Chapter 2 - Barracuda

Chapter 2 - Barracuda

A Chapter by Annica Nadie

Meet Meredith, Casey's co - star in the movie. Scary, ain't she? It's a bit unhealthy.


ChApTeR 2


"Ben, you told me that this was going to work out! You said that everything would be okay. You said that nobody was going to die this way, and look at what you've done!"


"It's not my fault! You should've been more careful, Bella! Your father is dead because of what you said to Allison. He killed himself because you didn't want to be on good terms with your sister."


"Why should I when I'm in love with you? She thinks she can get whatever she wants, Ben! I don't just want you. I need you."


I watched Eric and Meredith act out their part of the scene, waiting for my cue to enter the set. They had good chemistry on – screen together, and everybody (including me, unfortunately) knew that they would make a perfect couple. I mean, who wouldn't want to date Meredith Rae? She had a perfect honey – blonde colored bob – cut, hazel eyes, and creamy sand colored skin. I compared my skin to hers; I'm half Irish and half Swedish – meaning my skin was ultra light. My porcelain skin was the only thing about me that made the cast director consider someone else.


The light flashed; it was my turn to go on. This was going to be easy, because all I had to do for this scene was to stand in the doorway and stare open – mouthed at 'Ben' and 'Bella.'


I stepped in, looking at the fake book they gave me, carefully stepping exactly on my spot; I was supposed to hear 'Bella' say, "Ben, I don't care if I have to kill her. We, you and me, belong together." I looked up and stared with my best deer look; 'Ben' looked up at me and began to stutter, and 'Bella' turned around with one shoulder and glared daggers at me.


There was just one problem.


"CUT!" I jumped when José yelled; he came over to me and said, "You're doing perfect, sweetie. I loved that face, it just came so naturally. But you, Meredith," he turned to Meredith, who was wearing a pouty face. "You're seventeen. You shouldn't be glaring sexy daggers at Allison; you're supposed to glare murderous daggers." He turned back to me and said, "Casey, hon, can you give me a murderous glare, maybe?"


I looked at Eric, who gave the slightest of a nod; then I looked at Meredith, who was narrowing her eyes and sticking her lips out more. I nodded at José, and then closed my eyes. Very, very quickly, I thought of what I would want to do to Meredith if she were within arm's reach. Honestly, though, she's pretty, but you wouldn't want to date a barracuda either, would you?


I opened my eyes and glared at Meredith; her pout disappeared and her eyes widened – I was scaring the crap out of her. José clapped and pointed at me. "See? See? This, this right here, is what I want you to look like when Allison enters the room. Now, places, everyone! AND QUIET ON THE SET!"




I was in my dressing room, collecting my things; we had finally finished for the day and we got to go home early. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, but I just figured that the AC in the room had finally chilled me to the bone.


Boy was I wrong.


"You get used to it, you know," I heard a voice say behind me quietly. I jumped and turned around; Zak was about four feet away from me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said, stuffing his hands into his pocket – damn, I needed a hearing aid for this boy! I just stared, really. "You get used to all the yelling," Zak clarified for me, and I nodded. "Oh, yeah. I'm sure I'll get used to it. I mean, only my second day, right?" I said; I didn't know why, but I was really nervous around Zak all of a sudden. He smiled and nodded slightly. "I'll see you later… good scene." He said, and backed out of my dressing room.


I realized I had been holding in a big breath and released it; I got dizzy and held onto the desk for a minute. What was going on with these boys? More importantly, what was going on with me?




I woke up to Leslie shaking me awake and stuffing my cell phone in my ear; I grabbed it from her and groggily tried to wake up. Try as I might, I couldn't identify the breathing on the other line. "Hello?" I said, wiping the sleep out of my eyes. "Is this Casey?" A voice asked; it sounded like one of the Madden brothers, but because I was still half – asleep, I couldn't figure out whom.


