![]() Sakura CollegeA Chapter by Arabella Knightfair
~*~ ~*~ I was walking down the main path to my new school; I was still in awe at the school uniform. I actually felt pretty in it, I would have to say that whoever designed it thought like a woman; it was comfortable, easy to move in and pretty to look at - well a woman or a teenage girl at least. A red plaid skirt with pleats rested softly half way down my thigh, a cream coloured jacket with a thick collar covered a white collared blouse with short sleeves and black slip on shoes with a small bow fitted comfortably on my feet. They had cream coloured vests to wear in summer as well but I hadn't received mine yet and senior girls also had the option to wear a red plaid tie; this was the senior girls uniform. A black book bag or a black back pack was also compulsory; a book bag swung back and forth in my hand as I walked. Park seats were scattered along the wide path and Cheery Blossom trees were everywhere else. I decided I liked walking to school because of the scenery, it was very calm and peaceful; just the right mood needed before studying. There were a lot of other students walking down the path but not all of them were from Sakura College. I had guessed the intermediate school was probably somewhere around there as well as some of the students looked young. Mum had told me that the intermediate school was called 'Sakura Intermediate' and the reason Sakura College was named so was because there were Cherry Blossom trees all over the campus as well as all around the outer part of the school. That was why I figured the intermediate school was somewhere near. There were pink cherry blossoms scattered everywhere and when the wind blew cherry blossoms followed. After a while the Cherry Blossom trees became less and less until the path opened right out and stopped to reveal a road and high stone walls that lined a smaller footpath on the right. I followed the path until a huge driveway cut in between. The words ‘Sakura College’ were placed high up in golden letters on the wall. “This must be the place,” I murmured. “It's not exactly like you could miss it.” The school gate was open and students were walking in. The driveway extended for a while until it opened up to a large roundabout with a tall fountain. I walked up to the fountain and looked at it for a minute; the statue in the middle was of a beautiful woman with very long hair dressed in a robe that was clasped on both her shoulders and on the right side of her waist. She was looking at a bird that was sitting on her right hand with her right arm stretched in a diagonal position higher than her head. She was poised on her right foot with her left leg pointing behind her. All in all I thought this woman was amazingly pretty and probably an amazing dancer with the graceful way she was sculptured. Water spurted out of the top of her head which made me giggle but the fountain still looked stunning. “Oh right, I've got to find the main reception.” Behind the fountain was an enormous building with cream coloured bricks and dark brown furnishings. “Whoa...” I was amazed at the size of the school as well as a little intimidated. The school looked like a private school then I reminded myself it was a private school. I wonder what the students will be like? I walked up the entrance steps and in through the huge wooden doors into the foyer. An enormous hallway with a cream coloured ceiling and textured ruby red wallpapered walls running from my left to my right greeted me. Intricate designs of ivy wound its self around the edges of the wall where it met the ceiling all the way along. It was amazing. There was a huge opening with couches against the walls and a huge window overlooking a courtyard with grass and flowerbeds ahead of me. I turned right down the hallway where there were signs saying ‘Reception’. At the end of the hallway a sign directed me down a hallway on the left to the main reception. In the middle of this hall it opened up where there were couches against the wall, and a reception where a little old lady sat reading something with enormous glasses on. “Excuse me?” I said to the little old lady. She didn't move. “Excuse me?” I said again. She kept on reading her files obviously unable to hear me. I stared at her hoping she would look up, but she didn't. I looked around the counter to see if there was anything I could do to get her attention. To the far right of the counter next to a small pot plant of a yellow flower was a bell. “Uhh, Hello?” I tried once more. The little old lady kept on reading, so I pressed the bell which made a high ‘ping’ sound and sure enough she looked up in her enormous glasses. “Yes?” She said in a quivering voice. “Sorry to disturb your work,” I smiled politely. “But I'm new here and I was asked to see the principal upon arrival.” “Okay,” She replied then she looked back down at her files and started reading again. I stood there for a second expecting her to look through some