Wow, this is once again beautifull, I feel blessed to be the first to check this
'I find you nestling, among cereal packets'
I love this and you have a diff but equally effective way of expressing your feelings
The dark as opposed to light print, is there some sort of sig., of course there is
one is before and the other now......... please explain to me further
Thank you April Child
Posted 16 Years Ago
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This is so beautifully random again! I wish I'd thought of this concept. I have tons of little stanzas of romance that just doesn't fit anywhere in my writing as complete. I love this premise and you do it so well. As I can see, it's being taken to. I think the dope thing about it, is that it gives three different short storied visuals of love! It's a 3 for 1 special! Very clever, very precise and wonderfully beautiful!
"My people" see me in all those nice cute places too... the gutters, the bin out back, the ran over skunk on the road... hey wait! Those aren't as nice places as your's huh?
Oh well, I still love your poem.
I wish someone could just see me
for who I am.
you've captivated the feeling of falling in love perfectly... when you find that someone special seems they always linger in your mind no matter where you go or what you do and I love the last few lines b/c that is the best part of love.. finding out the little things no one knows about each other.. getting to really know them deep. Awsome piece!
very telling of a longing heart. it would be nice for someone to feel that way about me.. wow.. that was very good and as good as the first one. It does have that sad note of being unfillfilled with his presence but still a very beautiful poem!
I absolutely LOVELOVELOVE this! It's so romantic, but not in an in-your-face sweeping and grand kind of way. It's very subtle and controlled, which honestly makes the emotions appear more genuine than those that go on and on about the majestic love we share, yada. To see that someone in the most mundane things is what you have evidently attempted to portray here, and this effect makes the love more credible, and therefore so much sweeter.
what is it with you and all the amazing love poetry? sometimes i think the best heart prose comes in small doses. love is powerful... drawing it out maybe stretches a good thing too thin.
these doodles are still beautiful and sweet without getting too saccharine.
I love words and I like to write poems. Sometimes words just come and I don't know where from but I write them down anyway. There's something very powerful in the written word. It shows you where y.. more..