I must agree. This one is definitely different. The speaker seems to be one dealing with a world of unreality. There seems to be a touch of paranoia regarding food. Then there is that strange last verse. We may be witnessing the thought processes of a schizophrenic person here.
Posted 6 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Months Ago
Sure. Poem can point to Dementia also. Thank you friend 😊
This is a very poignant write of a much loved person who lives in their own little world as one does when they have Dementia or Alzheimer's. You have captured superbly all of the symptoms, T. P...
Usually, because the person with the disease is very happy because they have forgotten the world they lived in and live in their own little bubble, content and happy, but the person in the poem seems agitated, restless and very unhappy, a little paranoid too.
It is saddest of all for their family who love them to watch them change from their beloved Mom or Dad into strangers they do not know. I've been there with both my parents, bless them. I never want to have to go through it again!
Superbly penned poem! Thank you for sharing, T. P...
Posted 6 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Months Ago
Thank you friend, you touched the truth of my poem. Have a nice day
6 Months Ago
Thank you, T. P... Wishing you a very blessed, joyful and wonderful day too....
I did like the poetry my friend. You twisted the reader into your words and your views. Hard to know what we see and hear, is true or not. A very entertaining poem. You made the reader ponder and think.
I must agree. This one is definitely different. The speaker seems to be one dealing with a world of unreality. There seems to be a touch of paranoia regarding food. Then there is that strange last verse. We may be witnessing the thought processes of a schizophrenic person here.
Posted 6 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Months Ago
Sure. Poem can point to Dementia also. Thank you friend 😊
I was hooked reading this. It's so exciting. I just wanted to see where the next stanza was going to take me. I always enjoy these glimpses into your imagination.
Many beautiful thoughts expressed in the stanzas of this poem Wisdom imparted in an enigmatic manner it speaks like the Tao in almost riddle form. Lovely