![]() Being BeautifulA Story by AnuradhaBeing and feeling beautiful The word beautiful is an adjective of the noun beauty which is a word used to describe the aesthethic pleasure of mind and senses or sometimes to describe something which too excellent or high-standards. But is that all really it? I can say there is more to it and probably when I explain the cause you may accept it. I can point to you thousands of people out of there regardless of gender, strata, age trying all possible means, indulging in all possible, destructive, painful grooming methods just to be proclaimed as a beautiful person. They indulge in those high end spas, invest in a million beauty cream bottle that promises them to give them instant, desired results. In most cases, it fails, so they might resort to the old-fashioned way"hit the gym technique. Obviously, you can get a healthy glow only if you’re fit and healthy. Oh, how could I forget about those ever-changing fashion trends"six zero, six packs, curve is in(but not too fat), eight packs and so on and so forth. Then those fashion stereotypes"if you’re too thin, you’re anorexic, too fat you might be bulimic, too muscly not too acceptable, a sculpted face, okay that will do. Crazy diets, schedules, techniques and most of the time nothing works out. In a state of desperation to get recognized as a beautiful, physically attractive person, you get to stage where you’re ready to do anything"even if that means that you must get under a knife. Plastic surgies are so in demand that now-a-days, people have gotten so used t it, they no longer consider it, a surgery. It’s as normal as attending a beauty parlour, heck, now-a-days, even beauty parlors have started providing minor nose-jobs and stuff like that. But even after you’re done with all these things you nowhere feel close to being beautiful. The world might be taking into account of all your hardships and may even acknowledge it but for the fahion snobs, you still are a step-behind. Not just that, they also present you with another stereotype which is you’re nothing but a dumb-blonde(please no offense). Now, that you spent all your energy in looking good, dressing up, analyzing the various fashion techniques, your memory, the facts that you used to have had at a finger-tip is all long forgotten. So, that so-called, I am so witty group too detest you today. You’re not just look down upon by fashion snobs but by also a crowd that once called you smart, capable and witty. But if you think, that’s all, wait, there is more trouble to come your way. You’re called names now. You’re called to be a shallow, fake, useless person that lacks confidence in her own self. As told before, people do see and may even tell you that you’re beautiful, but you no longer can feel it. When you stare at that porcelain kind of image staring at you, you can feel voice telling you that you lack something, maybe the girl staring at you is just not you! Here comes the break-through goal to being beautiful inside-out. It took you days, months and years to make your outside look beautiful and if fashion-gurus are to believed it might take forever to reach the level of perfection. But now, no, you’ve another concept to achieve"the concept to find your personality and self. It’s just not fair! After all this, you still are an outcast. You’ve done everything you can and still they say you’ve a long way to go and here after all this effort comes a question, “ Can I not be accepted as just who I am?” But the worst part is, in our quest to perfection, you even seem to have lost that self"that original self. It’s not a research or summary. The above is the story that many of us can relate to. It is a story of you and me. It’s our struggle to be accepted and ultimately realizing that we’ve become nothing but a piece of mockery to all sets of crowd. What I want to say is not to lose your heart. You’re not alone. Everyone is a fashion victim, apathizer and even appreciator. But what we sometimes forget is the balance of all, that we do have a voice, a style of our none, that looking different from the crowd too is in. It’s because all that matters at the end of the day is"YOU. I don’t want to lose weight at the cost of my mind. Singer, Demi lovoto was quoting saying on her struggles with mental, eating disorders and drug abuse. I respect and adore this person, because she has done all above, but today has finally found the voice. Found the theory to feel and be beautiful, which is to BE YOURSELF. If the world cannot accept it, then the problem ain’t with you, but rather with it. Stop abusing that beautiful body and soul of yours with harsh chemicals and thoughts. It’s time to write a new theory, everyone is different and so am I. Self-Acceptance is easy said than done, but the day you master it, You feel and become beautiful. © 2015 AnuradhaAuthor's Note
Added on September 10, 2015 Last Updated on September 10, 2015 Author