![]() Chapter 2: ActionA Chapter by Willette MitchellEver since the Crystals of the Creator appeared, the merge of Arvandor' Arda and Earth became noticeable. Africa became the center of the world. since it was the doorway to the fantasy realm. Mexico and Australia shifted becoming one with South America. North America, Greenland and Europe are now one and Asia broke off of Europe completely, although some countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey merged with Africa Not only did the merge shifted the countries, the Earth grew
three times its original size and two more moons from the Arvandor' Arda realm
accompanied Earth’s first moon. All of the pollution done by the humans
disappeared, nobody knew how it happened but all the landfills, the damage done
by oil spills and pollution were no more. Yet, even though the merge gave birth to a larger and
cleaner Earth, humanity did not want to share their world or their new found
power with the magical realm. After the Crystals of the Creator landed in
Egypt, South America and Asia their energy granted humans great power and
abilities. The Harah crystal landed in S. America and granted the humans the
ability to shape shift into animals of their choice. The Haali crystal landed
in Asia and humans granted the ability to control shadows as well as blood and
summoning magic. Lastly, the Fisonna crystal powered by stardust, landed in
Egypt and granted humans the power over the elements as well as light. With their new found power the leaders humanity put aside
their petty differences, banded together to cast the mythical creatures back to
their world so they could have full control of the crystals. Thus began the war
between humanity and the mythical creatures. For 10 long years, humans and
mythical creatures have destroyed cities and spilled each other’s blood for
dominance on Earth. In one final strike, the humans planned to take down King
Ulviir' Avel himself. He did not plan to show the humans any mercy, the only
reason why he kept his full power at bay was Adio, Aissa, Conall and Haru.
After the merge of Earth and the fantasy realm, Ulviir' Avel claimed Africa for
his own. He did let the humans who did not wish to fight him live under his
rule and protection. As the guardians of the Creator Crystals he offered the
four of them, as well as their family and close friends, to stay at his castle
and try to convince the human leaders to end the war and make peace with King
Ulviir' Avel. However, the power they received from the crystals drove them
mad. Peace is the last thing on their minds, power and blood was the foundation
of their actions. On the day before the final battle, Adio and the others
stood before the king in one of the palace’s sitting rooms, desperately tried
to talk the king out of using his full power. However, their please fell on
deft ears. “NO! Those fools had their chance at peace and they tossed
it to the side without hesitation! I refuse to hold back any longer at noon
humanity will know to fear me!” “But your Majesty, there has to be another way to solve
this. The only reason why they act like this is that they are afraid of what
has happened. The sudden merge of your world and our world was something that
nobody could prepared for. Moreover, the power of the crystals, they feel like
it’s the only thing that could protect them from you.” Said Aissa, she could
sense to power and rage that emit from his body. King Ulviir' Avel glared at her. “Why are you defending such
low creatures? They know nothing but destruction and greed.” “Because they are humans that are afraid, have you forgotten
that we are humans as well?” Said Haru, as he bravely stepping forward to test
the king he did not even flinch when King Ulviir' Avel turned toward him. His
wife Hitomi and his 15-year-old son Toshi watching him from afar worried. “We
are all well aware that they have caused much destruction and pain, but if you
fight fire with fire everything around you will burn.” The king arched an eyebrow. “Well then, I will make sure
that it is my fire that consumes theirs before they even have a chance to best
me!” Before any of the others could try to convince him King Ulviir' Avel left
the sitting room to ready his army. Haru sighed and sat down next to his wife and son. Hitomi
grabbed his hand and gently squeezed it while her other held onto his waist. “Anata
no saizen o tsukushita, kare wa ōdearuga, dare mo anata no yō ni kashikoide wa
arimasen, Haru.” (You did your best, he may be a king but nobody is as
wise as you are, Haru) She said and gave him a small smile. Haru shrugged his shoulders and looked at Hitomi. “And yet,
my words have fallen on deft ears. We may be humans, but he has shown us mercy
because we are the guardians of the crystals.” “Then, I thinks it’s about time that we start acting like
guardians.” Adio suddenly said, as he smiled at his friends and family. “I know
