Chapter Fifteen/Sixteen *Untitled*

Chapter Fifteen/Sixteen *Untitled*

A Chapter by Tsukin Archangel


The day seemed to move slowly, my body aching to see what Darius would teach me. Volt kept giving me looks begging to be told what happened but I hadn’t been able to. I had a feeling that Darius didn’t really want anyone else to know about it, of course that wouldn’t stop me, I just needed a moment away from him.

Finally, I found my chance when Darius went to the library during lunch. Volt sensing what I was going to do followed me quickly to the tree so I could tell her my secrets.

“Okay,” She said when we got there, “Spill, what the heck went on yesterday? What does Darius know?”
“A lot,” I began, “Like everything about my powers. He’s my Anchor.”
“He’s like supposed to be my teacher and like uhm lightning rod, he takes in my excess energy so my body doesn’t like explode.”
“Whoa…explode? Like you can die because of your lil telepathic mojo?”
“Kinda yeah, apparently my powers aren’t meant for our species,”
“So why give them to us?”
“I don’t know.” 

There was a pause and I slapped my forehead, a sudden realization.

“Crap.” I said.
“Darius is supposed to train me after school, but my parents will never let him back in the house.”
“Well…what about mine?”
“Would your dad let you?”
“Yeah, I’ll just text him to tell your parents, they won’t mind will they?”
“They shouldn’t, a day without you drinking all the soda in the house will be great for them.”
“Hey,” She said punching my shoulder lightly, “You all don’t even drink the stuff.”
“Whatever freeloader,” I smiled, she smiled back, then took out her phone and began texting furiously. I watched somewhat amazed by how quickly her fingers moved on that tiny keypad.

“Okay, done we’re all clear, your parents are down and so is my dad, now we just tell Darius.” She said after a few minutes, closing her cell phone with a resonating snap.

We pulled up to Volt’s house at a quarter to four. It was a large building, two stories tall with white walls and a greek façade complete with Doric columns. The three of us got out of the car and walked up the steps to the front door. Volt pulled out her key and stepped inside.

“Mom!” She called, “I’m home!”

We rounded the corner at the end of the hall, the sound of clanking dishes in the air.

“Mom?” Volt called again.
“Over here honey,” Came the sing song like reply.

We entered the living room and looked around, there was no one. 

“Uhm… Volt…is your mom in one of her, er moods?” I whispered.
“Shh,” She scanned the room for any sign of life, “There.”

I dropped to the floor and covered my head with my hands while Volt dove behind the love seat, her mom could to be very strong when she was hallucinating. Soon there was the sound of scratching and punching, the pair coming into view in a flurry of blonde hair.

“Grab the syringe from the table!” Volt screamed, putting her mom into a headlock. 

I nodded and grabbed it, tossing it to Volt. She caught it and stuck it in Mrs. Volt, who quickly became limp. She let go and we all scrambled back, waiting. She began to stir and she looked up at us groggily as if awakening for a dream.

“Oh Volt? What are you doing here so early? Oh and Dare, it’s been a long time,” She stood up, now that she was normal again she seemed utterly harmless, a small lady, with glasses and unkempt hair. She turned to Darius, “And you are?” 

“Darius Breaker,” Darius replied, a pleasant smile on his lips, all charm.

“Oh?” She placed a hand on her chest a look of fake surprise on her face, “Well he’s a cutey Volt, you should go after him instead of-”
“MOM!” Volt said turning red, “The three of us are going to be using the basement so can you tell dad to not go in there for like an hour?”
“Of course dear,” She said

Volt nodded and turned around gesturing to us, already out the door and around the corner, putting as much distance between herself and her mother as she could.

“Coming?” She called out to us.

Darius and I exchanged a glance.

“Yeah,” I replied and the two of us went to follow Volt, my excitement rising as we approached the door. Behind those walls my training would finally begin.

© 2012 Tsukin Archangel

Author's Note

Tsukin Archangel

My Review

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lol the syringe! Loved that part! 100/100

Posted 12 Years Ago

Tsukin Archangel

12 Years Ago

lol ok thanks for reading so much though :3

12 Years Ago

no problem I'll read more some time today (right now gotta go to school)
Tsukin Archangel

12 Years Ago

wooot~ ok

Posted 12 Years Ago

Tsukin Archangel

12 Years Ago

I agree with Amelia Jade.
Dare rocks!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

LOLOL this is a funny chapter

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

:) Think Mrs Volt wasn't all that wrong 'bout Darius. (can't wait to see how it goes behind that wall).Nice

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Haha :) crazy families, gotta love them. But Mrs. Volt, Dare is definitely more awesome then Darius! Awesome chapter and love that it's getting to the action (like training and stuff)!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on May 26, 2012
Last Updated on May 26, 2012



Tsukin Archangel
Tsukin Archangel

Palmdale, CA

Hmm let's see~ I'm 20 (wow I've had this account for a long time) I'm a poet I'm a story writer A singer An amateur Voice actor An anime enthusiast An avid gamer 100% Unadulterrated Me! I wri.. more..
