Not 'Drive' by The Cars

Not 'Drive' by The Cars

A Poem by Antonionioni

Talking about some of the negative effects of using agricultural land to grow fuel for cars, especially when it causes a worldwide rise in food prices.


Sonnet 612 - Thursday 8 May 2008

We had to reduce carbon emissions,

So Brussels told the EU we must use

More biofuel. The Americans

With their huge cornfields, how could they refuse

Al Gore’s warnings? Also, how to defuse

The terrorist bomb by not buying oil

From the Middle East? There’s no need for clues:

Of course they’d grow a feast of biofuel.

This all seemed great to westerners, but cruel

To the rest, the starvers. Millions of tons

Of harvested grain that their plates would lose,

Their fates again decided by our loyal

Leaders, chasing votes and obeying friends

In government and business. Hardly news.

© 2008 Antonionioni

Author's Note

What d'you think of doing a daily commentary in sonnet form?

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Interesting. Green is the new black and all that. I'm entertained that you looked at the other side of the issue here: how using grain for biofuels will affect the hungry. It does seem a little preposterous to use the grain we grow for fuel when there are people starving in the streets. You make an excellent point, sir. :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

I think it is great idea. Especially if it is as provocative as this one. Water, Gas, GW, Corn Fuel, War, The Elite Class and The Corporate Sector are some of my favorite topics. This stuff maybe is hardly news to you or any informed person, but the sad fact is, Ignorance and Apathy among the public is ruining the US, and indeed, the whole world for everyone. Keep it coming sir, keep it coming.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 8, 2008



Manchester, United Kingdom

I'm Antonionioni. I also answer to Tony. I try not to be phoney and I try not to be moany. I write a daily sonnet but not only. My writings often get lonely. Please read them and you won't disown me. .. more..
