101 Things To Love About (Insert Name so you can copy and paste and pass it off as your own)

101 Things To Love About (Insert Name so you can copy and paste and pass it off as your own)

A Poem by King of the North (but only on weekdays)

A love poem as requested by a certain user

101 Things To Love About (Insert Name 
so you can copy and paste
 and pass it off as your own)

1. When her smile can extend from ear-to-ear
2. When she doesn’t need prompting to chug back a beer
3. The pride that she takes in her terrible jokes
4. The fact that I don’t even mind that she smokes
5. Always leaving you wanting more and more
6. The awkward positions that left you so sore

7. Would you like to share headphones?
Why yes, certainly I would.
8. She doesn’t think “could you”
She knows you can
And you should

9. Those warm hugs
10. Those eyes
11. Those kisses
12. Those thighs

13. How she’s openly honest about how we both met
14. How her presence alone makes me nervously sweat 
15. Partners in crime
We’d aid and abet
16. How we have such sympathy
For our vast amounts of debt

17. Sarcastic and witty
18. Personality traits you cannot beat
19. She can be kind of a b***h
20. But she’s really quite sweet

21. How peaceful you look 
Before you awake
22. So many damn filters
On those photos you take

23. You may not be thin
But to deprive you’s a sin
24. Your bodies many curves
25. You’re a sociable drinker
26. A spirited free-thinker.
27. When I’m stressed
You calm my nerves

28. How beautiful’s your soul
29. How my heart you did stole
30. How we made it a goal
To keep our emotions 
Under control

31. I know it’s ever-changing 
But the colour of your hair
32. How when I’m with you
Rain or shine
I really just don’t care
33. You make me happy
34. And I know that it’s sappy
But this poem you did request
35. You know how to cook
36. And you don’t give a f**k
37. Who says we have to get dressed?

38. The silly things we talk about 
39. How you’ve got not one regret
40. And I’ve told you a million times
A vampire’s not a pet

41. The intimate moments that we share
42. The many different ways we show each other we care

43. Your laugh
44. Your lips
45. Your a*s
46. Your hips

47. The debates about nothing
48. The huffing
49. The puffing
50. Those light night conversations
51. The kinky s**t
52. The unbeatable wit
53. Hypothetical holiday locations

54. How passionate you are
About what you love
55. Criminology
56. South Park
To name a few of

57. I love to hear about it all
You dreams
58. Your aspirations
59. But please feel free to tell me more
Your woes and your frustrations

60. Where do you see yourself in fie years time?
Wrapped up in your arms
Where it may be, I do not mind
If I’m with you I have no qualms 

61. We give each other strength 
62. Cause we’re on the same wavelength
63. You sometimes beat me to the punch
64. The nicknames are great
But please promise me mate
We’ll never say honeybunch

65. The passionate lip-biting
66. We make our lives quite exciting
67. Your poetry writing
68. The ridiculous play fighting

69. How we enjoy each others company
70. We don’t need to talk
71. Going out is just fine
72. You’d just rather not walk

73. Your taste in music
Is actually quite decent
74. How we kiss and make up 
No matter how recent

75. Warm hugs
76. Spooning
77. Your breath on my neck
But because of the distance
Getting them’s quite a trek

78. How no matter the distance
We always make time
79. How we challenge each other
To write silly rhymes

80. My head in you lap
Looking up to the sky
81. The silly excuse
That our lips were too dry

82. When you came to stay
You stole my blue hoodie
83. You never cease to surprise me
I don’t have to think “would she”

84. How good you feel to hold
Especially when you’re cold
85. On your heart I’m truly sold
To me your kisses are like gold

86. We met online
87. Your personality was fine
88. Your looks weren’t too bad either
89. You don’t mind that I snore
But may I implore
I’m just a heavy breather

90. How when you say goodnight I’ll try to stall
Just a few seconds longer
91. But I swear above all
Though this order is tall
Our love can only grow stronger

92. The nicknames we made
You’re squish 
And I’m mush
93. You’ll say that you didn’t
But did I just see you blush?

94. When I first told you I loved you
You were hesitant at first
When you said it back
I swear
My heart was fit to burst

95. We might not know what we want in life
Perhaps a vampire pup?
96. You probably think this is getting tedious
So I’ll start to wrap things up

97. We always knew this would be more 
Than just some silly fling
So my heart was yours
And I gave in
The night I heard you sing
98. Funnily enough, it turns out
Condom shopping’s more your thing

99. From the moment that I met you
My heart did mush
My words did slur
100. Such vivid memories we made
Went by so fast
Almost a blur
101. When that love is unconditional
She loves you 
And you love her

© 2016 King of the North (but only on weekdays)

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But you didn't really need that hours extension.... 😂

Posted 8 Years Ago

I have only these things to say
1. My jokes are amazing!
2. Leave my filters alone! You cannot deny the pictures look great!
3. A vampire is totally a pet!
4. Damn straight I don't wanna walk, walking is boring!
5. You do snore... but you also chew in your sleep.... 😂
6. I'm down for a vampire pup
7. I love this poem!!!

Posted 8 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 27, 2016
Last Updated on August 27, 2016


King of the North (but only on weekdays)
King of the North (but only on weekdays)

Newcastle Upon Tyne , North Tyneside , United Kingdom

Had a hard time trying to find an audience for my writing. So just gonna start slow and see what people think. more..
