![]() Biology ClassA Chapter by Arabella Knightfair
~*~ I was sitting at an empty table in room ‘Science 6’. Everyone else was sitting in groups of two to four chatting away waiting for the teacher. I wish Charlotte was here, I started feeling out of place and self conscious of being alone. A group of three girls walked in the room. All had beautiful platinum blonde hair and custom made skirts that matched with each other’s but clearly made them stand out from everyone else. The prettiest girl walked over to an empty table in the middle of the room, she had curled hair that was half tied up and half down. I guessed she was the ‘leader’ because the other two girls followed dutifully. One of the girls had her platinum blonde hair completely straight with a black ribbon head band holding it in place. The other girl had a short bob hair style which was short at the back and long in the front, and curved around her face, it looked quite stunning really. Two boys that were quite cute " I had realized everyone in the school was good looking; it was something I had to get used to - walked up to their table. “Hey Jade,” one of them addressed the leader of the group. ‘Jade’ looked at him, raised her eye brow then carried on talking with the other two girls. The two boys looked at each other. “Oi! Jade! I’m talking to you,” The boy tried again. Jade ignored him and continued chatting about the hottest clothing line. “Hey!” The other boy put his hand on her shoulder. She stopped talking looked at his hand then looked at the boy with death in her eyes. The boy froze; she threw his hand off of her shoulder. “Don’t, you, DARE touch me again!” She said extremely angry but in a low voice. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” The girl with the straight platinum blonde hair said. “Uhh, I j-ju-just wanted to t-talk to J-Jade, that’s all,” the first boy stuttered, shrinking back. I could see that those girls were probably the ‘it’ girls of the school. I noticed everyone in the classroom had stopped talking and was now watching the commotion. “Ha!” the girl with short hair said. “Like your worth her time!” “Back off.” Jade said. The two boys took a step back. “S-Sorry,” they said in unison before they scooted to the back of the room. Jade pursed her lips then started talking to the other two girls again. Everyone in the class went back to talking but I heard whispers. “Wow, Jade’s so hot!” “I know! I would kill to be her friend.” “I love Maddie’s hair! I wish I had the courage to go Victoria Beckham.” I guessed that comment was about the short haired girl. “Vicky is my role model! She’s just so amazing! I love watching her play soccer.” Yep, these girls are definitely the ‘it’ girls of the school. I got my schedule out of my book bag so I could prove to the teacher I was in his class and not some random person. I was rummaging through my bag when the class went quiet and someone walked up to the table I was at; I hadn't noticed at all. “You’re the new girl?” I looked up to find the three platinum blonde girls standing at the edge of my table looking at me. Jade had addressed me. Everyone in the class had fallen silent again and inched forward to get a closer look. Okay, don’t freak out. Don’t insult them, act normal. I swallowed. My mouth was dry and I didn’t trust myself to answer, it might have come out strangled or high pitched and I didn’t want to turn into a laughing stock. So I simply nodded my head not taking my eyes off of hers to let her know I was not afraid of her like the two boys had been; even though I had been extremely afraid at that moment. “Hmm,” Jade said judgingly. She looked at Vicky and Maddie who were standing on her right and raised her eye brows. They nodded their heads as if saying ‘no’. “I thought you would have been more... attractive. Eye catching. ” I looked at her confused. Is she trying to start a fight? “I’ve been hearing all day that there was this absolutely beautiful new girl that had captured the gorgeous Josh’s heart and made friends with the respected and feared Charlotte; the woman that was absolutely unapproachable. She happened to be getting every ones attention so fast, so naturally I thought ‘I must meet this girl and learn her secrets.’” she pursed her lips eying me up and down. “But now that I see you I see that the rumours were just that. Rumours. Rumours that got out of hand and ballooned into false statements.” I was completely insulted at this remark but I found I couldn’t give a reply because I was also extremely intimidated. “You’re not worth our time like we thought you might be,” Vicky said chewing on gum. Jade snorted at this. “She’s just an ordinary girl. She’s not worth anyone’s time. People won’t look at her twice here.” “I guess the rumours started because of the excitement of a late arrival.” Maddie said smugly. They all turned around to walk back to their table. I was absolutely fuming! How dare they talk about me like that! How dare they insult me! I had just been about to defend myself when Jade suddenly turned around, seeing her fierce eyes I immediately decided I could live with her criticism. Pathetic, I know. “Just a warning: Here at Sakura College, Vicky, Maddie and I; Jade, are in control. What we say,” She gestured to herself and the two other girls, “goes. What we want, we get. When we address somebody they know they’re either in a lot of trouble or they’ve done something to please us... although pleasing us hardly happens. My point is,” she walked up to me. “Do NOT get in our way and we won’t look at you twice. If you don’t stay out of our way, then ohh gosh,” she laughed, “we get to have fun. But you, I’m happy to say,” her face turned deadly serious, “will not be laughing.” I stared at her not breaking eye contact or letting any sort of emotion show on my face. Everyone would have thought that was a challenge but really I was unable to say or do anything. This is crazy. