Nice analogy. I have a different view of waves as a surfer. Some people see the piece of Greenland (?) that is supposed to fall off and send a 100-400 foot tsunami towards the East Coast as a disaster. I kind of see it as an opportunity. I so hope that I can come back to live and see if I can live through a great surfing adventure. It is also a disaster.
Beautifully written, and a very nice picture! That makes me miss the West Coast of Central America!
I like this. Unfortunately it tells a real truth. Life keeps moving, no matter what else is going on, and obviously, something was happening in your life. It's an important lesson that you wrote of so well. Rain..
Tis sad you are in a pickle and the feeling you describe so accurately is unpleasant. But as you say in the poem it does pass. And that line in the poem 'the fridge still hums' I love for its wry humour and the sharpness of the observation. I can hear the fridge and almost feel the impression it makes on you as your senses pick it up, along with the significance of it. The end of the poem is starkly sad though as the orgiginal mood has another tug at you. Time to take the dogs for a walk perhaps.
This is a good purge of emotions - it is hard to believe that regular stuff just happens when your heart is twisting and your brain is still asking what happened?! Life will go one and things will get better or they will get different. Think of new possibilities - think of positive changes - think of giving the socks to the Goodwill. I know the need to pace and throw up your hands - you will be a pile of tears and a ball of rage (once I get to the mad stage - I am usually better ... the how dare he think it was ok to.....) Hope this helped you.
I love words and I like to write poems. Sometimes words just come and I don't know where from but I write them down anyway. There's something very powerful in the written word. It shows you where y.. more..