The Kick-off to the Heart - Chapter Twelve

The Kick-off to the Heart - Chapter Twelve

A Chapter by Annalynn Koopmans

Chapter Twelve


Preston insisted walking me to my front door.  He was tall, and broad. He had brown hair and grey eyes. He was certainly attractive, but a jerk.  Preston - his name said it all:  he was full-of-himself, way too forward and flirty. Not the kind of flirty that makes you blush.  The dirty -flirty kind that makes you want to vomit. But that wasn’t his worst quality. No, his worst quality was : cheap. He made me pay for myself at the bistro, he actually took out his phone and calculated the exact amount. This is one of the reasons why I didn’t date, there was always something wrong. Either with me or with him.  

I unlocked the door, but held it closed �" hoping that he would get the message.

“ Well this is me, thanks for tonight “ I said, looking at him. He raised his hand to face, tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and leaned forward to kiss me. I quickly turned my face, rejecting him. His lips kissed my cheek.

“ You don’t want to invite me inside? I can make you scream my name all-night-long. “ He whispered against my cheek.  ´Ehw! Gross!´ .   Before  I could make my intentions very clear, I heard a loud scream coming from inside my house.  Quickly I opened my door and ran inside, there was no one in the living room or kitchen, not even Ragnar… I ran down my hallway and opened my bedroom door. I was  astounded with what I found.

“What the…” I muttered.  Jason snapped his head toward me, looking at me with a wide smile on his face.

He was spread like an eagle across my mattress : his arms spread wide above his head,  wrists tied to my bed post with tie-wraps.  His legs were spread widely and his ankles tied with the same material to the corner of my bed. He was wearing nothing but dark grey boxer-briefs.  Next to my bed  Ragnar sat obediently, watching Preston from a distance.

Preston stood behind me, looking over my shoulder.

“What the f**k is this? “ Preston asked, incredulity.

“Vick! You’re here! Thank god! For a moment, I though you forgot about me! “ Jason said, relieved.     “Who is this you brought with? Didn’t I ask you to give me a head’s up if you want a three-sum?  Aggh, never mind . I am definitely  game ! Untie me so we can start the show ! “ Jason said, he was enthusiastic. I was lost. ´ How? What?´ Why?’

“ This is disgusting! You are sick! I am outta here! “ Preston shouted. He couldn’t  get away fast enough. And that’s when it hit me… Jason caused the scene, for this of reaction. He wanted Preston to run away.

I walked to Jason, and sat next to him on the edge my bed. My eyes traveling over his naked torso. ´Damn´.  Licking my lips, he looked delicious. His six-pack stomach, hard muscled and slightly hairy chest, his hard dark-beige n*****s... It was like an all eat you can buffet of Jason Akamai. I burst out of my bubble. 

“What are you doing here, Jason? “ I asked with a soft voice, not at all bothered that he scared off my date.

“Well, it’s simple,” he began. “ If you’re not going to be with me, I won’t let anyone else be with you.” he said it like it was the most natural thing to so say.   

“Seriously? “ I asked. I was annoyed that he thought he could just decide who I was going to be with, it was not his decision. But I decided to let go of the thought, he looked so damn good on my bed, it was extremely distracting. For two-weeks, I’ve been miserable, lost  and heartbroken. Nevertheless, every day I wished Jason was with me �" now he is here, practically naked , on my bed. I wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass me by.

Standing up, I walked out of the bedroom toward the living room. I locked my front door, snatched a spoon from the drawer and grabbed a bucket of vanilla ice-cream out the freezer. Walking back to my bedroom, I had a broad smile on my face, I was planning my revenge. He scared off my date, I didn’t like my date, but he didn’t know that �" he was going to suffer. 

“Where did you go? “  Jason asked, as I walked entered the bedroom. I stopped in the doorway and studied him.

“How did you manage: this? “ I asked, gesturing my hand toward the entire bed. He chuckled at my question.

“Tie-wraps are easy to attach, but when it came to my last remaining wrist�" that’s when it became tricky. It took me twenty-minutes  just to secure it with my mouth, ”   he proudly answered.                          Giggling at the image in my mind, him struggling to tie himself to the bed post.

I continued walking toward the bed, took off my sandals and crouched my knees next to his waist.     He looked at me, puzzled. 

“Are you going to untie me? Or just keep me like this all night? “  he asked. 

“Mmm. I am keeping you tied up.“  I grinned at him. His eyes shot open, for moment he was speechless. He cleared his throat and gathered his words.

“Victoria, if you want revenge, please, this is not the way. “  He pleaded.  I was giggling loudly at his reaction, he was scared.

“You don’t even know what I have planned,” I said, “ Would you like some ice-cream? “   Changing the subject.  He was studying my expression, trying to decrypt my intentions.  After a few seconds, he finally nodded his reply.