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. Jade straightened up, the ‘it’ girls laughed and walked back to their seats carrying on talking as if nothing had been said. Everyone in the class stared at me. I hadn’t been able to say anything. I didn’t even know how to react, so I kept a straight face and stared back at them. Thank goodness everyone immediately forgot about me when someone came running in the room. “Alexander is here!” It was a short girl with short jet-black hair; she had sparkling blue eyes that made you forget she was short because you were immediately drawn to them. Wow, everyone around here has something outstanding about them in the ‘appearance department’. I wonder if I look plain compared to them? “He’s just down the hallway!” She proclaimed. Everyone started whispering; all the girls started giggling and looked extremely excited. “Oh my gosh! Alexander is so hot!” “I feel faint every time I’m around him!” “Why is he the only God at this school? I mean there are a lot of good looking guys but there’s no one as good looking as he is! I swoon every time I see him.” I heard being murmured everywhere. Girls sighed and smiled to each other discussing this guy. While the boys cussed and complained about the guy. I realized they were all jealous of the attention he was receiving when they rolled their eyes and sat down at their desks pretending they didn’t care. “Alright everyone!” Jade said standing up. Everyone fell silent again. She is really starting to get on my nerves, I thought. “Get to your seats and pretend you’re discussing something other than the sexy god that will grace us with his presence soon.” Her eyes were twinkling and I just knew this guy must be the ‘it’ guy of the school. He’s probably the stereotypical jock that goes out with ‘her’. I thought, stabbing the word ‘her’ at Jade with venom. Well either that or this is the guy that everyone wants but Jade will get. I rolled my eyes and got my book out. “Quickly everyone!” Jade continued. I ignored her and started doodling on my book waiting for the teacher who seemed to be late. Everyone was talking low keeping one eye on the door. While Jade brushed her uniform down and fixed her makeup in a small hand held mirror. “Hot?” She asked the other girls. “Totally,” Maddie said. “Def, hun. He’s gonna fall all over himself when he sees you today.” Vicky said reassuringly. Jade smiled, obviously she agreed with that comment. I just rolled my eyes wishing the period would hurry up and finish even though it had barely begun. I focused on my doodling while I pretended not to care who the ‘god’ was, although I started to get excited as the seconds ticked by. I would discreetly look at the door and quickly glance back down at my notebook while waiting; everyone was too busy watching the door to notice though. It was as if everything went in slow motion. A tall guy walked into the room; at first all I could see was a tall somebody with blonde hair but then everybody just seemed to clear a path for him. My stomach started doing flips, my breathing shortened, my mind went blank. It was him. The sexy God I had bumped into in the library. Jade pranced her way up to him smiling. “Alex!” She said as she softly put her hand on his upper arm. I noticed she had called him Alex while everyone else had referred to him as Alexander, I guessed it was what people that were close to him called him. I stiffened as jealousy shot through me like a lightning bolt through water. “How are you today?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “The girls and I saved you a seat at our table, why don’t you join us?” He looked at her with no emotion showing on his face. Jade laughed. “I mean we’re all kind of getting stuck with the work Mr. Vinnell sets us; you know, because he just rabbits on and on not explaining what he means. And since you’re already getting high marks we thought you could, maybe, help us out?” She said seductively, touching his arm as much as she could without crossing the invisible line that said ‘invasion of personal space’. Alexander smoothly, yet discreetly moved his arm out of her reach by brushing his hand through his hair; his muscles flexed through his shirt. I heard all the girls in the room sigh, myself included. Alexander was just about to reply when a big, balding head man walked in the room staring at a piece of paper. He didn’t seem to notice the tension in the class. “Okay students, please seat yourselves.” He said loudly, “It seems we have a new student today.” He continued without stopping. “A... Everleigh Robinson?” I dragged my eyes away from Alexander who had moved down the middle aisle following Jade and looked at the teacher. He was looking around the room. “Everleigh Robinson are you here?” I quickly brushed my fingers through my hair, brushed down my skirt and stood up straight. “I’m here sir,” I said steadily and loudly causing everyone to turn around and look at me. Hearing my voice for the first time seemed to have shocked them. I wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or not. I decided to stick to a ‘strong’ image so the platinum blonde ‘it’ girls would realize I wasn’t someone they could just order around. I didn’t move my eye line from the teacher, I didn’t look at any of the students, I didn’t glance at Alexander, even though in the corner of my eye I could see him looking at me " which made me delightedly happy " and I didn’t falter in answering when