Wow, this is once again beautifull, I feel blessed to be the first to check this
'I find you nestling, among cereal packets'
I love this and you have a diff but equally effective way of expressing your feelings
The dark as opposed to light print, is there some sort of sig., of course there is
one is before and the other now......... please explain to me further
Thank you April Child
'Opening a cupboard I find you nestling among cereal packets' is wonderful, very amusing. The whole middle verse is great and there is a serious intent in the last verse. The write of someone in the 'love loon' phase of a new relationship!
This is just so perfectly expressed...though this is a personal piece you have written it so that others can see themselves in this as well. I have lived moments like this myself. There is a tenderness here that just lingers.
Simple thoughts and feelings so elegantly expressed with a clear, natural flow... a beautiful trbute to a beautiful love... a fortunate man indeed. For what it's worth, while reading this, I heard a small brook, bubbling in the background... haha... have no idea what that was about... just my experience, but it was a beautiful one! Words are well appointed and fit very nicely. Great job/
Very nice, a personal flash, a photograph. Ah, how I wish I could experience the feeling sometime soon! Love the last stanza, "I want to / know all the / little things".
Beautiful and soft and sweet... Love the movement of your words as you walk through your morning. So deeply personal; I almost feel as if I'm seeing something I shouldn't! Very well done!
I love words and I like to write poems. Sometimes words just come and I don't know where from but I write them down anyway. There's something very powerful in the written word. It shows you where y.. more..