papers then escort me to the principal’s office or at least tell me where his office was. But she did none of the sort; she continued to read as if I hadn't said anything at all. “Um, excuse me?” I asked again. “I was wanting you to point me in the direction of the principal’s office?” The little lady didn't look up from her files. “Excuse me!” No motion. I sighed annoyed, and looked around me. There was no one else about. “Damn,” I muttered quietly. I walked down the hallway a little bit more hoping to find a sign saying ‘Principals office’, instead I came to more empty hallways leading to class rooms and stairs. I decided not to wander around in case I got lost. I figured all of the students were making their way to the main Hall the principal had told my mum there was an assembly where every student was to attend every Monday morning. I walked back to the reception and hopelessly tried to ask the receptionist again. “Excuse me? Could you please point me in the direction of the principal’s office?” I asked very loudly. She didn't even blink. Is she still alive? I wondered as she read her stack of papers. “Excuse me?” No answer. “Hey!” Still none. I looked left and right to make sure no one was there. “Oh my God! Quickly! There's a fire!” I said as if I were really panicking. Nothing. “Hey! I said there's a fire and we're going to burn to death if we don't get out” I said louder. I stood there blinking at her waiting for her reaction. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. “Help!” I said dully. “I’m on fire and burning to my death...” The little old lady continued to read her papers. “This is hard.” I frowned. I tried again. I went and stood in the right hallway out of her sight. I double checked again to make sure there was no one else around. I slowly breathed in and out then I dashed to the receptionists counter as if I were being chased. “Oh my God please help me!” I said in a panic. “There's a man coming after me! He has a knife!" Pause. No reaction. "I was minding my own business looking for the principal’s office when he came out of nowhere brandishing this butcher’s knife around! HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!” I yelled the last part. The little old lady yawned. Did she hear me? She ran her hand through her short curly gray hair and then continued to read. Damn it! She must be mostly deaf. I then pretended someone was trying to drag me away from the counter and down the left hallway. “PLEASE!” I said loudly. “HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!” No movement. “SAVE ME!” I let go of the counter and flung myself to the ground. I sat there waiting for the little old lady to jump up and call the police. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Nothing. Tick tock. No jumping. Tick tock. No police. Tick tock. No movement. Tick tock. At all. Tick tock. I got back up and looked at her. “She hasn't even moved,” I murmured. I sighed loudly and hung my head. Suddenly I heard someone crack up laughing behind me, they started to clap. I froze. Someone else saw me? Blood rushed to my cheeks. “Great performance,” A deep voice said behind me still laughing. “How entertaining.” I turned around blushing madly. A male in the senior school uniform walked towards me his short brown curly hair lightly bounced up and down and I couldn’t help but look into his amazing brown eyes. He was quite cute but I hadn't noticed that yet, I was too embarrassed by being seen trying to escape a murderer when there was clearly no one chasing me, to notice. “Ha... ha... ha...” I said meekly too embarrassed to say anything else. He laughed again. “I was on my way to collect some forms when I heard you yelling at Mrs. Finlay,” That's the receptionist? I thought. “I figured she had forgotten to put her hearing aids in again and I decided to help out. I expected to find a new young junior but instead I come across a beautiful young lady... yelling for her life and trying to get away from a butcher knife-wielding murderer,” I suppressed a laugh while imagining it. He grinned. “So... ah... where did this guy go? Can I help in anyway?” He looked around completely serious. I smiled feeling like a complete idiot. “Ah... yeah... I think he decided I wasn't worth the taking when the receptionist didn't bother to save me... or even raise her head,” I said slowly, grinning. He started to laugh again. “I see.” I laughed. I wanted to rewind time and erase my embarrassing moment. “Well since that's all sorted may I ask what it is that you were wanting to ask Mrs. Finlay?” “Yeah, I'm new here and I was asked to see the principal when I arrived, but I can't seem to find his office... or someone able to direct me in his direction.” I answered. “Ahh well it just so happens I was on my way there now to collect those forms I mentioned. I'll show you the way.” He smiled. “Great! Thank you!” I finally noticed he was really quite cute. He was a head taller than me with a strong looking face and kind eyes. “Mrs. Finlay,” He said loudly but calmly, nothing like my panicked situation at all. Amazingly the little lady looked up. She smiled seeing who it was. “Ahh Joshua, how may I help you?” She asked sweetly, completely unaware of my 'performance' that had happened in front of her a few minutes before. “I think you’ve forgotten to turn on your ears this morning.” He laughed jokingly. “Huh?” She blinked a couple of times. “What was that dear? I didn't hear you.” 