son.” The king told the guard. And so the prince was sent for and arrived only moments later.
“My boy we have guests.” The king told his son.
“I’ am the king of this village, how may I help you my lady?” The king asked Midnight.
“Your Majesty my name is Princess Narina and this is my maid and nanny” Midnight told the king, but the old woman noticed the way the prince was looking at Midnight. The Prince was in love with Midnight.
“This may sound strange your majesty.” Midnight told the King.
“Nothing sounds strange to me your highness.” Replied the King.
“Very well then. Why do your people keep on killing all of the unicorns? There are nought but a few left. I weep at the sight of the diminished herd that lives by my home. There is only four unicorns left, there used to be thousands. Please your Majesty tell your people to stop killing them. Please I beg you.” Cried Midnight and as she told the King about the Unicorns Midnight wept, and the old woman noticed this.
“Please your Majesty the princess is fatigued and she needs to rest she has travelled far to come and see you, she has barely slept on our journey here. So if you excuse us we shall retire.” The old woman told the King. So Midnight and the old lady left the throne room with the prince following behind them.
Once they got to one of the bedrooms where they will be staying the old woman closed the door behind her and locked it.
“Please, do not start crying. If you start crying then you will never be able to change back into a unicorn.” The old woman told Midnight.
“You are right, I must stop this now, I need to go back to my parents, if I do not stop this human emotion I will never change back into a unicorn.”
“You must also be very careful” said the old woman.
“Why is that?” asked Midnight.
“Because the prince has fallen in love with you my lady” the old woman replied. Of course Midnight could not help that, because to the eyes of the prince, she was nothing but a beautiful woman who was of royal blood.
As the next day dawned, Midnight was out when the prince came to her.
“Princess Narina, good morning to you,” called the prince.
“My lord prince, good morning to you,” Midnight replied
“Please help me my lady, I’ am in love with this woman, but I query if she loves me to.”
“Is this woman you speak of, someone I know?” asked Midnight feigning curiosity.
“Please my lady do not mock me. But yes the lady I speak of is in fact you.” The prince told her.
“I have warned you about this my lady.” Said the old lady.
“How long have you been standing there, my maid?” asked Midnight.
“Long enough princess.” Replied the old lady.
“Please excuse me princess but I need to speak with his highness.” Said the old woman.
“Of course my maid.” Replied Midnight. So Midnight left them alone to talk.
“What is it that you want old woman?” asked the prince.
“You love her don’t you my lord?” asked the old woman
“Of course I love her, I want her for wife.” Replied the prince.
“I see. What if tell you my lord that the princess Narina is not who she seems to be.”
“What are you on about old woman?” asked the prince with shock and unbelief in his voice.
“The princess Narina is a unicorn, she has come here to try and put a stop to the killing of her herd.” The old woman told the prince.
“I do not care if she were a banshee, I love whom I love.” The prince replied with determination in his voice. As the prince said this, the old lady left to go and see Midnight. The old lady found midnight in the rose garden humming to herself.
“You love this man don’t you?” asked the old woman
“You are not who you seem to be old lady! But the answer to your question, yes I love him. Is that wrong? A unicorn shouldn’t love, a unicorn has no human emotions.” Cried Midnight.
“Hush my daughter, there is no need to cry, since you have come here more unicorns have started to appear and have joined our herd, your father and I can take care for ourselves. Go and marry the good prince and live as a human.” Midnight’s mother told her.
“Oh mother thank you!” replied Midnight and she embraced her mother for the last time.
“But will you and father come to visit me?” she asked her mother
“If my daughter wishes it of us, then it shall be.”
And so Midnight went to find the prince and married him and no more unicorns were killed after Midnight arrived at that village and the old woman who was really her mother went back to the other unicorns. After a while the king of that village passed away and the prince and Midnight who is now known as Narina sat in the throne of that village with children of their own. And they both lived a very happy life.
© 2009 ArwenAuthor's Note
Added on January 4, 2009 Author![]() Arwensouth wales, United KingdomAbouthi im 19, female and im in college, studying national diploma in horse management. I love writing my own stories and i love to read books, at the mo im reading books written by kelly armstrong. I also.. more..Writing