You Are More Than You Know

You Are More Than You Know

A Poem by Draven

She sits by the window and watches the rain.
Each drop is a piece of her heart,
the essence of what makes her who she is.
But who is that really?
Who is she really?

The soft pitter patter on the glass,
held within the iris of her ever searching eyes.
They seek out the meaning in all that she has become.
She doesn't know how much she really means,
unaware of the smiles she paints across the broken faces
that hardly remember what happiness is.

Doubt and uncertainty cling to her neck
like the arms of a dying enemy, refusing to let her go.
She is more than she could ever know
and yet the sun does not peer over the horizon.
Not in her world - I only wish I could show her….

© 2016 Draven

Author's Note

A piano instrumental made me think of this, my Beloved Sami by the window, still unaware of just how much she really means, how much she is truly worth.

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This is a very visual poem and also allows readers to hear the rain. I love the auditory used in the second stanza with the first line. Also, I can imagine this as a scene in a movie.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Ya, I heard the song with the same title. And I just imagined it as if she was in a movie. But, she .. read more

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1 Review
Added on June 30, 2016
Last Updated on June 30, 2016



Mount Sterling, KY

Hi, I'm Draven. I'm a father, philosopher, artist, writer, poet, and musician. I have a passion for the world and a deep love of all people in it. These are pieces of poetry or bits of writing t.. more..

Acknowledgements Acknowledgements

A Chapter by Draven

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Draven

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Draven