'Joshua' didn't have time to answer. “Oh! Hold on dear,” She said as she fumbled with something placed behind one of her ears. “What was that? I seemed to have forgotten to turn on my hearing aids again,” I giggled behind Joshua. He smiled. “I wanted to know if Mr. Price was in his office?” “Yes dear, he's in there waiting for a new student to arrive.” Must be me, I thought. “Alright-y, thanks Mrs. Finlay.” “No problem deary.” She smiled. He smiled back and turned around to walk down the left hallway, back the way I had come. “This way,” He said. I followed. He went to the end of the hallway and instead of turning right back towards the foyer he turned left and went up the stairs. At the top of the stairs he went straight ahead. The hallway opened up like it had for the reception down stairs, it had couches against the walls as well except there was no counter. Instead there was a door with a big sign clearly saying 'Principals Office'. I smiled sheepishly thinking I could have avoided the whole performance downstairs by going straight up the first staircase I had seen. Joshua knocked on the door a couple of times and then entered. I followed him in. The office had maroon wall paper with a shiny gold pattern covering it, tall windows with long cream curtains and two tall plants sat on either side, and picture frames of various certificates hung on the walls. A big wooden desk sat in the middle of the room near the back and a golden plaque with the name 'Kernan Price' sat at the front in the middle of it. A man in a suit, around the age of fifty was sitting at the desk writing on a piece of paper. He looked up when we both entered the room. “Ah Joshua, wanting the Sports forms I guess?” He said to Joshua. “Yeah,” “They're right here.” He opened a draw in his desk and took out a pile of paper. He studied the top piece of paper for a second before handing the pile to Joshua. “Great! Thanks,” Joshua said taking the pile. “I found this lady-” he said gesturing to me “-down stairs trying to get Mrs. Finlay's... attention, I guess,-” he murmured the last part “-when I was on my way here. She said she was new.” “Ahh right! Thank you. I've been meaning to get someone in to put that 'Principals office' sign back up, downstairs. Come forward Miss,” Mr. Price said smiling. I stepped forward. “Everleigh I presume?” “Yes! “I said I little too excitedly. “I mean 'yes',” I said calmer. “Everleigh,” I looked at Mr. Price, “I'm Everleigh,” I said but the second time I addressed it more towards Joshua than the principal. Joshua smiled. “Nice to put a name to the... actress,” He grinned. I blushed as I laughed feeling like an idiot again. He put his hand up to shake, “Call me Josh,” He smiled. His teeth were perfect. I shook his hand politely still feeling embarrassed. “Cool.” “Great and you may address me as Mr. Price,” Mr. Price said. “Thanks Josh for helping out Everleigh here.” He said in a tone that obviously meant 'Hurry back to class before the bell rings for school to start'. Josh smiled and nodded understanding the tone. “See you around.” He said to me as he left. “Right, let’s get you sorted Miss. Robinson.” Mr. Price said. It had taken another ten minutes in Mr. Price's office before I was escorted to my home room; he had given me my schedule and a map which I had gladly taken. I knew I would get hopelessly lost if I didn't have one as the school was extremely large. I was standing outside the room 3L which was on the left side of the school. We had walked up a flight of stairs and around a lot of corners to get here so I knew I was already lost. “Everleigh, please do come in and introduce yourself,” A beautiful lady with short red hair said. “I'm Miss. La Shaye and I’ll be your homeroom teacher for the year.” I smiled. “Great, please look after me.” Miss' La Shaye laughed. “Of course,” We both walked into the room where there were about twenty students already quietly talking to each other. “Class, please be quiet. I would like to introduce you to a new student,” she looked at me expectantly. I smiled and introduced myself. “Hey, I'm Everleigh and I just moved here from Roundlake City a few days ago. I hope to settle down here fast so if any of you see me looking lost it would be greatly appreciated if you would come up and say hi because I'm pretty sure I will get lost at least... every time I turn a corner in the next few weeks. Seriously this school is huge! It's amazing!” The class laughed. I went to sit down at a desk near the window while everyone followed