The Kick-off to the Heart - Chapter Sixteen

The Kick-off to the Heart - Chapter Sixteen

A Chapter by Annalynn Koopmans

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Chapter Sixteen


“Welcome to my home, “I said as opened the front-door.

She looked stunned, her mouth dropped open. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or bad thing.

“It’s huge! “ she said as she took a step inside.

I couldn’t help myself, it was too easy , “ I know, I didn’t know how it fitted inside your tight… “

“Jason!!” she yelped before I could finish my sentence.  .

“Okay, okay. “   I said defensively, “Anyway, what do you think about my home? “

“Well, I haven’t seen much, but I think it’s stunning. “ 

“Great,  If you want you can also leave some stuff of yours here? “ I tried to keep my voice steady, but my nerves made it impossible.

“Okay, I will. “  she answered. A wave or relief washed over me. ´Thank God.´  

“I am going change my clothes quickly and pack some stuff. Make yourself at home. I’ll give you a tour next time? “    She nodded and started looking around in my living room. It was strange to see someone else than my Gran in my home. Nonetheless, I was ecstatic to have her here.

I left her alone in the living room, quickly packed my bag for the weekend and changed my clothes. I decided to wear  beige-chino pants with a white shirt, suitable for wedding. I put on some cologne, and walked back to where I left Vick. She was still in the living room, studying my trophy closet, her back towards me. I quietly walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist, tightly embracing her back.

“Don’t get angry, but is Nick okay? “  She asked, unsure. I wasn’t angry at her, nor at Nick. Nick was just provoking me to take action.  I was angry with myself that I left her alone for two-weeks.

“I am not angry, but yes, Nick is okay. He’s a little bruised, but us, Miami Dolphins, can take a hit or two. “

“Thank God, I wouldn’t forgive myself if he or you got seriously injured because of me. “

“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. “

“And what about you? Will you be fine? “  she asked softly. My heart skipped a beat ‘ She’s worried? She cares for me!’

“I am more than fine, I am fantastic. I have you. “ I softly replied.

She turned around, and kissed me softly. This is the first time she actually made the first move. Before I could return the kiss, she leaned back.

“We should go, otherwise we’ll be late. “ she mumbled.

She was right, we still had a long drive a head. I nodded at her, took her hand in mine. I whistled Ragnar by our side, grabbed our suitcases and started our way to my car.

“Can we stop somewhere along the way to buy some snacks? “ Vick asked, as we were walking thru the garage,  nearing the Land Rover.

“Sure. All those orgasms made you starving for food? “I teased. She stopped walking, I turned to look at her.

“That’s not the only think I am craving for… “ She shot back, while eyeing my groin.  I felt my dick stiffen by the sight of her piercing eyes.

“ If you keep that flirtatious tease going, I will take you on the hood of this car, “  I growled.  She started giggling.

“Okay, okay. I’ll stop. For now.”

“Good, because the way you were eyeing me a few seconds ago, I wouldn’t have lasted very long.” I told her,  “ Get in the car before I change my mind and embarrass myself, we’ll stop in Naples for snacks. ”  She continued laughing, but obeyed and stepped into the car.

God, I love the sound of her laugh. The way her mouth twists upwards, exposing her beautiful white teeth, forming dimples in her cheeks. I love the way her eyes start to sparkle even more. I love that I was the cause of her moment of happiness.  I love her  Shocked with my thoughts, I froze in front of the car door. Processing my feelings… ´ Love?’ I’ve never really loved someone before. I thought I loved Lindsey. But I was wrong, I stayed with Lindsey because  I thought she cared for me, I never even told her I loved her… Gran always says: Even after sixty-years of marriage, every time she wakes up next to grandpa in the morning, her heart skips a beat… Vicki makes my heart skip beats constantly. She makes me feel complete. I can’t imagine a life without Vicki. ‘That is true love. ’

Yes, I truly did love her. I wanted to shout it from the roof tops, but Vick wasn’t ready for those words yet. I didn’t want to pressure her, so I’ll have to wait for the right-moment to share them…

I quickly opened the rear-door,  let Ragnar jump in, loaded the suitcases and closed the door. I walked a towards the front and stepped into the driver’s seat, next to the woman I love. I turned my head, meeting Vicki’s eyes, and smiled widely.

“Ready? “ I asked, before I started the engine.

“Yes, Let’s go! “ She said enthusiastically.

I started the 4x4 engine and reversed into the street. We were on our way to an amazing weekend in Tampa.

© 2015 Annalynn Koopmans

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Added on May 19, 2015
Last Updated on May 19, 2015
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Erotica, Thriller