now that it is up to us to end the war, by using the power of the crystals.” “But how do you expect us do that? We may feel the power of
the crystals but we don’t have the strength to do anything.” Said Conall,
suddenly the doors of the study opened and Baelzea stepped in. “I will help you! The merge of our worlds was not so His
Majesty could wipe out humanity!” He said with a frustrated edge in his voice,
he walked up to Adio and placed a hand on his shoulder. “But we must act
quickly His Majesty will leave to face the humans sometime this evening. By
noon tomorrow the four of you must have the full powers of the crystals and put
an end of the war, before His Majesty destroys everything.” “Great, no pressure
or anything,” Said Conall sarcastically, earning himself a slap upside his head
from Aissa then his mother and father Jess and Solon Smith, “Ow! What was that
for?” “Can’t you be serious for once in your life, boy?” His
father said sternly and shaking his head. Conall frowned at him. “I can be serious everybody in this
room knows that I’m very serious!” Conall exclaimed everybody in the room
chuckled. “Anata wa, yori shinkokuna rīdā yori mo, saibansho no baka no yō ni
furumau” (You act more like a court fool than a serious leader,) Haru
said with a smirk on his face. By now Adio, Aissa and even Baelzea understood
Japanese and they laughed as Conall whipped his head toward Haru glaring at him
as if he was trying to shoot lasers out of his eyes. “Baka!” Conall mumbled under his breath as he rubbed the back
of his head. “Even after ten years of gaining powers, Arvandor' Arda merging with earth, and a war between Ulviir' Avel and humanity you would think that he would mature a little bit.” Said Haru then he turned to Baelzea and asked, “So, how do you propose we save the world?” King Ulviir' Avel and his army left before sunrise, leaving the castle empty, save Adio, Aissa, Haru, Conall and a few servants. The four of them agreed to meet Baelzea in one of the gardens behind the palace so he could explain how he planned to get them their powers. When they arrived, Baelzea stood in front of an archway covered with an over grown rosebush. “Thanks to the merge some of the gateways around the palace
should be activated, so there will be no problem with sending you to the
crystals. When you face the crystals, it is going to take a lot of
concentration to absorb their power. Once that is done, you must stop King
Ulviir' Avel before he wipes out humanity.” Conall cleared his throat and asked, “How long will it take
to absorb the crystal’s powers?” “Well, for Lady Aissa, Lord Conall and Lord Haru I’d say
around half an hour. However, the Fisonna crystal will be a bit difficult for
you, Lord Adio. The stardust in Fisonna is raw power and it will be hard for
you to fully control. If you are not carful you will be consumed and your own
life force taken from you.” Said Baelzea. Aissa squeezed Conall’s hand shooting him a worried glance
toward her brother. “Adio, are you sure you want to go through with this?” She
asked, Adio walked up to her and smiled placing his hands on her arms. He
pulled her into his chest and hugged her, “Aissa, have I ever back down from
anything?” Aissa stepped back scoffing but smiled back at him. “No, but
this different because it’s not like you scrape your knee and just put some
medicine and slap a band aid on it, you may not come back.” Her smile dropped
and tears began to well up and spill down her face. However, before Aissa could
say anything else an angry voice interrupted her. “HOLD IT!” Stomping over to them was Adio’s wife Zarina
dragging her 8-year-old son Dakaria, who looked like he was holding back tears.
“Where do you think you’re going, Adio?!” She demanded normally, Zarina is
quiet and kind. Always thinking about her family and friends before her own
needs…however, get her mad and she is a frightful woman. Adio flashed her a nervous smile and pulled her into a hug.
“Honey, I’m sorry but you know that I have to do this. I have told you that
this is the only way we can stop His Highness from destroying everything.” Zarina shook her head and looked up at him, tears close to
erupting. “But why does it have to be you, why couldn’t Haru or Conall be the
ones to control the Fisonna crystal?” “Because nobody else but him has the strength and will to
hold such a force.” Said Baelzea. “It was the Fisonna Crystal itself that
choose him and once the crystal has chosen a master there is no ignoring it.”
Zarina glared at Baelzea, making the great guardian feel a bit uncomfortable
under her gaze as well. “Zarina,” she turned back to Adio, unable to hold back her
tears as they fell down her face. “I’m sorry Zarina, but please believe me when
I say that I will come back to you and our son, I promise.” His thump gently
wiped away her tears as Zarina tried to compose herself, taking in a deep
breath and then slowly exhaled. Releasing his wife, he turned to his son Dakaria who could
not hold his tears back as well. He hand his sleeve against his nose and sniffed.