my every move. Don't trip up, I thought a little intimidated; everyone looked like they were waiting for me to fall. Calmly, slowly, gently. Now smile. I sat down at my desk and put my book bag next to my chair. People started to look away as Miss. La Shaye started talking about littering. The bell rang for first period. Everyone immediately got up and started chatting to their friends while walking off to their next class. I looked at my schedule to see what I had. Drama " Drama Suite 3 " Mrs. Gregory. “Okay,” I said quietly as I got out the map I was given. I walked out of the class room and stood to the side studying it. “Um, excuse me?” I heard a sweet voice say. I looked up from the map to see a very beautiful girl standing in front of me her deep green eyes staring straight at me. Her dark brown hair slightly shifted as she peered over the map to look at me. She made the school uniform look like an outfit made for the cat walk. I was jealous already. “Yes?” I smiled. “I thought I would introduce myself since you were new.” How sweet. “That's nice, thanks,” I smiled. “I'm Everleigh,” I held out my hand for her to shake. She took it and smiled, she looked like an angel. “I'm Charlotte,” she said in a soft voice. “It's nice to meet you.” “Thank you.” She’s so polite. “What class do you have first?” “Oh Drama in Drama Suite 3,” I replied. “Really?” She sounded excited. “Yeah,” I showed her my schedule as proof. “Oh my gosh! We have nearly all of the same classes,” She said as she studied it. “Really?” I asked starting to feel a little less nervous. “Yes, we both take Drama, Music, English Literature and Art at the same time.” “Wow that's great!” I smiled. “That means I have Biology by myself.” Charlotte nodded. “That's when I take Fashion Design.” “Wow! That sounds cool.” I had always wanted to do fashion design but my other schools hadn't offered it as a subject so I was unable to take it as I wouldn't be up to the standard of work. “Come on, I'll show you how to get to Drama Suite 3,” she sounded excited as she linked her arm into mine and nearly started skipping down the hallway with me. I had to admit I really liked this girl, she was friendly and seemed like someone to look up to; probably because of her manners and this amazing 'air' you felt around her. Charlotte had taken me around to all of our classes and promised to help me catch up the week of work I had missed. At first break she had taken me around only quarter of the school since that was all the time we had. Sakura College was enormous, beautiful and well achieved. I felt like I was in a palace more than a school; the historic structure and architecture took me back to Victorian times. I absolutely loved the feeling I felt when I walked through the halls and every time I looked out the window cherry blossoms were slowly floating past in the light breeze; it was nostalgic. At the beginning of lunch Charlotte and I had just gotten out of English Lit. I had guessed we were heading to the cafeteria as I followed Charlotte. “Shakespeare always makes me swoon,” Charlotte said with a smile on her face. I silently laughed and agreed; even though Shakespeare was something I wasn't exactly good at. I always had trouble understanding what he was saying. “Yeah, I guess. Where is the cafeteria?” I decided to change the subject. “I'll show you,” Charlotte smiled. I followed her as she headed down a flight of stairs. I had no idea in which part of the school we were, I didn't even know in which direction the front of the school was. After we walked around a few more corners and through one of the main courtyards that the school surrounded, " there was another one somewhere " we entered a huge room with tables and chairs everywhere. It was packed with hundreds maybe even over a thousand students, yet the room didn't feel squashed. Charlotte led me to the shortest line that led to the food counter while I looked at the menu and tried to decide what I wanted. Chicken sandwich or macaroni and cheese? The line went down pretty fast; it amazed me. “Good afternoon Charlotte,” a few junior girls walked up to us. “Good afternoon,” Charlotte smiled sweetly. “I just wanted to say thank you for helping me out on Friday,” a short girl with freckles said shyly. She was slightly blushing; I realized these three girls thought of Charlotte as a role model. “That's alright, I was glad to help.” she assured the girl. “But it was bothersome and my father yelled at you.” the freckled girl replied. Charlotte laughed and the junior girls blushed a little more. “Don't worry its fine. I understood why he raised his voice and he understood the situation in the end; he did apologize. You're father is quite a nice man Lisa, I can tell he loves you a lot.” she said warmly. “Th-thank you.” the freckled girl stuttered. Charlotte smiled again and the girls blushed once more. I enjoyed watching it. Charlotte must be a pretty commendable person. I suddenly felt proud to call her a friend. I