Mr. Vinnell talked to me. “Great, could you please bring me your schedule so I can verify that you are who you say you are.” “Yes sir,” I said picking my schedule up off the table. I walked up to him and handed it to him ignoring all the staring and whispering coming from the rest of the class. Mr. Vinnell nodded and gave it back to me. “So you just moved here recently?” He asked. “Yes sir, just a couple of days ago.” I wanted to sit back down; I wasn’t comfortable with everyone staring at me. I was just waiting for my legs to buckle under me. He smiled. “Ahh yes, I heard your father is Greg Robinson the founder of Computer Design Ltd?” People in the class gasped and everyone started whispering. I heard Jade, Vicky and Maddie say in unison, ‘No way’ quietly under their breath. I ignored the reaction. “Yes,” I said simply, implying I would like to get started on work. Mr. Vinnell nodded looking pleased. “Since you have missed a week’s worth of work I’m afraid you might not understand the lesson today,” I nodded my head in agreement. He looked at his notes then looked around at the students behind me. “Ahh,” he said smiling finding the person he was looking for. “Since you achieved the highest score on last Friday’s pop quiz, would you mind terribly if you helped out Miss. Robinson for the next couple of days?” He didn’t mention a name so I assumed he was looking straight at the person he was talking to. I decided not to turn around and just waited for the person to answer. “If you wish sir,” I heard a deep male voice behind me say. He hadn’t sounded too pleased but he also hadn’t sounded completely annoyed either. I guessed he wasn’t fussed. I turned around and walked back to my desk ignoring the whispering and staring. Next thing I knew Alexander sat on the chair next to me. I froze, butterflies found their way in my stomach again, I felt extremely nervous. Right! Jade just mentioned he had the highest score in class. I tried to stay focused and not let him know I was an absolute nervous mess inside. I turned my head towards him and smiled as a thank you. His green eyes stopped me from turning away. Gosh, he’s so... good looking. He smells absolutely intoxicating as well. Now I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to concentrate. Alexander just nodded his head in acknowledgment and got his book out. I glanced over at Jade and her friends. If looks could kill I would have died ten times over. I hid the glee from my face and concentrated on trying to understand Mr. Vinnell. He was talking about human evolution and the ‘Out-of-Africa’ theory. I already had no clue what he was going on about. Throughout the entire lesson I had to ignore death stares from the platinum girls and hurried whispering about my every movement from all the other girls. I wasn’t enjoying it. You would have thought that sitting next to the most sexy guy on earth (I was betting this was true) that had my stomach in knots, would have made me extremely happy. In actual fact I felt like a burden, Alexander had to explain to me everything that Mr. Vinnell was talking about and he didn’t look very pleased about it which also made me feel stupid. I really didn’t like it at all. Occasionally he would point across to my book to help explain what he was talking about, every time he did so I stopped breathing in excitement. As he brought his arm back one time he knocked my pencil and it rolled off the table. I automatically tried to grab it to stop it from hitting the floor, I caught it without much effort, but so did Alexander. I realized I had caught his hand which had caught the pencil. My heart started racing, the butterflies in my stomach erupted even more and I was extremely aware of the fact Alexander was looking straight into my eyes. Time was once again in slow motion and I was having trouble breathing. Pins and needles raced up and down my arm. I let go off his hand. “Sorry.” He whispered and put the pencil on the table without taking his eyes off of mine. I wondered if this was me having the effect on him that he had had on me earlier, I quickly dismissed that idea as I thought it was crazy. I realized my hand was still hanging in the air. “Don’t worry about it.” I said trying to sound cool as I brought my hand down. Alexander didn’t look away and I didn’t know what to do next so I stared straight back at him until I heard Mr. Vinnell slam his wooden pointing stick on a desk. I was vaguely aware of him yelling at someone but I couldn’t make out words. I swallowed and blinked then I turned towards the front of the class to listen to what Mr. Vinnell was saying. I saw him pointing to a picture on a slide show but I wasn’t really paying attention, I couldn’t help but watch Alexander out of the corner of my eye. He was still staring at me and that made my heart continue to race. Then I saw him turn to the front of the class and continue taking notes. I was suddenly able to breathe again and I felt my heart slow down, but the butterflies remained. He’s so sexy, I just can’t concentrate sitting next to him. I want to know what was running through his head just then! Why did he just stare at me like that? I don’t know why but I kind of liked it, I liked the fact that I had his attention, that he was really ‘seeing’ me. Nothing else happened after that, he continued to explain to me what the teacher was saying but he refrained from pointing to my book. I was a little disappointed. When the final bell rang marking the end of the day I saw that everyone felt relieved, as did I. I silently put my books in my bag, so did Alexander. Jade, Vicky and Maddie lingered around their desk pretending they were discussing biology work but I could