The Kick-off to the Heart - Chapter ten

The Kick-off to the Heart - Chapter ten

A Chapter by Annalynn Koopmans

Chapter ten


We were all standing in a crowd. Emma was dancing with Cole, well more like “making-babies” on the dancefloor. Tim, Luke and Nick were discussing cars and mechanics.  Jason was edgy, he kept searching for something around the club. Almost every time we’re in public his mood changes. He’s sweet in physical gestures, but when it comes to pronouncing a few words and having a decent conversation, he goes AWOL. It was bothering my mood now too.

“Is there something wrong? “ I whispered in his ear. The music wasn’t that loud, so I said it softly, not wanting anyone to ease drop on us. Jason looked at me and briefly shacked his head. He grabbed two-flutes of champagne of the waiter’s tray and held one up to me. I shook my head and rejected. But he just held the drink in my face.

“No, thank you “I said bluntly.

“Just take the champagne, drink it. And then we can go. “ he growled.

“I said: No. Thank. You. “

“What? Are you a recovering alcoholic or something? Take the damn drink. “ he said, agitated.

“No I am not. But my mother is. “ I snapped. I know it was a low blow. But he was getting on my nerves.  I turned around and walked towards the restrooms. I needed a minute to calm down.

I was stumbling thru the crowd of dancing people, when Emma intercepted my path.

She dragged me by the elbow to a quiet corner where the music wasn’t so loud.

  So you and Jason ?    She asked with her eyebrows raised. I took deep breath and answered her.

“ Yes and no. There is a spark, “  It was more than just a spark, there were fireworks, explosions and nuclear bombs.  “ But, it hasn’t evolved yet. It still new and innocent. “

“Bull-s**t, I see how you two are looking at each other.  He looks at you like he is starving for affection and you look at him, like he is the most fascinating thing you ever laid eyes on.  There is more than just a spark. And it’s more than innocent. “ She said. Emma was great at reading peoples expressions. Especially mine, she always knows when I not telling her the whole story.

   Yes, that might be true. But , we haven’t done anything about it. “ I answered her.

“ Not yet. “ she said and winked at me. After a pause she took a deep breath and continued “Just be careful, he is a ladies man. I’ve heard stories from himself and from others that he doesn’t settle down.” Her voice was soft.  My stomach twisted at the unfriendly truth. She was right, Jason was a womanizer - a player. He only had one serious relationship and ever since- he was never spotted with the same girl twice. He didn’t do relationships, he did hook ups and one night stands. ´ Maybe that’s  why he’s is dick tonight? He didn’t want me anymore? I was too much trouble? He was shutting the door by shutting himself? ‘

Emma saw me battling with my thoughts, I was unable to keep my poker face.  

“ Vick, I am not saying he won’t settle down with you. I just want you to be careful. “ she said, her voice was soft and supportive. I cleared my throat and gathered the only words I was able to produce.

“It’s okay. I will be careful. “ I reassured her. She nodded, gave me a quick hug and returned to the dancefloor.

The ugly truth confronted my feelings for Jason. Emma was right,  once a player " always a player . my heart was aching, I needed to be by myself. Walking as fast as I can to the rest room.

Thankfully, the utility room was empty. I eyed myself in the reflection.  My face was pale and bleak " I look like I saw ghost. It was finally sinking in :  Jason and I could never work. He is a womanizer, even though he is trying to “whoo” me, I had a hard time believing that his intention is long-term commitment.   I wasn’t the kind of girl who could hook up with someone without strings attached. Nor was I the girlfriend material : I am emotionally unavailable, my heart was unreachable. Some people would call me an Ice-queen, but I liked to think I was independent.   Maybe I was cold?

Staring myself in the mirror, my hair was a mess , but thankfully my mascara was un-smutched. Fixing my hair, I heard someone enter the bathroom. She stood a few meters back, her gaze met mine in the reflection.

She was studying my body, my clothes, my face. I was doing the same:  She had brown eyes, black curly hair, falling over her lean shoulders.  Her lips were full, too full. Botox maybe?  She was short and slim but her fake double-D cup breasts made her look out-of-proportion. She was wearing a tight, short white dress with blood-red skyscraper heels. Her breasts nearly popping out.  I wouldn’t use the word ‘ beautiful ’ to describe her. She was tacky and seemed bitchy. But she was... hot.

“So you’re the girl who thinks she’s got Jason wrapped around her finger. “  she sneered. She took a step closer to me, I was watching her like hawk in the reflection.

“ No, I don’t think anything. ”  I told her bluntly. “ Who are you? “

“ I am Lindsey, Jason’s only love.  You know, if you think you and Jason have a chance. You’re wrong. You might be pretty,  but you’re not his type.”  She was talking in a mocking tone. It made my temper rise.  “ He only has one type. Me. He never recovered from me and he never will. He and I will be starting over soon, we were actually talking about it a few days ago. “ She said flashing a fake smile. My heart dropped to my stomach. ´ Was she lying ? or was he lying?     I didn’t know who to believe. She continued talking “ But I want you out of the way. I was his fiancé " it might have been a few years ago,  but you don’t just move on from that. After he is done with you, he’ll see I am what’s best for him.    she took another step towards me , stopped when she was maybe two-meters away from me.  “ I don’t see it . Your too much…. Barbie.”   Her eyes traveling over my body. I threw my head back and laughed out loud.

