- Welcome to my Life -

- Welcome to my Life -

A Poem by Mara

Once, there was a girl
She seemed to all the world
As a person like any other
But nothing was less true

Because what no one ever knew
Was how she really felt
How she struggled
To get through another day
How she managed
To eventually fall
into a short, restless sleep

No one ever noticed
How many tears
Streamed down her face
How she laughed out loud
Before she looked away
How she did everything she could
To keep her secrets in her eyes

Once, there was a girl
She seemed to all the world
As a person like any other
But no one ever realized
No one truly cared
About the broken girl inside

© 2011 Mara

Author's Note

Please tell me what you think and feel free to give me back-up!

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this is very emotional i could relate to it at one point in my life

Posted 13 Years Ago

The thoughts are beautiful, sad emotional. I once felt like that. And you've captured the thoughts truthfully, and realistically. Well Done

Posted 13 Years Ago

a gray ballad about a woebegone girl...this is honestly a poignant piece of poetry.
"No one truly cared about the broken girl inside" a very truthful depiction when there's no one around you during your rainy days. Good work here.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was emotional and powerful. A lot of girls could really relate to this piece.

You expressed your thoughts clearly and descriptively and you really draw the reader in with the passion behind your words. Great job!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on May 25, 2011
Last Updated on May 25, 2011



Tucson, AZ

My name is Mara and I'm seventeen. I've brown hair and dark brown eyes. Writing is my passion, though I like reading, singing, dancing, jogging and playing volleyball and soccer too. I mostly write in.. more..

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