In the clutches of degrading drunken haze,
Disoriented sinew threatens to break free,
From the grips of civil physical space,
Into the realm of unhinged and unruly glee.
A place that sees not certified glamour,
Nor judges the subject wanting to break free,
The very crux of worldly misdemeanor,
Welcomed in the shade of a kind motherly tree.
A haven that grants refreshment before preaching ethic,
Consoling the spirited soul striving to break free,
Showing a view of wealth that awaits resilience epic,
In nurturing embrace that lets stultified eyes see.
Breaking free from the restrictions which life places upon us, is never easy. Everybody, being an individual, deals with it in their own way and sadly, some accept it and don't deal with it at all. Things take place in a drunken haze which would never take place without alcohol being involved. But, there is a welcoming safe haven who judges and this tree wraps the person in a beautiful blanket of peace, so refreshing after what they have been through. Hugging the tree, the person is able to see more clearly and make a decision with regard to their future. Dear poet, please forgive me if I have misinterpreted this wonderfully penned poem. It a compelling write which drew me in when I read the title and held me a willing captive there until I had read the very last word. The words come from deep within the poet's heart, which is kind and compassionate. An exceptionally finely penned poem, well expressed and a gripping write. Thank you so very much for sharing. Every possible good wish too...
Posted 6 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Months Ago
Earnestly and wonderfully reviewed, dear and kindly friend. From what I feel and have gathered, may .. read moreEarnestly and wonderfully reviewed, dear and kindly friend. From what I feel and have gathered, may I gratefully say that I can see the depicted tree as beautifully embodied by you, one who is compassionate, loving, nurturing, soothing and uplifting.... :)
6 Months Ago
Thank you for your very kind words, dear poet. They are too kind, dear friend... :))
Breaking free from the restrictions which life places upon us, is never easy. Everybody, being an individual, deals with it in their own way and sadly, some accept it and don't deal with it at all. Things take place in a drunken haze which would never take place without alcohol being involved. But, there is a welcoming safe haven who judges and this tree wraps the person in a beautiful blanket of peace, so refreshing after what they have been through. Hugging the tree, the person is able to see more clearly and make a decision with regard to their future. Dear poet, please forgive me if I have misinterpreted this wonderfully penned poem. It a compelling write which drew me in when I read the title and held me a willing captive there until I had read the very last word. The words come from deep within the poet's heart, which is kind and compassionate. An exceptionally finely penned poem, well expressed and a gripping write. Thank you so very much for sharing. Every possible good wish too...
Posted 6 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Months Ago
Earnestly and wonderfully reviewed, dear and kindly friend. From what I feel and have gathered, may .. read moreEarnestly and wonderfully reviewed, dear and kindly friend. From what I feel and have gathered, may I gratefully say that I can see the depicted tree as beautifully embodied by you, one who is compassionate, loving, nurturing, soothing and uplifting.... :)
6 Months Ago
Thank you for your very kind words, dear poet. They are too kind, dear friend... :))
I cannot explain why having now read and re-read these words so many times back on back why the message they contain reminds me so much of my own many contemplations beneath a huge Baobab tree in Africa whilst engaged in working at a large psychiatric hospital called Tanka Tanka .. the tree in question was maybe two miles from the hospital & I used to feel compelled to rest in its shade both walking to and from work .. It was only after some time I was told that this particular tree of life is where historically newly captured slaves were held and the soil drank their combined tears and blood .. Anyway, I both digress and blather .. so please accept my apology .. I am so glad I felt compelled to open this particular page ..
Kindest of regards, your literary friend, Neville
Posted 8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Thank you so much for sharing that story which was amazing. Let's hope that this tree had also soake.. read moreThank you so much for sharing that story which was amazing. Let's hope that this tree had also soaked some of their despair in her shade and granted them some level of solace and tranquility at least, like it did for you, dear literary friend.
Warm regards, AR
I hope to find and trust the worth in the things which present in life. I usually like to write rhythmically and metaphorically and I share on here the literature I coin. more..