The Kick-off to the Heart  -  Chapter Fifteen

The Kick-off to the Heart - Chapter Fifteen

A Chapter by Annalynn Koopmans

Chapter Fifteen


I woke up and turned my head towards the night-stand, it was only Six-thirty in the morning. Relieved that I didn’t have to jump out of bed anytime soon, I turned my body towards Jason, he was watching me. His lips twisted into a radiant smile, his eyes piercing thru mine.

“Sleep well? “  I asked. Breaking the silence.

“Like a baby, you? “

“Mmmm, me too. “ I answered. He was bending forward to kiss me, I leaned away from him. Not waning him to smell or taste my morning breath. He looked confused by the act.

“You’re not kissing me while I have morning breath,” I giggled.

“Why not? It doesn’t bother me, “

I rolled my eyes at him, “At least let me brush my teeth. “

He signed and nodded. I quickly sat up and gathered the sheet around my naked body. Standing up, I felt the sheet being pulled back, I clutched it tightly and turned around. Jason was trying to pull the cover off me and towards him. He was gloriously naked, his erection hard as stone.

“Jason! Let go!” I yelped.

But he didn’t let go. Instead he pulled the sheet so hard, that it slipped out of my hold. Leaving me naked. I immediately tried to cover myself in with my hand, but failed miserably. I was exposed and standing in front of the bed where Jason was studying me. I saw his erection started to throb by my sight. It made my mouth slack, licking my lips.

“ Don’t you dare cover yourself up. God, you’re so beautiful, “ he said, but I didn’t obey. I was trying to cup my breasts with one-arm and the other covering my bare p***y.

Jason hastily sat up, grabbed my elbow and pulled me back onto the bed. He laid his body over mine, pinning my hands over my head.  He stared kissing me viciously. First I tried to pull away from  his mouth, but after his delicious tongue entered my mouth, I lost all self-control.

I sucked his tongue, knowing he likes that. He positioned my arms together above my head, and held them in place with his left-hand. His right-hand was stroking down my sides, and soon rubbing my c**t. He pushed two-fingers into me. I gasped for air, breaking our kiss. 

“God, you’re so wet for me. “ He mumbled.

As he was pulling his fingers out, he slammed his c**k into me. I was surprised by his speed, already on the edge. I tried to free my arms from his hold, but he tightened the grip. Leaving a sting of pain.

“Look at me, Victoria! “he hissed.

My eyes flew open, meeting his. He was close to his release. His jaw went slack, his eyes violent, while he was slamming himself into me over and over. I tightened around him and came brutally.

“Jas..Jason!!” I shouted.

“God! Vick! “ He growled, as he poured himself  into me.

Our foreheads touching, while we recovered from our release. We were staring into each other’s eyes, panting.  Our silence was broken by Ragnar awkwardly jumping on the bed.

“Ragnar! Off-now! “ I raised my voice. Ragnar obeyed instantly and jumped off the bed, and came to sit next to the bed.

“ I am sorry, I should let him out in the yard.  “ I whispered. I didn’t want to end the moment, but it was bound to happen. He took deep breath and pulled out.

“I will make you breakfast and let Ragnar out. You can get ready for the trip and pack clothes. “He whispered. He gave me a short but passionate kiss and stepped out of the bed. Giving me a fantastic sight of his a*s and scratched back. He pulled on his boxers and walked out of the room with Ragnar. Leaving me alone.

I took action, jumped out of the bed. Had a quick-shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed and packed some clothes in no-time. I decided to wear a white halter summer dress, just cut above the knees, with my white ankle Converse Allstars. A little bit of mascara and blush, and plaited my hair back into a thick French-braid. I was ready.

Walking into the kitchen, I was surprised by the sight. Jason decked the bar with plates, sliver-wear, napkins, jam, honey and syrup. He went all out, cooking French toast, pancakes, scrambled eggs and fresh orange juice.  The mind-blowing orgasms I had experienced thru the night left me famished. So I didn’t mind.  Jason turned his body and smiled when he saw me standing few meters from the bar.

“You look lovely. “ He said.

“So do you, “ I shot back, gesturing my eyes towards his torso. He might be bruised but it didn’t make him any less beautiful.

He threw his head back and laughed. “ Thank you, “ he finally managed to say. “Now, sit and come eat with me. I just finished baking the last pancake. “

“ Isn’t this too much for just the two off us? “  I asked, while I was settling myself on the stool.

“Vick, I am a star-quarterback. Do you know how much we have to eat to keep our body in shape? “

“Oh, yes. Right. Sorry I forgot. “ I giggled.

He sat down, opposite of me. And we started digging in.

