Life continues to unfold as she discovers herself with each alluring indigo sunset and seductive dawn, blushing sometimes...
In modesty she unravels kindness and gentility that chaos dare not destroy...
For her strength reigns...
'If I were another persona, who would become me?' --a passionate red rose coveted with prickly thorns of yesterday... She welcomes them...
She is
especially on Sunday...
She is Venus and Aphrodite, the epitome of love and beauty although some walk away from her depth and light with distorted wire rim glasses and ill-fated perceptions...
Now, she sighs a happy sigh, bidding auf wiedersehen as the Heavens reach down and kiss her subtle pink lips with gratitude...making their offer...
She sips java in a room adorned with heroic crystal chandeliers and silken white drapes and linens where she and her new lover share chocolate truffles and plump strawberries with cream, yet she knows if he should banish into the foggy London night during midsummer...
"She is Venus and Aphrodite, the epitome of love and beauty although some have walked away from her depth and light with distorted wire rim glasses and ill-fated perceptions..."
My favorite bit :)
You've really succeeded in creating a character here, a mystical and romantic character that plays with the reader senses.
Well done :)
gulp... she scares me, she dares me, a little glares me but i can definitely see her... but not to long cause she can see me too and bunny is bashful. This is so beautiful