![]() Instructions for the WakeA Poem by Arthur. S. EbbersThere will be no funeral, only a wake. My body should be nowhere to be found, there should be no photos nor videos of me. My name should only be spoken when absolutely necessary. There are only a select few who may attend: wrestlers Swedish lesbians people with a very rational fear of telephones gays, bisexuals and transgendered persons manslaughterers manslaughterees There will be a strict set of rules that must be obeyed*: no suits no handshakes no speeches nor toasts the drinking of alcohol is completely forbidden so is the smoking of cigarettes and the snorting of snuff crack and heroin are allowed all electronic devices must be left by the door everyone must leave and arrive in separate cars There are to be three key events: 45 minutes of silent circle time 45 minutes of non-silent circle time lunch Apart from that you may do as you please. If you are to attempt meaningful discussion, there are four things you may want to know: I looked to the universe and it watched me die I looked to the world and it watched me die I looked to my bedroom and it watched me die I looked to my mirror and it watched me die *All rules may be broken for comedy purposes. © 2025 Arthur. S. EbbersReviews
1 Review Added on December 29, 2024 Last Updated on March 10, 2025 Author