After we ate every last piece of delicious food, I started cleaning up. I told Jason:  he cooked and I will clean up. Seemed only fair.  He sat back and watched me load the dishes into the dishwasher. I felt his eyes on my rear. I wiggled my a*s a little, just to show him I know where he was looking at. He moaned and then laughed loudly.

“Tease, “ He mumbled.

I didn’t respond. After the dishes were loaded, I turned around and walked towards the bar.

“You can go shower, I’ll finish up here. “  I told him. He nodded and started to lift himself from the stool. But paused.

“ Don’t get angry, but I feel like I should tell you… “ he said softly. My heart skipped a beat.  His serious tone making me nervous. “I thought you should know, I am clean. We didn’t use a condom, it was the first time for me going bare. But I did get myself tested a few weeks ago. And I am clean, in case you were worried… “    I was relieved, ´ Okay, didn’t see that one coming’. I wasn’t bothered about him going bare, even though it was also my first time without a condom.  But I was more worried that I did something wrong. 

“I wasn’t worried, I trust you… “ I did trust him, so much that it surprised me. “ There were many firsts with you last night, “  I said blushing.

“Oh really, please do tell. “  He said amused by my shyness.

“ Well, it was the also the first time without a condom for me. But also my first… Orgasms.”  I covered my face with me hands. It was embarrassing.

“What? You were a virgin? “ he sounded shocked.

“What! No! I just never climaxed before! “ I shouted, as I let me hands drop back to my sides.

“Ooh.”  He said amused, “Well did you like it? “ he asked cocky. I laughed loudly.

“Yes… Very addictive. “  I managed to say between giggles. My face was heating up. He looked proud of himself.

“Good, because I plan on giving you them a lot. Even when we’re old and rumpled, I will make you scream my name over and over again.” He said. I stopped laughing instantly when he said :  Even when were old and rumpled…  He noticed my shock.

“Victoria, please don’t freak out. “ He whispered

“I… I…Want… I… “ I couldn’t pronounce a descent sentence. He stood up, kissed me on the forehead and walked towards my bedroom. Leaving me bomb shelled. I heard the shower run, ´What the? He wanted to grow old with me?´   I was stunned, I didn’t know what I wanted. I didn’t even know if I loved him. I don’t know how love feels. I’ve never experienced the feeling before, how am I supposed to know that? 

I snapped out of it. I cleaned the kitchen, put my small suitcase in Jason’s car, and crossed the street with Ragnar, towards the beach. 

Standing on the beach, parallel to my house, I took a deep breath and started to calm down. It frightened me to think so far ahead. Not because I didn’t want to grow old with Jason, I did, but I didn’t know if I would last so long.  It was a matter of time until Pete and Samantha finally finds me.  

My thoughts got interrupted by a buzzing in my hand. I didn’t even realize I had my phone with me. I checked the screen, it was Jason who was calling me. I quickly answered:

“Hey, I am on- “ My words intercepted with Jason panicky voice.

“Where the f**k are you?! “ He nearly shouted.

“I am on the beach. Opposite the house.” I answered innocently.

“Stay there!” He growled and hung up.

I didn’t know what his problem was, but I was definitely going to find out. I summoned Ragnar to my side and started walking back to my house. That’s when I saw Jason, sprinting across the street towards me.  I just stood there, watching Jason’s panic expression close the space between us. He was only wearing his torn jeans. Finally he reached me, and wrapped his arms around me so tight that I couldn’t breathe.

“What’s wrong? “ I managed to squeak.

“ I thought you left me. “ He said almost sobbing.

“What? I could never leave you, Jason. “  he hugged me tighter.

“You did it before!”

“Oh, Jason. I just needed time. My feelings for you scare me sometimes. I am sorry. “ I started feeling light-headed due to the pressure on my lungs. Jason pulled back and kissed me passionately.

“Don’t ever do that again, “He told me before he started kissing me again. Our tongues colliding with one another, he tasted like a mint. I pulled back and gasped for air.

“You brushed your teeth?  “ I asked with a weak smile on my face.

“Yes, I used your toothbrush. “ He chuckled. “I hope you don’t mind?”

“No, of course not.” I answered as  I laid my head to rest on his chest. I took a deep breath and let the next words escape my mouth. “ If you want you can leave some things of yours in the house…”

“Yes, I would love that. Thank you, “ He whispered. He sounded relieved, like weight was taken off his shoulders.  “Come, we should be going. I quickly have to grab some clothes at my house and then we can start the trip. “

I nodded at him and let him clapsed my hand in his, leading me to his car.

© 2015 Annalynn Koopmans

Author's Note

Annalynn Koopmans
Any comments, reviews or cirtiques , doesnt matter the length, will be much appreciated ! Need all the help i can get! thank you!

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Added on May 13, 2015
Last Updated on May 13, 2015
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Erotica, Thriller