smiled to myself. “I hope you have a good afternoon.” Lisa said. “You to Lisa.” Charlotte replied and the girls pranced off looking ecstatic. “How sweet.” I said. Charlotte looked at me and I merely smiled. I ended up buying myself a chicken sandwich while Charlotte claimed she had brought lunch to school with her while she pointed to her book bag. “Where a bout do you usually eat?” I asked curiously. “Come on, I'll show you,” She led me out of the cafeteria and past the second courtyard which had beautiful flowers planted everywhere. Students were sitting on picnic blankets on the grass talking and eating or sitting on the outdoor benches. “Good afternoon Charlotte.” a younger boy said as we passed him. Charlotte smiled. The boy seemed extremely happy with this as we heard him say 'Did you see that! I told you she knows me!' to his friends as we walked away. “Hi Charlotte,” A girl our year said shyly. “Good afternoon Eliza,” Charlotte replied as we walked passed, but we didn’t stop to chat. “How are you Charlotte?” A boy a year below us asked as we were walking up to him. “I'm fine thank you Todd, how are you today?” “I'm good.” He smiled. “That's great,” Charlotte said and the boy turned around and scooted off down the hallway. I realized a lot of people respected her but I started to wonder where her friends were, she didn't seem overly friendly with anyone. “Charlotte,” I said wondering how to word the question. “Yes?” “Umm, where are your... close... friends?” She looked at me a little shocked. “I mean,” I said hurriedly, “you seem to know a lot of people and I can see there are many that look up to you but no one... that really...” I didn't know how to phrase it. “You know?” I ended lamely. She laughed quietly and continued walking. “I suppose I don't have any 'close' friends in the way you are referring,” “Huh?” “My family has quite a bit of money, and power. My dad started and owns the biggest financial company in the world,” my mouth dropped. “Because of that a lot of people see me as someone 'better' than them or a threat to them. Some treat me like royalty; they think they aren't good enough to even talk to me let alone be friends with me, others try and avoid me, neither acknowledging I'm there or seeing me,” I suddenly felt sorry for her. “I know it's because they think if they hurt my feelings or make me angry my father will crush their parents’ finances and their lives " or something crazy like that. He does have a temper sometimes but I would never allow him to do something so low for such a pathetic reason. A lot of people here don't understand that. They don’t understand me, so they treat me differently and I respect that, I respect everyone here, but... I wish they would treat me normally.” I realized feeling pity for her was insulting her. I felt ashamed. When she said all of this I noticed there wasn't an ounce of irritation or anguish in her voice. She truly understood their reactions. “I used to have a really close friend but she ended up transferring schools all of a sudden because her family moved. Unfortunately we lost contact.” “I'm sorry,” I said wishing I hadn't asked. “Don't be!” She said cheerily. I smiled at her immediate change of attitude. “Alright. And I'll be your friend! I'll treat you normally don't you worry about that,” I laughed. Charlotte blinked a few times then a huge grin spread across her face. “I'll hold you to that.” And we both laughed. We came to a huge door that had a wooden archway with trees and leaves engraved on it. I had come to realize that the school had a theme of nature, it was interesting. It was a very beautiful piece of art work. “We're here,” Charlotte smiled warmly. I could tell she liked this place a lot. It was the school library and it looked huge - tell me something I didn't expect - There were three levels of bookcases on the walls with ladders and balconies at each floor, while large bookcases were in rows throughout the whole room. We walked past the front desk and went to the back somewhere. She led me to a table in between two bookcases; a huge window was on the wall next to it with Cherry Blossom trees right outside the window. I immediately liked it too and I had only just seen it for the first time. It seemed peaceful and relaxing. We sat down. Charlotte carefully got her lunch out of her bag and I quietly ate my chicken sandwich. “I come here every break and lunch time. I love it.” She smiled. “I like it too, it feels nostalgic.” After we had eaten I decided to take a look around to see what kind of books the library had. I told Charlotte I would meet her at the table just before lunch ended, she said if I wasn't there five minutes before the bell she would come looking for me just in case I was lost. In the school library. Never to be found again... I laughed at this, Charlotte was funny as well. While I was looking at the books on acting on stage I noticed there was a book on Shakespeare and how to understand the way his plays were