A Poem by Aphinion
Thought is a weird thing 
This moment is now, or so I think, The date agrees, it is not tomorrow, or yesterday, or last Friday But today All past days have gone to leave this one This very day, pulled from eons of time, is today's day, the only day It is now But it is also tomorrow, and yesterday, and last Friday Because today is not just a day It is a place that holds all we are, all we have been, and all we will be So in this moment, it is today, and solely today But today is now, and tomorrow, and yesterday, and last FridayIt is everything, laid out as one, and viewed through a crack in the wall
© 2014 Aphinion
Author's Note
Reviews are definitely welcome!
AphinionSomewhere, CA
I've always read, and now I write. more..