Realizing that I was still half – asleep woke me up completely, because I could've said anything. "Yes, may I ask who's – " I was cut off by the voice. "It's Zak, Casey." There was a sharp intake of breath on my side and I swear I heard Zak raise an eyebrow. "Uh, hey Zak, what's up?" I figured it was something like he was passing along the message that I was fired, or that the due date for the movie was going to be earlier than expected, or –


"Because it's the day off, Eric wants to know if you wanna go to Velma's," he said, and I nearly fainted. One, because Velma's was the place where every celebrity goes, and two, because the Madden brothers of my favorite band were inviting me to go to Velma's with them; again, big celeb hangout! The only problem was that I almost wanted him to say that he wanted to know if I wanted to go.


"Um, sure, I'll go ask my mom to drop me off," I said. I immediately walked over to my closet and wrenched the doors open; Leslie, who had been sitting in the corner, left my room for a moment. She returned with Sarah at her heels, giggling; Leslie pulled out various articles of clothing from my closet while Sarah pushed me into a chair and pulled out a makeup kit; she started picking eye shadow, mascara, etc. "It's okay, Ernie will pick you up if you want," Zak replied casually. I nodded giddily, remembered that people can't hear me over the phone, and said, "Sure, I'll see you… when?" Zak laughed, and a shiver ran down my spine. "Uh… would an hour be good?" I nodded again, and nearly smacked my forehead. "An hour's fine, Zak. See you then," I said; I heard him say "Bye," a click, and I followed suit and hung up.


As soon as I put my phone down, Leslie and Sarah (my heroines) came to my rescue; Leslie had a few outfit choices and was showing me, mixing and matching as she went along. Sarah was wiping my face off with an acne wipe, and began to put makeup on my face.


"I think you should wear this shirt," Leslie began, holding up a white shirt with a picture of Marilyn Monroe from that picture by Andy Warhol; "This skirt over these," a denim miniskirt and black skinny jeans; "These shoes," yellow pumps; "This jacket and this hat." A denim quarter – length sleeve jacket and a brown faux leather newsboy cap with studs above the small bill. I nodded and said, "I like the shoes, the jacket, the hat, and the skirt – skinny combination, but change the shirt; that just doesn't seem me – ish today." Leslie immediately went back to my closet and began neatly digging around. She returned with five more shirts and promptly showed me one after another with the outfit.


I was ready about forty – five minutes later, having had my hair highlighted and put in rollers before it was blow – dried, my makeup put on for me, and my outfit picked out. And deodorant. I cannot forget the deodorant. Anyways, I admired my bouncy curls (that now had some rockin' blonde streaks; it would be okay with José; Allison was always changing her hair and such. I mean, one scene has me with big hot pink streaks… clip – in, of course), my pretty neutral makeup, and my awesome outfit, but with a green curve – fitting v – neck shirt as my chosen shirt.


I entered Velma's five minutes late; Ernie's limo had almost been hit by a semi – truck and he had stopped to get me something to drink so I would stop shaking. I looked around for Zak, Eric and Christian. I found them at the back in the non – smoking section, and I sighed with relief. "Hey, Casey, what's up?" Eric said; Chris waved and said, "Hi Casey," and Zak smiled and moved over so I could sit down. I grinned and took my seat just as the waitress came over. "How're y'all doin' today? I'm Veronica and I'll be you're waitress for this evenin'." She said in a southern drawl; I saw Christian smile and blush a bit before quickly returning back to his menu. Eric and I exchanged knowing glances; he winked at me before quickly ordering our food.




I got home two hours later with the Madden bros on my heels; my mom got the door and ushered us inside. "Hi boys, how're you?" I rolled my eyes and said quietly, "Mom, you asked them that yesterday!" Zak was the only one who seemed to hear this, and he smiled slightly, but not an obvious, big goofy grin. I mean, he’s just not like that.