I tore the lit off from the vanilla ice cream and scooped a big spoon. My hand on its way too Jason, just when he opened his mouth and the ice cream barely touched his lips, I turned the spoon the opposite direction and licked the spoon clean.

“Mmm, so good. “ I muttered with a cheeky-smile on my face.

“I wouldn’t know… “ He pouted. I rolled my eyes at him and dug a new spoon for Jason. This time I fed him the ice cream, he closed his eyes and hummed in response.  Before he opened his eyes, I quickly dug some ice cream on his chest. His eyes sprung open as the ice cream was slowly melting on his body.

“Wha.. What are doing? “  He stuttered.  I met his gaze and slowly licked my lips. Leaning  forward,  I rested my left hand on side of his torso and the other on his chest, over his heart.  Slowly, I kissed his chest and licked the ice cream off. He was growling in response. I felt his heart increase speed underneath my hand.  After most of the ice cream was licked off, I sat back up and scooped another spoon, but this time on his collarbone. 

Slowly, I kissed from his chest up to his collar bone, licking the ice cream from his body.  He was squirming, trying to break free from restraints. My hand sliding from his chest to his hair, I visited his hair into my hand and pulled to turn his face. I bit the tendon of his neck, it wasn’t harsh but it was more than just  a nibble.  He gasped for air.

“Victoria! Untie me, now! “ He shouted in frustration.  I sat back up and laughed.

“Nope,” I teased. I loved how he was powerless �" it turned me on tremendously.   I moved to straddle is hips. Once I settle myself onto him, I felt his erection press onto my entrance. He was hard as a stone. I didn’t know much about sizes, but Jason, was undoubtedly: huge.  I rubbed him through his boxers, he arched his neck �" throwing his head back into the pillow as he moaned roughly.

Placing a large spoon  of  vanilla onto his lower-waist , I pulled his boxer-briefs a few centimeters down, only exposing some pubic hairs.  I smeared the melting ice cream downwards, with the rounden-rear of the spoon into his pubic hairs. I bent over and kissed his stomach clean . Taking my precious time going south, I felt him struggle underneath me. He was trying to free himself from the tie-rips , but they remained unbroken.

“Victoria, damn it! Untie me! “ he growled at me. “Let me touch you!”   

I didn’t respond to his demand, instead I sucked the ice cream from his short-trimmed pubic hairs, and moaned by the delightful taste. I heard him gasp for air. After I peck-kissed his erection thru his boxers, and climbed off the bed.

“Wait what? Where are you going?  “ he asked , confused by my sudden movement.  His voice was breathless, like he was running a marathon.

“ Shower. “ I answered.

Standing affront of the bed, between his legs:  I gently unzipped my black dress, the zipper was on my left-side, easy to undo. I was watching his face heat up, his eyes were on fire. I shoved the straps from my shoulders and let it fall down. I was standing only in my black lace thong and black bustier. Jason tried to sit up but failed miserably. Watching him fight the restrains was a blast, but I didn’t want him to start chewing his arms off. So I turned around and walked into my bathroom, which was directly opposite of the bed.  I stood between the sink and my shower �" I looked at Jason from the distance and saw he was watching me like a hawk. I adjusted the door slightly, so he wouldn’t see me naked entirely �" only glimpses, I heard him growl in frustration.  I pulled off my panties and bra and climbed into my shower.

After my shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and exited the bathroom. Jason was waiting for me impatiently. I smiled at him and continued walking toward my closet.

“Okay, Victoria. I get it. You had your revenge, now untie me. “ He said, groggily. I didn’t answer him. I entered my closet, let my towel pool at my feet and grabbed an oversized grey tank-top and pulled it over my head. I walked back into my bedroom, climbed on the bed and laid my head onto Jason’s chest. I could hear the beating of his heart, it was slowly increasing beats.

“ I missed you so much these last weeks, ” Jason said, his voiced sounded sad.

“I missed myself too,   

“You should’ve let me explain. Whatever Lindsey said to you was a lie. “

“She told me you were with her a couple of days before and that you both were discussing getting back together. “

“No! that’s a lie. However I did see her a few days before we met. She said she was on the verge of relapsing on cocaine and if I wouldn’t come save her, that she’ll probably overdose. Even though I loathe her, she doesn’t deserve that. “ he told me.

“That’s terrible, to put that kind of burden on your shoulders. But I understand why you did it, ” I did understand, I had my share of junkie,  suicidal women.  “She said you two were engaged?” I asked, changing the subject.

“ Yes, we were. We were together through senior year of high-school. After we graduated, she moved with me to Boston. And shortly after, she… she proposed to me. But then a few months later she left me for my best friend �" who obviously isn’t my bud anymore. They broke up years ago, but ever since she’s been trying to win me back. But, Vick, I will never go back to her, or do anything with her. She is my past and will stay there �" you on the other hand, are my present and my future.” He said. My heart skipped a beat, a single tear slide down my temple, meeting his chest. He was being painfully honest about his past. Maybe I should too?  Before I go there, I wanted to know about his parents.

