![]() HateA Story by Rixesppha![]() Meanderings of the mind.![]()
Times just seems to fly,
while the memories are made. Singing quietly to myself, I bounced around the small kitchen of my grandfathers house. It was small but serviceable- Considering I was the only one who ever entered it with any intention besides a quick snack or drink. I live with my paternal grandfather, Aeolis, and my cousin Cairn, on the outskirts of the small village Mirren. I've lived here since I was 9 years old. I am now 15. My name is Fael, Daughter of Tamilia and Merkk; both of them died on the battlefield of the last Immortal War. The war has only been over for six years, but it feels like longer. So many things have happened since then: I moved in with Grandpa and Cairn. Cairn started to teach me magic for no reason at all. Grandpa taught me to read and write. Out of those three, it is the ability to read and to write that I treasure the most. I love to learn, about anything and everything. Even the smallest fact interests me whether it is about a rare grain of wheat or why the stones in Grandpa's garden rise out of the ground. "Fael?" I turned back to the door into the kitchen, making sure to angle the blade of the knife I was using away from my fingers. I already had a multitude of scars along my knuckles from where I spent several months learning from the butcher in town. "Yes Grandpa?" I said, smiling. Grandpa shared my fathers eyes- a startling bright amber- but other than that, there is nothing in him that reminds me of my father. "Cairn will not be back from the town until late tonight." I nodded. That would mean I would need to simply not make a plate for him. He would feed himself. "Alright." Turning back to my work, the speed at which I chopped increased as I strove to finish before sunset. Sunset was my favorite time of day and there was the perfect place to watch a few miles back into the forest behind our house. "Don't stay out too long." Grandpa warned me before leaving. He was aware of my love of the sunset and sunrises everyone else saw as everyday things. I had never taken him to the clearing, but I knew he had been there before. It was simply how he was to make sure Cairn and I were always as well protected as possible when near him. "Yessir." I mumbled, knowing full well he could not hear me. Finishing what I was doing, I dumped the spring onion pieces into the pot and set it over the fire, where I knew I could leave it for quite a while and it not burn. Grabbing my scarf I ran out of the house, taking long strides and practically jumping to get there faster. A quarter of an hour later, I stood in the middle of the clearing, an enormous smile on my face. This place always brings me inner peace. Taking a deep breath, I started for the large oak tree with the lightning break in the middle of the trunk. This tree stood alone, all the other trees that had been around it either dead and falling or gone, leaving it alone on the edge of the clearing. It also happened to be the tallest tree that I could find, therefore more appropriate to watch the sky from. "Here we go." I said to myself, jumping to catch the bottom branch and pull myself up. The challenge of climbing was fun to me. Reaching the top inspired me to always try harder on other things, to become the best I could. It was here, at the top of this very tree six years ago, that I had realized I wanted to know everything I could about anything. This is the spot, watching a sunset as I was about to do, that I realized there was no need to hate to world for the deaths of my parents. There was no need for hate, because from hate stems war, and war was what killed my parents and many others. Hate was useless and destroyed everything. Love and acceptance are the things to cherish. Make your family realize that you are there for them that you care. make them notice the things you do for them and if they don't, do them anyways. Make the best of your time. Strive to be the best you can; never give up, and always keep pushing to get to the top of the next tree.
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