![]() Chapter 2: Creswell Junior School Part 1A Chapter by Ark's storys![]() the gang get to a school and plan out where they will go next. this is part 1 of this chapter.![]() This school gives
me the creep, no that’s not right; this whole town gives me the creeps like,
where are the walkers the government people told us about out in this wasted
land. Did they lie to us? No, maybe there not in this area…. But I can’t let my
guard down… lot like when mum and dad changed.
We set up in the schools hall. We had spent most of the
day going from shop to shop looking for food and water but only found the odd
scrap. We had to break into some local homes where we took some bed mattress
and lade them out on the floor of the hall. I think back to break into those
homes. It didn’t feel right but nick said that no one’s going to tell us off as
there was no one to do so. I’m sitting outside on the grass, well this could have
been a nice field to sit in but now as no one is looking after the grass it’s
become over grown and weeds are everywhere, but that’s not going to stop me
eating the tin of beans that Bill cooked up for me. Though there almost past
there sell buy date, but like all things in this world we can find some way of
making it edible. I remember when we first got put into the ‘safe zone’ as
they called it. “Ha fat good that did” I say to myself. I sit on the
grass for a long time as the sun began to fall below the tall grass. I finish the now cold beans and throw the empty can into
the seemingly endless maze of long green grass. I begin my slow walk back to
the door leading into the hall that we are now calling home. I look round and
find the girls sleeping on their mattress over near the claiming wall. I cast
my eyes over to where Nick and Bill are sitting near a small gas fire that Bill
had set up. Nick looks up as I come in and motions me to come over and be quiet
about it, pointing over at the girls. “They’ve only just got asleep Davie” Bill says in a
hushed voice. “We were just looking over what we have got from the shops. Ha
not a lot” as he shows me what we got. I start to make a mental list of what we
got. 17 cans of backed beans, a load of water bottles, 2 small gas cans,
cooking kit (I got that from a home) and a few other small things. “That’s only going to last us maybe a week” I say looking
from Bill to Nick. Bill pulls out a small map out of his back pocket and
unfolds it, throwing it out all over the hall floor. Bill points to what I can
see in the dim light that says us with a big red box. From that box two lines
went to this large city. As I pear closer to the map I can see the name. “You what us to go to Nottingham? You know that had one
of the first ‘safe zones’ to be over run right? It’s going be a hell hole going
there.” I say to Bill as Nick nods his head as that’s what they told us. Or
maybe they did what happened in Worksop and tried to cover it all up. But I
can’t let that get in the way now. “Bill?” Nick looks at him. “Why do you think we should go
there then?” nick starts to pack the five bags we got and evenly spreading the weight.
“Well I know that there’s a castle in the city right” he
looks down at the map and shows a small red box round a small grass mound and
in the centre read Nottingham castle. “I went there for a school trip like 6
months ago and they had proper weapons and armour there.” I stop him from continuing and say “so let me get this
right. You what to go through a city and go to a castle that might already been
looted, and see what we can get?” I think I just summed up what he what’d to
say. “Cool let’s do it.” Nick looks at us with hunted eyes. “You two are crazy as
hell. We are going to a place only one of us has ever been and not to menschen
the small streets that the walkers could be on.” He takes a deep breath. “And
see if we can play knights and princesses. Well ok I’m going to go but man
that’s a really crazy idea.” He passes our bags to us and then puts the girl’s
bangs near them. “I just don’t know what they are going to say!” looking over
at the girls as he begins to pack away the cooking gear. “Well we will find out in the morning when we tell them”
Bill says as he gets under the covers and starts to drift to sleep. Me and Nick
both start to do the same. But I can’t stop thinking about how the government
have kept us from going out? Why would they do that? Is the rest of the world
fine? But I don’t let it bother me as I drift into a deep sleep. © 2013 Ark's storysAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Ark's storysHinckley, United KingdomAboutso just trying to use my brain to hink up diffrent things. this is going to be cool more..Writing