“Have you seen yourself in the mirror? I am surprised you can even stand straight with those silicone breasts hanging from your chest.  How do you eat exactly? You can barely pronounce your own name with those puffed-up lips. They might be handy with giving  earth-shattering blow-jobs, but having a descent conversation with you,  would be a joke. “ My voice was confident and clear. She was shocked by my words.  I turned around and faced her directly, she was even shorter than I thought. I took one step towards Lindsey, her face level with my chest.  Her eyes were wide and blinking restlessly. She was intimidated by my height. I looked down at her, and forced a fake smile-  it almost broke my face.   “ I might look like a Barbie, but I am not the one made from plastic.”  I told her, flashing my white teeth.      

I headed out of the room, Lindsey turned her body and watched me walk away.  Adrenaline rushing through my veins. My mind haunted by the words she said. ´ He and I are starting over soon’  those words bothered me to the core. ‘Was it true?’  ‘Would he return to her after he had his share of me?’.  As I opened the bathroom door, I snapped out of my thoughts " confronted with Jason’s body standing in front of me.  I froze in the doorway, holding the bathroom-door wide open. 

“I am sorry, that was rude of me, ”  He apologized. I didn’t respond. I just kept staring at him. My face blank.

“What’s wrong? What happ… “ He stopped talking,  when his eyes spotted  Lindsey behind me, still standing where I left her.  His face turned white, like mine. 

“S**t. Vick, I can...”   I wouldn’t let him finish his sentence. I walked passed him, not caring for his excuses.   Jason was following me impatiently. I wanted to get out there, fast. Exiting  the club, I  turned right and started walking faster, almost sprinting.  Jason was still  following me.

“Vick, please let me just explain… “ 

“Don’t bother! Just go away! “I shouted. Instead of turning around to look at him, I started to walk even faster.

“Victoria! Just slow-down! You might trip and hurt yourself! Please-“

“ Pfff, like you care!”  I hissed at him.

“ Don’t you go there! I’ve done nothing but try to prove myself worthy for you .”

“I never asked you to do that, I never asked you to do anything. So just go away and go bang your inflatable Lindsey! “

“ Stop being so dramatic ! So distant! So cold! You’re being ridiculous! “  he said. Those words, pressed my  wrath-of-fury  button. I turned around and slapped him in the face. Hard. He looked surprised, his eyes wide in shock. Lifting my right-hand to hit him again, he grabbed my wrist tightly in his left hand. I immediately  responded by lifting my other hand, attempting to hit him again" he snatched my wrist in his right-hand and pushed me flat against the wall. My arms pinned  above my head, he had my wrists in a deathly grip. He pressed his body against mine " he had me  trapped, I couldn’t move an inch.  He looked aggravated. His eyes piercing into me, he snapped his face to mine. He kissed me violently.  Our  mouths clashing into each other, his tongue exploring inside. We were kissing like there was no tomorrow, like we were each other’s air. 

My body was turning weak, my arms were shaking above my head. Jason let go of my wrists and slide his hands down my arms, to my side, caressing my rib-cage. My left-hand fisted in his hair, the other on his chest, feeling his heart race beneath my touch. I moaned into his mouth, and sucked his tongue.  He growled a response and moved his one hand to my back, sliding down to cup my a*s " the other still stroking my ribs. I moaned again,  resulting him kissing  me with all his willpower. Overwhelmed by his passion, I put both hands on his chest, and pushed him away with all my mighty.   He stumbled back two-paces " surprised by the act.

“Victoria, that was amaz-“  He started to say, but I interjected his words

“Don’t… ” I put my hand up, showing him I wasn’t up for it.

“But I…” 

“I said, Don’t. Whatever that was " it’s never going to happen again. Whatever we had, is done. ”  I hissed at him, “I am going home alone, Do. Not. Follow. Me. “

I continued walking towards my car, which was parked by Allstars.  I quickly looked back, he just stood there. Watching me from a distance. My heart was racing, my mind blank, my legs wobbly. It was all a side-effect from the earth-shattering kiss I just experienced. But it was never going to happen again.

On the drive home- I showed no emotion, no reaction to what just happened. I knew one of us would end up ruined,  and I had to be the responsible one to end it.  I didn’t want to, but I had to. If he found out who I really was, he would never look at me the same… 

When I finally entered my home, I closed the door behind me and dropped myself to the ground, leaning against my front door " Covering my face in my hands and started to cry. I haven’t shown this emotion in a decade, but it felt good to let it all out. “Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. “ I mumbled to myself.  I was stupid to believe he would care about me. Stupid to believe he and I had chance. ‘I am a stupid, stupid girl.

© 2015 Annalynn Koopmans

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Added on April 14, 2015
Last Updated on April 14, 2015
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Erotica, Thriller