Oh, that's it, Keko. Pass through. Go ahead.
Just walk across my books without a glance,
with all that arrogant insousiance
of yours, encoded in that languid tread.
No, never mind that I've been up all night
engrossed in them. What now? So why the pause?
Ah, now I see. You might retract your claws
in expectation of a fondle-fight.
What must it be, to live a life by whim,
to eat, to sleep, to gambol, amble, bask
as humour takes you, never think to ask
of costs or consequences, to never trim
or balance, need to tack, or double back.
There's no-one holding you to strict account.
You waste your time guilt-free, don't have to mount
defence or mitigation. If you lack
the cares and burdens of my tedious chores,
perhaps there's something else you'll never own
-- a subtle thing called purpose, which alone
gives point to my percentages and scores.
Don't look so smug for landing on all fours!
This ledger's done. I know I have to die,
and that's my tragedy. You, pumpkin pie,
don't have a clue what's coming. And that's yours.