Atleast one must die for a minute, or else you and I must die in future that never exists,to see this world and its inhabitants in different perspective.
Body is hot
Glowing and sexy
Eyes are diamond
Ears are sharp.
Sexiest am I
What others think?
Beautiful am I
What others think?
Intelligent am I
What others think?
Energetic am I
What others think?
Am I powerful
What others think?
Am I humorous
What others think?
Am I optimistic
What others think?
Am I dare devil
What others think?
I am alive?
What others think?
I am healthy?
What others think?
I am emotional
What others think?
I am Terrifying
What others think?
I am dead
In the future
That never exists
Walking without body
Time tells
Body you are in
Is just nothing
Other than your thought.
Time holds
The body tight
Until it slips
From the thorns of pain.
Time is your thought
Body is your thought
God's are your thought
Entire heavens are your thought.
Life never exists
World never exists
Body never exists
Thoughts never exists.
Past never exists
Present is a thought
Future never exists
Entire errors are blissful thoughts
Existence are memories
Memories are thoughts
All are haunting ghosts
That never ever exists in existence.
so many thoughts on display here - much to consider in the frame of reality vs mental imagery. I have often contemplated the future when I will no longer be present in the world and given enough time no one alive will have remembrance of my existence - it will
be as though I never was at all. Sobering read - I enjoyed it. -carl
so many thoughts on display here - much to consider in the frame of reality vs mental imagery. I have often contemplated the future when I will no longer be present in the world and given enough time no one alive will have remembrance of my existence - it will
be as though I never was at all. Sobering read - I enjoyed it. -carl
Past never exists...present is a thought. Future never exists, entire errors are blissful thoughts
While I was trying to think what others think, you aptly reminded me with the above verse that it doesn't matter. If you truly exist be it in error or truth, they never exist and all are haunting ghosts!
Life never exist,
World never exist
Body never exist
Thought never exist
So, why care what others think?....thoughts never exist, do they?
Mysterious craft you did here, sir. Thank you for making us truly think.
In all truth of reality, we are but a vapor, an intngible essence, figments of our, soon to not exist (but as a flicker), own self assessed as all self important imaginations which we claim arrogantly as our hearts and minds individuality as thoigh we are something of great size, weogjt, amd import in relation to this Universe of existemce WITHIN ALL Existence incomprehemsibly unfathomable, unattainable, to our pitiable and mortally meager Human minds that shall vanish (engulfed and swallowed whole) with rippling wrinkles in Time ...
There is an old joke that asks what is the height of conceit? Amswer: A flea up an elephant's a*s, with rape on his flea mind.
Mankind is the flea. The Universe is the elephant. Existence within all Existence is the circus where the elephant performs and attains fame until it withers and dies. And the flea is but a flickering fool with conqiest of a lowly elephant on its excuse for a mind, as though as such were easily in grasp within that insurmountable, all encompassing, circus that is Existence WITHIN ALL that is Existence as our known, and forever to be unknwn, Cosmos ...
Enjoyable read. Powerful message, fornthose who hear ...
an intriguing look at perspectives and perception .. or at least that's how I see it .. what is, what was and what might have been .. if I'm wrong, the sue me .. Neville :)
The now exists, but the future does not ; your thoughts are body, mind.....A very interesting piece of work TP...thankfully memories do exist..."all are haunting ghosts that never really exist in existence...."
so it has to be the future...
Warmly, B
Posted 6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Thank you friend 😊
6 Months Ago
You’re very welcome🌷
Please return the favor
Warmly, B
As the featured review says, the last verse is amazing and perfectly wraps up the poem, but it shouldn't take away from the rest of the poem, which I can't stop thinking about! Even hours after reading this, your writing sticks with me. Keep working your magic!
The final verse of this amazingly penned and very powerfully expressed poem, is my favourite. It brings the whole poem together for me like a big red ribbon tying a bouquet of beautiful flowers. Excellently crafted poem, thank you for sharing, T. P...