“Dad, will you come back?” Adio nodded his head and said, “Yes, and while I’m gone,
will you promise me to look after your mother?” The boy nodded and tried to
smile. “Good boy!” He pulled his son into a hug before handing him back to his
mother. Turning back to his sister and friends they all walked
toward the gate as Baelzea began chanting a spell. On the top of the gate was a
large Lapis Lazuli stone, it began to glow as mist " like light appeared in the
archway. Baelzea did not stop his chanting but reached out with his mind to the others and said, “Lord Conall and Lady Aissa, you two will go through first. But be careful, I can sense some humans guarding the crystal!” Both of them took a deep breath and stepped through the gate, letting the mist " like light engulf them. When Aissa and Conall arrived in South America/Australia, they found themselves standing in front of a towering crystal. They could feel the power flowing from the crystal, through the ground and make its way in their bodies sending Goosebumps. Aissa’s knees began to shake and wobble, her legs almost gave out on her but Conall wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Are you OK?” He asked as she leaned against him. “C " Can we really do this? Can we really absorb all that
power? You can feel its power as well, how can we possibly control so much of
it?” She said, her voice shaking from the awe and fright of the crystal’s
power. Conall was feeling it as well but placed his hands on her
shoulders and turned her so she could look him in the eyes. “Yes, I can feel it
too and it’s freaking me out…but if we start doubting ourselves now then the
world will be destroyed! Do you want that?” He said firmly. The serious look in his eyes caught Aissa off guard, and for
as long as she has known him his has never been this serious and mature about
anything. “Conall…do you really think that we can do this?” She asked. His eyes
softened and he smiled as he pulled her into a hug. “…I have no idea but it doesn't hurt to give it a try!” he
said in his normal childish and upbeat tone making her laugh. “You never change, do you Smith?” He shrugged, “You've known me long enough to answer that
question. But for you, I would do anything.” He stepped back and took Aissa’s
hands into his own. “And when this is all over, I want you to…” “Ustedes dos, congelar!” (You two, freeze!) Before Conall could
finish what he was going to say, 20 or so men armed with guns greeted them, the
leader of the men said, “¿Quién es usted y cómo llegó hasta aquí,
esta es una zona de acceso restringido y los civiles no están permitidas
dentro!” (Who are you and how did you get here, this is a restricted
area and civilians are not allowed inside!) Conall knew what he said but did
not answer him as he held Aissa close. The soldiers aimed their guns at them,
waiting for a command. “Conall, what are we going to do?” Asked Aissa, he looked
down at her and smiled. “Well, first we do what Baelzea told us: absorb the powers
from the crystal, meet with Haru and Adio to stop the King and humans from
fighting. And if we happen to be alive after that…I’m hoping that you will
marry me.” He said, she starred at him shocked at first but then a smile spread
on her face as well. “Well…probably not the best time to ask me this, but if we
do survive this, then I’ll give you an answer, how about that?” she asked and
he nodded his head. “Deal!” he said and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “¿Qué estás hablando? Respóndeme o vamos a disparar!” (What are
you two talking about? Answer me or we will shoot). Shouted the leader again as
him and his men began to inch closer to Conall and Aissa. They took a few steps
back until they were inches away from the crystal. “Aissa, when I tell you to turn around and place your hand
on the crystal, Baelzea said that the crystal should recognize us as the
guardians.” Conall whispered in her ear, she nodded keeping a close eye on the
men and their guns. “Ready…NOW!” Both spun around and placed their hands on the
crystal, just before the soldiers fired a blinding light stopped them. The power that was running though the ground from crystal
paled in comparison to the power that Conall and Aissa felt right now. The
power of the crystal would hit them like a wave crashing against the side of a cliff.
Every wave that hit them became stronger and stronger, making their bodies
shake. Conall looked toward Aissa as her legs gave out from under her, she fell
to the ground but her hand was still on the crystal. He wanted to reach out to
her and make sure that she was safe but his legs would not move. In fact, he could
not feel them at all. After one last was over power the light despaired, and
they collapsed to the ground gasping and panting. The soldiers looked around, confused about what just
happened. They turned toward the crystal and gasped in horror. The bright green
color that the crystal once had was gone, in its place was a green that looked
dull and flat with barely any light shining from the inside. “¿Qué pasó con el crystal?!” (What happened to the crystal?!). Shouted
the leader pointing his gun at Aissa and fired. However, something happened
that neither she nor Conall expected. Everything around them seemed a lot
slower, to a point where they could predicted what was happening before it came
to be. Therefore, when the soldier fired Aissa quickly stood up and snatched
the bullet in midair. Stunned, she looked at the bullet in her hand then back at
the soldier who fired. He was just as stunned as she was, witnessing her fast
reflexes. Just when they believed that, would be the end of any more surprises,
Aissa cried out in pain and dropped the bullet from her hand. Her skin grew hot
as her bones began to shift and snap, and her muscles swell ripping apart her
clothes. The soldiers were too frightened to do anything, they just stood there
and watch the two cry and thrash about from an unexpected transformation. The same thing happened to Conall, looking down at his hands
he watched as they began to transform. His nails grew into long sharp talons,
and green scales appeared up his arm covering his entire body. Most of the pain
came from his back as two large wings suddenly ripped through his shirt. In
addition, from his head appeared two horns that continued to grow. Both were
going through the painful transformation, bones cracking, muscles swelling
scales covering their bodies and growing to an enormous size until they both
finally finished. Standing before the soldiers and crystal were an Emerald
dragon and a Sapphire dragon. © 2014 Willette MitchellAuthor's Note
Added on July 7, 2014 Last Updated on July 7, 2014 Author![]() Willette MitchellHolland, MIAboutI'm a 20 year old Black woman with a love for Fantasy, Romance and Supernatural. When reading my work please just don't focus on the grammar mistakes, I know those exist and will fix them in my free t.. more..Writing