tell they were waiting for Alexander to head off; Jade kept looking this way. I was about to thank Alexander for helping me when he took a thick book out of his bag and put it on the table. “I think this is yours,” He said pushing it over to me. I looked at the title and realized it was the Shakespeare book I had wanted to get out at the library. “You accidentally gave me this book with my books in the library today,” He said as he put his bag over his shoulder. “I only realized after I had already checked it out. So make sure you hand it back in on time, I don’t like disrespecting the library’s rules.” He was about to walk off so I quickly decided to apologize about my clumsiness. “I’m sorry about that.” I said quickly making him stop and turn his head back. “I didn’t get a chance to properly apologize. So sorry for the library incident, I can be pretty clumsy sometimes; God knows how many times I stand on people's feet or knock things over. I mean I even trip over my... own... feet..." I realized I was rambling on and sounding like an immature kid. He just stared at me not moving a muscle. I wondered if he was trying to compress a laugh but after staring back at him for a few seconds I decided he really just did not care. So I continued, " So yeah... sorry. And I promise I will hand this book in before its due date." I smiled, "Thanks, and thanks for helping me in class today, I would have been completely lost otherwise." He turned around completely. He looked like he wanted to say something but instead he just shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t worry about it,” he said as he walked off. I wondered if that was him mocking me about the pencil incident, I wasn’t too sure. I heard the ‘it’ girls giggled. “Alex!” Jade called just before he walked out of the room. She walked up to him and touched his arm again while talking about something I couldn't hear. I just rolled my eyes, even though I felt jealousy burning inside of me. “Everleigh!” I looked over to the door to see Josh walk in with a huge grin on his face. I smiled, happy to see someone I knew and someone that seemed happy to see me. “Hey!” I said. I glanced over at Jade and saw she was having fun flirting with Alexander. But I noticed Alexander didn’t react to any of it, he was ignoring her flirtatious gestures and glances. He glanced in my direction and our eyes met. I started to get pins and needles everywhere and my stomach once again was going crazy with butterflies. Why does he make me feel like this? Obviously I’m physically attracted to him but this is too much! I can’t take it! I’ve only just met him for goodness sake. “Everleigh?” Josh interrupted my thoughts. I snapped back to reality and looked at Josh. He laughed as he noticed I hadn’t heard a word he had said. “Sorry, what?” “I was asking if your murderer had come back to kill you?” I stared at him completely confused. What the hell... Oh! This morning, I remembered the reception incident. I blushed. “I think he completely got bored of me and even decided to go vegetarian. I can safely assume that he’s picked up gardening; the only thing he will probably kill for the rest of his life will be weeds,” I sighed. “I guess that’s just the effect I have on people.” Josh looked at me for a few seconds before he burst out into loud laughter. “Oh... my... god...” He said through laughs. “She’s beautiful and funny!” “Don’t forget career changing.” We both cracked up. “My, my, my. Josh is actually laughing,” Jade interrupted our conversation. “You never used to laugh like that with me!” She mocked sounding offended. I could see Alexander was getting ready to leave the room; he had an odd expression on his face. “That’s because you bore the hell out of me Jade.” Josh said in a flat tone. I was shocked at the bluntness of his statement. Jade raised her eyebrow. “You can talk.” She said and started to walk off. “You bored me in more than one way.” Josh’s fists tightened and I immediately caught on at what she was saying. I blushed realizing the extent of their relationship that obviously once was and wasn’t anymore. At that moment Charlotte walked in. I silently thanked God for my rescue of an awkward silence. “Charlotte!” I said sounding happy to see her. “Everleigh,” she smiled. “Josh,” she said looking at Josh. Great they know each other I thought feeling happy about this. She frowned realizing the look on his face. “Jade?” She asked glancing over her shoulder at the bouncing platinum bubble head, I laughed inwardly at my description. Bubble head is the perfect nick name for her. He looked at her and nodded his head. He didn’t look hurt, more like upset. “Ignore her; the ‘platinum girls’, as you like to call them, aren’t worth getting upset over.” “Platinum girls?” I asked. Charlotte laughed. “Yes, people have nicknamed them that because of their hair although it also applies to their credit cards their parents gave them; they tend to flaunt them all the time.” “Oh.” I said as I thought of the logicality of it all and the fact that I had unconsciously been calling them that in my head all class. “Anyway,” Josh said, he seemed to have recovered. “Let’s get out of here! Everleigh I want to hear all about you! Charlotte has already told me a bit.” I smiled and followed them out of the classroom. “Okay, what would you like to know?” © 2010 Arabella Knightfair |
Added on December 28, 2008 Last Updated on May 8, 2010 Author![]() Arabella KnightfairAuckland, New ZealandAboutI absolutely love to act, it's my passion and my dream, I don't know who I would be if I didn't have acting. I also like to play the Piano, Sing, Dance and Write. Reading is something I like to do bef.. more..Writing