Sadly, it seems that aggressive behavior is a much more prominent attribute's characteristic of Human Beings than is that of logical, rational, sound reasoning of discussion in moderation's consideration of the needs and desire of others, and, all to often, with total lacks forgetfulness that the very word Human is derived from the word Humane, which means to possess and exhibit compassion for other living creatures, and such compassion demonstrated — most especially above all of first and foremost before that of one's compassion for animals — as amicable, understanding as empathizing expression of our alleged as Human love for our fellow Man as Mankind's Humanity, that is the only race of Humanity upon this Earth, regardless of nation, culture, religion, ideology, birthright, social status, language, complexion or the food they eat or starve for lack of, or the clothes and shoes that they wear, or simply are unable to possess ... For to do otherwise in any merciless agressive fashion of seeking to win an argument or dispute makes us Supremacists of thinking ourselves above and/or better than others, when in certain reality, we shall lie in the same earth together when death comes for us in that sooner or later ... I am a fan of The Human Race ... I truly enjoyed your words set to pen of page here in such inspiring fashion of telling the truth exactly the way is ...
It's true, often a petty disagreement breaks apart a long-lasting relationship. The roots, though, should never be burned. We have to remember the good times and try to use them to get through the difficult times. Thought provoking words. Well written. Lydi**
the speaker in this poem has such major regret...if only I had thought before acting so rashly on my feelings.
Sometimes the knee jerk reaction to a transgression is ten times what the transgression was.
Our judgment can easily be clouded by emotion.
Indeed this evokes a picture of anger built and building and yet often the cause is not justified and an over reaction, perhaps due to another stress in ones life or displacement of emotion.