ARABELLAMORTIMERHENDRY BLOG. 25th september .A Poem by ArabellaMortimerHendryvlog about promoting etc
Afternoon all!!!! :)
This morning was the usual routine for me. As it is with anyone. I got up got dressed, fed the dogs/cats. And then I carried on promoting and editing the chapters of my novel I am writing. I have always liked writing and so I thought I should have a go at it. Little did I know it would turn out to be a 30 page novel ! However I have started to rewrite all of it. This is because I think it will appeal more to the audience ( Which it does) so hopefully you will all like the finished product! I must be doing something right because I have 202 likes on my Facebook page so far! Im a strong believer in starting young to make a better future for yourself. Lets face it when we are middle aged we will or have not the same motivation as we do when we are young. If you want to make a change in the world you have to be that change. If you want to fly then fly and work really hard to get to where you want to be in life. Life is to short to be stuck in a dead end job that you don't like ! Go out there and make something of your life. Do something that will make you happy. To many of us now-days are afraid to fly and so we just follow the flock. Let your soul soar and try new things, go to new places! Everyone goes through the same trials and tribulations in life! so never think that you are alone. :) If you are a reader of my works or my relatives work ( Earl Of Rochester, John Wilmot) please tell me what you think :) Have a nice night xx
© 2014 ArabellaMortimerHendry |
1 Review Added on September 25, 2014 Last Updated on September 25, 2014 Tags: ARABELLAMORTIMERHENDRY AuthorArabellaMortimerHendrylincoln/ west sussex, Chichester west sussex, United KingdomAboutLOVE TIE A BOOK BY ARABELLA MORTIMER HENDRY TYPE INTO GOOGLE FOR MORE INFO X more..Writing |