Sometimes, you just have to sit a while and just look.
Nothing in a bottle could be more beautiful than the tannins washing through the silver sand in that gentle glassy stream, each fluid line temporarily carved in every tone of earth seemingly ordered to remain within its designated path, like the bars on sheet music broken by the glaring white silica’s designated to remain just so, weaving in long low sound waves, plaiting and knitting at intervals. Unbroken and perfect. A tiny pebble tips from end to end hardly disrupting the flow till it tips, just a little faster just a little harder caught by the momentum of current, and there, embedded, the shimmer that not even a breeze rippled is pulling back upon its self, a pattern. Eventually the pebble will sink beneath the sand, but until it does, in the wake before it just a tiny change. For each pebble a tiny temporary change, no less beautiful than each individual meandering line. Life can be just like that.
heart touching using brilliant figurative speech with subtly striking wording, colorful, abstract
phrasing defines your one of a kind design, in saying the metaphorical thoughts are transending;
how the concept draws the reader to delving pondering, patterned fluid imagery, the opening is
beautifully envisioned, which in turn creates the compassionate feeling. silver tannins, grains of
sands, every note, every poet, every writer who are, in essence, the axiom; the foundation, the
inspiration of aristry, that which carves the very nature of meaning, heartwrenching in its soft
haunting ambience of caring, as well as understanding, di your story is portrait surrendering, mike
heart touching using brilliant figurative speech with subtly striking wording, colorful, abstract
phrasing defines your one of a kind design, in saying the metaphorical thoughts are transending;
how the concept draws the reader to delving pondering, patterned fluid imagery, the opening is
beautifully envisioned, which in turn creates the compassionate feeling. silver tannins, grains of
sands, every note, every poet, every writer who are, in essence, the axiom; the foundation, the
inspiration of aristry, that which carves the very nature of meaning, heartwrenching in its soft
haunting ambience of caring, as well as understanding, di your story is portrait surrendering, mike
Your streamside obsevations are simply beautiful to the eye in my memory.
For many years I have stared into the glistening water seeing some of
what you have seen in your have added so much more
to my memories eye.