written. Since I was hopeless at Shakespeare I decided to have a look at it. I reached up to get it out but unfortunately it got stuck and it was too high up for me to use both hands. So I took my arm down to give it a rest and I tried again. I pulled on it with all my strength and it started to slide free. “Yes!” I said gasping as I pulled. It slowly came out, inch by inch. Until suddenly it was loose. I fell back a step at the force of the pull and knocked right into someone behind me making books fly everywhere. “Oh my gosh!” I gasped. “I'm so sorry!” I quickly ran around picking up all the books I had knocked from the person’s arms. I noticed the books were on historic Kings and Queens of all countries, I found that interesting. I looked at the person I had knocked. It was a boy with blonde hair. He looked masculine from the back; I couldn't see his face as he was picking up books I had made him drop. I went to pick up the last book at the same time as he did and our hands touched. For a split second an electric current shot up my arm sending butterflies to my stomach. I froze and looked up at the boy. I realized he wasn't a boy. He was older, more mature, maybe nineteen and he was in the senior school uniform. I was captivated by his amazing sparkling green eyes. I noticed he had a square jaw, perfect creamy skin, his muscles could be seen through his school shirt as it hugged him and his hair was surf-y looking, meaning kind of long and messy in the absolutely sexy way. I had frozen. My stomach was going crazy with butterflies, my breathing had shortened, my mind had gone blank, and I had completely forgotten where I was, who I was and what I was doing. All I could see was this absolutely gorgeous guy in front of me. He was sexy! Oh God! He is soo sexy. Someone catch me before I faint! He looked like a God - if you had to describe him in words. He looked at me for a second before he picked up the last book. He stood up and so did I not able to take my eyes away from his. I only came to his shoulders. He gave me a puzzled look as I stood there staring at him. I suddenly remembered I was holding his books. I handed them to him still not able to take my eyes off of his face. “S-sorry” I said mesmerized as he made sure he had all his books. I sounded like I had just met the Prince of England and I was in shock. “Yeah, don't worry 'bout it,” he said emotionless. His deep voice echoed in my head and made my legs wobble. He walked off not realizing the effect he had on me. Maybe he had realized but just didn't care. The thing that made me sad was that I realized I hadn't had any effect on him; at all. He hadn't been stopped by my beauty, he hadn't felt like he had met a goddess when he looked at me - well he hadn’t shown any sign of thinking that when I most likely had it written all over my face - and he didn't even flinch at the electric shock he had given me; he probably didn't feel it now that I think about it. All I knew was that I wanted to see him again. Someone put their hand on my shoulder and I jumped in fright. I had been so preoccupied that I hadn’t even heard Charlotte come up behind me. “Whoa sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She said. “D-don’t worry about it,” I replied. Charlotte looked at me. “Are you okay Everleigh?” “Huh? Yeah, yeah I’m good. Sorry.” “Well come on I’ll take you to your biology class so you don’t get lost. Again.” she teased. I had told her everything about that morning with the receptionist. She had found it hilarious but promised not to bring it up again, well after the end of the day that was. I smiled, my head still felt a little blank. “Biology, right.” “Are you sure you’re okay?” “Yeah! Yeah I’m fine, I just... feel overwhelmed.” “Ohh okay, yeah this school does that to new students; especially the library.” She said not realizing that wasn't what I was talking about at all. She started to move in the direction of the entrance. I suddenly realized I wasn’t holding the Shakespeare book any more. I looked around on the ground to see if I had left it anywhere but it was nowhere to be found. “What are you looking for?” Charlotte asked when she turned back around noticing I hadn’t followed. “Umm,” I said confused. “I had a book...” I looked around again. “But... it’s gone.” She laughed. “You probably put it back not realizing. You did look pretty out of it when I found you.” “Yeah... maybe...” Or I accidentally gave it to that God of a man that was walking around here a moment ago. I frowned. He’ll probably put it back when he realizes it isn’t one of his books, I thought as I followed Charlotte to class. © 2010 Arabella Knightfair |
1 Review Added on December 28, 2008 Last Updated on May 8, 2010 Author![]() Arabella KnightfairAuckland, New ZealandAboutI absolutely love to act, it's my passion and my dream, I don't know who I would be if I didn't have acting. I also like to play the Piano, Sing, Dance and Write. Reading is something I like to do bef.. more..Writing