![]() Chapter 6 (Murderers?)A Chapter by Arrow&Heartland![]() Lola finds an abused horse that belongs to a dealer except he stolen the horse from someone else, she helps the horse out of a burning barn twice she knows that Oliver was watching the guy....![]()
Lola was looking at an abused horse that hated humans that go near it in its stall, she opened the stall door and held out her hand "nobody is gonna hurt you, your not gonna be abused anymore" Lola spoke quietly knowing horses have sensitive ears sometimes, the horse stared at her coldly, she pet the horses neck and smiled.
Laurel walked into the stable "so you do really have ways with horses, when did that come in the family?" Laurel asked and smiled, she waited at the stall door, she needed to speak to her now. Lola smiled "ya hes abused, he didnt really like his old stable, im pretty sure before he was abused he was an amazing horse" she replied and pet the horse again. Laurel stopped smiling and sighed "i need to talk to you, about the visual anti" Laurel said and looked around "does Ty know who he is like you do?" she asked randomly and stayed at the stall door. Lola looked at her "he just found out yesterday, when i was kidnapped and almost died, he didnt seem to care that i knew before he did, he was probably just happy to see me" Lola replied and opened the stall door again. Laurel seen Ty and Oliver walk into the stable "hey Olly, hey Ty" Laurel said and turned to face them. Ty looked at Lola "so whos this guy?" Ty asked and looked at the horse. Lola walked into the stall "this is Dark, he was in a stable fire and badly abused by some drug dealer, pretty sure i met the dealer before because i was there at the fire, i seen him not even trying to get the horse out, its like he was watching the horse freak out, luckly i got the horses out by the time i got out the building was burned, the dealer wasnt seen since then" Lola said and noticed the horse was stomping in anger at the word fire. Oliver looked at her "what was his name?" he asked and looked at Lola. Lola looked at the horse calmly "im pretty sure his groups name was the count?" Lola replied and put a halter on the horse, she wasnt holding the halter she let the horse follow her "i think this horse was stolen" Lola said and felt his legs just incase of sores "Ty, feel his legs i think it might be a out of place bone or running way to much" Lola said as Ty walked over. Oliver had no idea what she was saying, she was speaking horse "so how long have you worked with horses, Lola" he asked and crossed his arms as Thea walked into the stable with Moira. Thea looked at Lola "there was a fire last night, they said a girl was helping the horses out of the stable, they said her name was Lola, they also said you saved a horse named Dark that was stolen" she said and walked over next to Oliver. Lola looked at her "they say alot of things Thea" Lola replied and let Dark follow her out of the stable into a round pen, she stoked his back and leaned on his back getting him used to the weight of her. Ty sat up on the fence and watched Lola do her miracle "what about his legs?" Ty asked and jumped down from the fence. Lola leaped onto the horses back "right now we need to get him to trust humans so Scott can do an x-ray on him" Lola replied and pet his neck, she held her arms out ignoring the people watching her, she made him gallop at high enough speed to get around the corners "i think he might be a race horse" Lola said and slowed him down, the horse reared as a truck pulled in. Ty turned around "whos that?" he said as a man got out of the truck. Lola stared at him "thats the dealer! thats the count!" Lola said, the horse reared again, Lola calmed him. The dealer walked into the pen "thats my stolen horse!" he said and Lola got off, the horse reared and ran to the other side of the fence. Lola looked at him "hes afraid of you, he knows you set the hay next to the heater he was watching you, he trusts me because i was the one that saved him from burning, hes afraid to go near you and you stole this horse from someone!" Lola said and slowly walked towards the horse "easy boy" she whispered and pet the horse but it reared "great i have to start again!" Lola said as Ty walked over to the guy. Ty narrowed his eyes "that is not your horse, you stole it and look at it! you abused it!" Ty said and walked away. Oliver walked over to Lola "ill handle him tonight if he goes anywhere near here okay?" he whispered to Lola. Lola nodded and slowly walked towards the horse "easy boy, nobody is gonna hurt you" Lola said calmly knowing horses smell fear and anger. The dealer walked over to the horse and grabbed the halter but the horse reared and kicked him to the ground. AT NIGHT..................... Lola was in the office working on school work when a guy banged on Darks stall door "hello?" Lola said and got up, she walked towards Darks stall, someone was behind her and grabbed her, Lola elbowed him in the stomach and ran to the house Ty was getting something to eat "someones in the stable" she said and went outside and seen the guy run out and the stable on fire. Ty went outside and looked at Lola and stared at her "what about the horses?!" he said and looked at the stable. Lola ran towards the stable and ran inside, she got the first horse seen out of the stable and into the pasture, she seen her dads car and fire trucks pull in, Lola continued saving the horses. She got Dark out last but he was trouble, he reared and kicked and jumped "woah easy boy!" Lola said and calmed him. Ty ran over to Lola "atleast you got them all out and your not dead" Ty said and pet the horse, he noticed Lola was looking at Dark like she had a vision. Lola looked away "ya luckly...." she said and seen Laurel and her father run towards her "im fine!" she knew what they were gonna ask and she walked away towards the horses. Ty looked at them "she has been having visions of Dexter and how he was rescued but the crash she always remembers, i think Dexter and Dark are from the same stable Lola rescued Dexter from" Ty said and walked towards Lola. Lola took out her ipod and put on some music while she works with Dark, she put on a remix of Worth It, "its okay boy" she whispered to Dark and carefully got onto his back, she walked him around a bit and kicked him to a trot, she turned him around the corners and seen Oliver standing in the woods pathway, she smiled and pet Dark and looked away "good boy!" Lola said and got the blanket and saddle and put it on his back, she seen Ty and her sister and her father watching, she got on and pet him "you be good now" she whispered and cantered around and jumped over the fence "he was born to jump not race" Lola said and pet him. Ty smiled "atleast Scott was able to come and check his leg, nothing broken but a little cut" he said and watched Lola. Oliver was watching Lola and the others, he seen a guy running through the forest, he held his bow towards the guy aimed at him, Felicity showed up behind him. Lola was still listening to her music, she had no headphones and she was texting someone "just a late message" she lied and continued training Dark, she took off all tack and got on, "ill be back" she said and galloped towards the forest, she seen Felicity and Oliver and a guy with an arrow through him "hey, finally got the guy?" Lola asked and seen their faces were frowns "what?" she asked and looked at them eyes narrowed........ © 2015 Arrow&HeartlandAuthor's Note