We went to the dining room to find Leslie and Sarah playing blackjack, so we played a couple of hands until I was accused of cheating by a very funny Eric. What can I say? I never lose. I even won against my uncle, and trust me, he’s good. After that, we just sat around silently, staring at random spots around the house. Eric would usually break the ice by saying something like, “I love the color pink,” or “My cell phone’s on fire!” and causing us all to crack up; otherwise, we’d just stay quiet. My mom came in a little while after, and sat down in the corner, pulled out a book, and read. Every once in awhile, I’d catch myself staring at Eric or Zak, but I’d mentally slap myself and look down again.


After about two hours like this, the Madden mommé called, and it was time for them to go. Of course, when I volunteered to walk them to the bus, my mom followed us all the way there. We were at the door, and my mom just pops out of nowhere. “That boy likes you,” she said, and we all jumped. “Mom! What the hell?!” I said. My mom raised her eyebrows, and I said, “Forget that, it was a rhetorical question, just go away,” I began to push her out of the hallway. “God, mom, they’re not rapists.”


I swear to freakin’ God, I heard Zak laugh.


So I walked them to the bus, hugged each of them goodbye, and watched them go, waving.


When I got up to my room at last, Leslie and Sarah were sitting on my bed.


“Well?” Leslie gushed. “Spill!”




The next day we all returned to the set; in the car though – promise you won’t tell – I inwardly groaned. Hey, I had to be in a whole scene with the bitchy barracuda. José greeted me with a hug, Eric winked, Christian and Zak waved, and Meredith – of course – glared daggers.


At least they weren’t sexy daggers.


I was in my dressing room, getting ready, when she came in. Yes, Meredith came in. She almost seemed happy to see me, but I couldn’t tell if it was her good personality or bad one.


“Casey! I’m so happy I found you,” she said. I made a face. “I said I’d be in here earlier,” I pointed out. Meredith immediately started to glare. “I know,” she said. “So what do you want?” I asked cautiously; I didn’t want to get on her bad side today, I just wasn’t in the mood. “I want you to stay away from Zak and Eric. They’re both going to be mine.” She said.


“At the same time?” I asked, obviously disgusted. She rolled her eyes; “You’re so stupid! No, dumbass, I’m going to date Eric, dump him like garbage, and then run to Zak saying his brother ended it so abruptly.” The evil b***h grinned like a Cheshire cat. “You’re insane! Why the hell would you do that?!” I screamed. Meredith obviously didn’t want us to be heard; I guess that’s the reason she pushed me into my desk. There was a thump as I hit the back of my head on the corner of the wooden enemy, and I groaned. Meredith walked over and pulled me up by a dry patch of hair and pushed me through the door.


Things only got worse, because I fell into Zak.


Meredith didn’t bother to try and help us up; she kept her nose in the air, and I tried my best not to look up her dress – ugh. I groaned and tried to roll off of Zak, but my bruised body couldn’t move. Zak didn’t feel up to moving either; he was still trying to catch his breath. I finally pulled myself onto the ground next to him, and he seemed to be able to breathe a bit easier – poor kid had asthma, and me staying on his chest wasn’t gonna help him. He finally could breathe normally again, and he helped me up.


“You okay?” He asked; I blushed and looked down. “Yeah, kinda. But I’m bleeding,” I said. “She pushed me into my desk, if you can believe that,” I said. He smiled. “Yeah, I can,” he said, and I laughed softly. “Come on, Head Case,” he said; “Let’s get you to the medic station.”


As we walked away, I looked back at my desk, which at one corner had blood and a chunk of hair stuck to it.

© 2008 Annica Nadie

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Added on March 21, 2008
Last Updated on March 28, 2008


Annica Nadie
Annica Nadie


I'm a music addict, I'll admit it right now. I wasn't born in that time period, but I love more bands from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s than today. Some of my favorite bands are Queen, Whitesnake, and t.. more..

My Life My Life

A Poem by Annica Nadie