Yip...it cirtain looks like one of those days. I hope it got better, a very good write showing how things all add up, into what feels like the waight of the world upon us. A great Write.
Great fun, with a wry or should that by wit-on-rye undertone. I like the mould detail. But it is the feeling that life is trying to get you with a zillion little annoyances that comes across best. Tightly written and I like the title which stood out in my read requests.
Yip...it cirtain looks like one of those days. I hope it got better, a very good write showing how things all add up, into what feels like the waight of the world upon us. A great Write.
Can't be all bad when it leads to a picture perfect poem such as this. A tribute to the frustrations in life that serve to detour us around the concept of perfection. But, oftentimes the detour brings us past some of the most remarkable scenery.
So sorry for your trouble(!), but so glad you have the heart of a poet to take a seemingly bad day and turn in into something so unique and emotionally connecting. I could see and feel each troubled turn, those omens you describe. Love each description!
This is delightful. You paint a vivid picture that one can see - indeed today was full
of broken eggs, mouldy
crusts and toast falling
butter side down on the floor
A delightful read with a wonderful flow, albeit, I would change the inversion 'thought I' to 'I thought' as everything else is so natural. I think this is one of those poems where the lines stay in your thoughts long after and you find yourself saying 'I had a mouldy crust' day today.
This is a charmingly written story that evokes my sympathy.
There are indeed these days that happen to us and they are indeed terrible. All we can really do is hope that tomorrow will balance it out; that's meant to be the way things work out, right?
Beautifully written, whimsical, funny and touching all at once...
Mouldy crust... hmm.. ok
Broken egg.... can live with it
But butter side down... definitely not a good sign
And a trail of white pearls... well, it's all downhill from there...
As always, great imagery laced with your beautiful sense of humor. Smile for the camera :)
Ah yes, you are so good at what you do
I found myself laughing and wanting to cry for you
Your description of the spilt milk as a 'trail of white pearls' was
so different and gave me an immediate mental picture, really liked that
Any day that begins with broke eggs and mouldy bread 'can' be a bad one but....
Thanks for the great read,
Wow - I think this means you hit the drive thru! Yes, I do have days like that and say ok, now, ok, now.... ok, I am going out.... I wanted a salad yesterday - the lettuce was too wilted, the celery drooped in four directions, the carrots were white and icky..... only this much dressing.... I said Kath, go to the store already....
I love words and I like to write poems. Sometimes words just come and I don't know where from but I write them down anyway. There's something very powerful in the written word. It shows you where y.. more..