First Class Pain / Train

First Class Pain / Train

A Poem by Antonionioni

True account of a train journey to London today. Read and share my pain.


Sonnet 616 - Monday 12 May 2008

Travelled by train first class down to London

On the magnificent Pendolino

The train that bends and twists, a faster run

From north to south, but no coffee! Oh no!

Nothing to wet my mouth, not even though

It was so hot and I’d paid extra for

Those several cups that make you need to go

But make you seem important, that’s for sure

Apart from that I can’t think of a flaw

In the journey - well okay, maybe one

As usual the pretty girls were slow

To sit near me. A pity, but I saw

More in Trafalgar Square after I’d gone

To my meeting. Greetings girls, and hello!


I wish I'd remembered to take my camera. Missed another chance to take some London pics with my digital camera. I go there on work every so often. The building where i had my meeting was just across the street from Big Ben. You could hear the chimes in the room where we were talking. Pendolino, by the way, is the fancy new trains that run on the old outdated railway tracks and go faster than the old ones, but sometimes don't get things right, like being unable to serve drinks on a hot morning when people have paid for them with the price of the ticket. Hmmph! But it's all in good humour.


© 2008 Antonionioni

Author's Note

Another sonnetary diary - what d'you think? Light reading but occasionally with the odd sly punch.

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Ok, add these sonnets to my daily dose. This is fast becoming a good idea. I learn and laugh. pictures of hot chicks from merry old would be just fine. Seriously help me to laugh in a messed up world.
"They make you feel important, that is for sure".........I get the feeling you are quite cynical but never come off that way face to face. Smart guy.

Posted 16 Years Ago

True. I don't know if I've said this of your writing before, but you're quite whimsical, which is itself quite refreshing. Have you noticed how many emo poets there are? If I never review emo poetry again, it'll be too soon. Your poetry is exactly the opposite: it celebrates life, which is a delightful concept. A job well done!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 12, 2008



Manchester, United Kingdom

I'm Antonionioni. I also answer to Tony. I try not to be phoney and I try not to be moany. I write a daily sonnet but not only. My writings often get lonely. Please read them and you won't disown me. .. more..