“Do you and your parents get a long ? “ I asked, my voice uncertain. He cleared his throat.

“My parents died in a car accident when I was fifteen. My gran and grandpa raised me since then.  I had to move from Maui too Fort Lauderdale. It was a pretty big change for me. ” He answered. I could hear the pain in his voice. I felt like an idiot.

“I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. “ I quickly said.

“It’s okay, really. I am thirty-two years old now. It still hurts -but I’ve moved on. How about yours? “ he asked.   ‘it’s all or nothing’ . ´Oh god, here it goes´.

You really want to know? “ I asked before I started my story.

“Yes of course,”

I inhaled a deep breath and started sharing.  “My mother, Samantha, she is a suicidal heroin junkie, she hated me since I was born and reminded me every day of it. She knew who my father was, but she never told me. My father never knew she was pregnant �" so he doesn’t know  I exist. I tried, for years to get a lead and find him. But she wouldn’t even tell me where he was from. ” I was speaking so softly, that I could barely hear myself.  “I did have a step-father. Samantha married Pete when I was twelve-years-old. He was an mean alcoholic, liked to beat his fists in my…. “ I took a deep breath, I felt Jason grow tense beneath my arm. “I am just going to tell you all of it. But after, please don’t hate me. “

“I could never hate you, ” He answered. “But you don’t have to tell me, I know enough �" “

  “No I want to tell you, get it off my chest.” I quickly said. “ Pete, told me I needed to earn money- otherwise he was going to beat the hell out of Samantha and then me. He told me to earn it on the streets, he even pointed out which corner I should use. Of course,  I was still a virgin at the time. But Pete didn’t care. He just wanted money… Instead of working the corners, I pick-pocketed strangers on the streets. I was pretty good at it too. People never noticed. I stole enough to keep Pete satisfied and safe a little for myself.  Pete was a disgusting excuse of a man, he would either beat me for disobeying. Or he’ll make me stand in front of him so that he could… rub himself... Which resulted my mother beating me because she was jealous of my looks. Pete left my mother when I was seven-teen. After he left, my mother tried to kill herself for the third time.  She wanted to get his attention- to win him back. And it worked, he answered her plead and came back for good. During those five-years I had to live with Samantha and Pete, I worked extra hard on my school work �" it paid off because I graduated  a year early.  The minute I had my diploma , I left New Mexico. I had a little money stashed away and traveled across the country, to get away from them.  First, I moved to San Francisco, it was nice for about five-years. Eventually Pete found me…   Then I moved to Chicago, that lasted only two-years.  And finally, I moved here �" two-years ago…“ I told him my story, I felt relief that I got it off my chest. But I just needed to tell him one more thing.

“When I was staying in San Francisco, my mother somehow managed to get my phone-number and called me. She told me if I didn’t give her money that she’ll kill herself.” I paused- trying to steady my voice. Took a deep breath and continued. “ I called her bluff, told her I wanted nothing to do with her and that she’ll never get another penny from me… then I hung up… Two days later I received a call from the hospital that Samantha was in critical condition and that I should come visit. This suicide attempt was different, it wasn’t a cry for attention. It was genuine. She threw herself in front of a moving car that was going sixty-miles. She had multiple surgeries and survived barely. But the driver from the car, after he hit her, he crashed into a building… He died during surgery and left a wife and a child behind… “ I sobbed , this was the ugly truth. “ It was all my fault, I  didn’t even think twice of seeing her or giving her money. I just left her and never looked back. “ I was biting back the tears. Failing miserably.  “That’s it, my story. Because of my pride, an innocent man died. You’re the only one who knows. “ I sobbed.

“Vick… Cut me loose now. “ he said. I quickly sat up in panic. ‘Was he running away?’                                  Are you running?” I sobbed even harder.

“What? No!! I want to wrap my arms around you. Comfort you.” He answered, defensively. I quickly reached for the night stand beside the bed, opened the drawer and grabbed a pair of scissors. I crawled to the beds end and cut the tie-wraps, freeing Jason’s ankles.  Then I crawled back up, leaned forward and released his right wrist. I did the same to his left. When both hands were free, he instantly wrapped his arms around me tightly and held me �" my head was on his shoulder, my leg draped around his waist like an ivy. We stayed like that for ages, not saying a word.

“ I’m not wearing any undies. “ I said, teasing him. Trying to lighten the mood.

“You’re going to be the end of me if you keep this going, “ he growled and kissed my forehead. I giggled at his response.  We remained enfolded in each other’s arms for hours until we fell asleep.

© 2015 Annalynn Koopmans

Author's Note

Annalynn Koopmans
Critiques, reviews, comments anything! please! will be much appreciated

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Added on April 15, 2015
Last Updated on April 15, 2015
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Erotica, Thriller