Absolutely love the power and the tenderness of this write Arabdha. The imagery was colorful and crystal clear. Change is not always easy, in fact may times it is excruciatingly difficult...but so very often, change is necessary for the completeness of our souls and our being. I must admit I read this a few times for no other reason then it felt and sounded good flowing from my mouth. I love when poetry makes me feel that way. Very heartfelt and honest. Beautifully written.
thanks for sharing Arabdha
Life can bring so many changes and experiences. With each change and experience we discover our gifts and our potentials. Is this kind of thing that makes us unique individuals to share such beauty as the hands that wrote this master piece. :)
The evaporating loneliness of a darkend world... how beautiful the thought.
I ponder, is this possible? As I convince myself that anything is... if our creator has it in the plan, it is.
I adore the verses here, the powerful word images that play through... the hope at the end that all is well and will soon be.
The color of red sets me off just a hair, however... This is a wonderfully written piece - you shouldve placed first.
It would be a compliment to me if you would place this in the Enlightenment contest of the group Poetic Infusion Society. I believe the world needs to hear these things.
A poem that resonates universally for many people. The life unconsidered is not worth living, said Socrates. Poets do more of that than most.
Good poem, well-written,appropriate voice that was well-maintained.
Stunning effort In 20 min !, all things softly changing over time,blending, merging back into the universe from which a new masterpiece of creation arises...such a subtle flow in this poem.
Wow, the fact you wrote this so quickly shows how astounding good you are. The use of the partial-refrain of images of progression is masterful. The philosophy within this is stunning. You capture the day expertly in these words.
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i am 23..a thinker and a dreamer..life is hard..and i'm just fumbling my way through it..writing is my constant companion and escape..
I write likeAgatha ChristieI Write Like by Mémoires,.. more..