Break No Oath
A Book by Ari Loo
A pseudo-historical story about a princess from England and one from France who take a daring journey to the Korean kingdom of Silla. Upon their arrival, a war in Korea is brewing.
© 2017 Ari Loo
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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Author's Note
Many things will not be historically accurate! I am keeping the timeline completely ambiguous, so you could picture it as a future that returns to medieval methods of living, or you could view it as an alternate universe. If I mess something up about the Korean culture Please please PLEASE tell me! I want to be as accurate there as possible, and I am doing research as I write, but I have a feeling I'll miss something important!
Ari Loo
I'm currently in both High school and community College, I've only taken one course in creative writing at the college, but I'm planning on continuing what I learned there in my writings here. Critici.. more..