

A Poem by TamiViolet

just a few random thoughts




In my solitude,

Will you weave between

Fissures of grey matter

Like a caterpillar


In her chrysalis,

And transform moments

Washed away from stinging silvery

Rain that never cleansed...


Memories of you...


Metamorphosis is gradual...

'Be patient, Darling!'

For my love travels as the speed

Of light although I might appear...




Will you recognize me in an

Altered form?

Ever wonder who's inside?

Sacred truths scroll passion...


Edge within the soul...


What if our destiny isn't predetermined,

But written ourselves everyday...


Every moment...


The question becomes...

What will be written next, for we come
Not with catechismal



We are but totems of the heart's



Follow me through the dark
Tunnel of initiation

Our private place

To be reborn into a new life...


Without ever gazing back.


© 2009 TamiViolet

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Stunningly beautiful and gracefully dreamy, the melting into one effect is highly eloquent,
this is magical and brilliant surrender as your whsipers flow across the readers heart like a warm breeze,
I love the depth and the transporting feeling, ethereal and consuming, magnificent metaphor.. Wow

Posted 15 Years Ago

5 of 5 people found this review constructive.


This Poem was beautful and amazing i enjoyed this :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

So many powerful lines. I had to read again. The description and detail was excellent. Photo made the world come alive. I like how you ended the poem.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

There are some powerful images in this, love. The first stanza is an exquisite way of describing memory, "will you weave between fissures of grey matter like a caterpillar". I would combine the two first stanzas to make the flow a little smoother, but you may have your own reason for separating them. The rest is amazing. It's as if urging her love to bear with the chrysalis she's trapped in, whether it be emotional, spiritual, or mental, for it's a necessary stage into her metamorphosis into something more exquisitely beautiful than he could possibly imagine. "Sacred truths scroll passion..." This line confused me a bit. If you could clarify a bit more, that'd rock, but I notice this line is the transition to a more spiritual undertone existing in this piece, posing the philosophical quandary, "What if?" How would you live your life differently, and what if you're right? So much to be taken from this. "We are but totems of the heart's truth" that line is classic. The last stanza is a perfect close to the entire poem, enticing your lover to a secret tryst to experience each others rebirth. Just like the butterfly from the chrysalis. This review got a bit lengthy. Ah well. Excellent. You have a deep heart, dear Apolliona, and it shows in poems like these.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is stunning, A. A spiritual journey .... shedding the skin into rebirth. or mortality into immortality. I'm reading a few things actually. One being an eternal love.. where one partner has passed and the other is left behind... temporarily, until they meet again in the spiritual realm.

"Will you recognize me in an
Altered form?"

Do we know eachother ? Really know eachother... without our skin but solely based on the spirit within? And if I grow, if I change....

Rebirth of self.

So many directions to take this and with each read I see it differently.

Loved this A. I've missed reading you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Another wonderful write my dear .I loved the flow and its dreaminess as it transported me to anther realm and dimension I rebounded back though to write this review.It is splendid and wonderful dear.
Loved its flow like a dreamy river snaking through my senses with many visions and stories that could be brought to my mind by theses words.Will you recognize me in an

Altered form?

Ever wonder who's inside?

Sacred truths scroll passion...

Edge within the soul...

What if our destiny isn't predetermined,

But written ourselves everyday...

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

In her chrysalis,
And transform moments
Washed away from stinging silvery
Rain that never cleansed...

Memories of you...

i loved this stanza a lot.....i loved everything about this poem.....the feel, the emotions, the choice of words, the colour of the text, the picture and of course the title....its very well justified....jus BEAUTIFUL....

:) Smiles,
Poetic Soul

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh I love all that you say and ask in this piece, it is deep and mysterious as is the metamorphosis. You ask the big questions, ones for us to ponder. We do write our own destiny each day, from our heart, I do believe that and so we could also be reborn into a new life of our choosing, if the desire was strong enough. You got me thinking of all kinds of stuff now. lol I love the photo, great piece Apollonia.


Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

this is an extremely beautiful piece.I envy the way you can structure your work without touching it at all.I admire the way no rhyme can replace what you give to your readers. Great!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

a beautiful piece of writing

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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24 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on March 6, 2009
Last Updated on March 6, 2009



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