The Kick-off to the Heart - Chapter Eight

The Kick-off to the Heart - Chapter Eight

A Chapter by Annalynn Koopmans

Chapter Eight

Allstars was reasonably quiet considering it was Saturday. We were sitting at the same table like last time, on my right side sat Jason, Donovan and Ashley, on my left side sat Emma, Cole and Nick. Jason’s mood changed the second we stepped in Allstars. He seemed agitated and unsettled, nevertheless he was quiet.  There was something bothering him, I didn’t know what, but I was going to find out.  Emma turned her vision from Cole too me, leaning forward in her chair.

“Vick, we’re going to this club opening tomorrow night. Will you come? “ She asked. I hated clubbing, I loved dancing, but hated random people grinding against me. Last time Emma asked me to go clubbing, I promised her I will go with her next time. Hoping there will be no next time. ‘Maybe she forgot?

“Emma, you know I hate clubbing. Pleas- “ I was interrupted by her voice.

“Vicki, you promised! Last time you said no, you promised me you’ll go with next time! You promised! “ She remembered. ´Damn it! ‘  

“It would be great if you came with us! “ Nick said. 

“ Ugh… Fine! But don’t expect me to stay long! “  I caved in. I couldn’t break my promise. Even if I wanted to, Emma wouldn’t let me. 

“Yay! It’s a few buildings further from Allstars. You can’t miss it! Meet us there at Nine-pm? “ Emma sounded proud that she finally got me to go clubbing.

“That’s great! Almost all the Miami Dolphins will be there too, only Jason won’t come. “ Nick said. A wave of disappointed washed over me, I wanted Jason to come. I wanted to see him again.

“Maybe I’ll drop by later.” Jason said, out-of-the-blue. He was so quiet since we arrived at Allstars, I was surprised by his words.

It was almost eight-pm, I wanted to go home. I was beat and Ragnar would start getting impatient right about now. I can’t say I blame him, he was home alone all day. I’ll have to make it up to him �"‘we’ll go for a two-hour walk on the beach,  tomorrow morning. ‘  I thought to  myself. That would make him happy and exhausted, considering he’ll be alone again tomorrow night.

I leaned over to Jason, and asked if he was ready to go. Instead of answering me with words , he just nodded at me. There was something up, and I wanted to know what. ‘I will ask him once were in the car.´   We said our goodbyes and were on our way to the car.

On the drive home, Jason was a little more preppy. He was telling me  about his time in Maui and that he gotten a scholarship in Boston.  But I still wanted to know what was up with him in Allstars.

“Why were you so quiet in Allstars?” I asked him, my voice soft. He signed and took a quick look at me.

“Nick… Nick wants you. I can see it. “  He said thru gritted teeth.  I threw my head back and laughed out loud. My eyes were shedding tears, my stomach began to hurt from laughing so loudly.

“Stop it! It’s true. He wants you badly! Can’t you see it? “ His voice was annoyed by my laughs.

“No! No, I can’t see it! Because it’s not true, idiot! “ I said between laughs. “

“ Well, I am not the idiot here - if you can’t see it. He basically undresses you with his eyes!” He shouted the last sentence. I wiped my teary-eyes with my hand. Before I could answer him, he continued talking. “Why is it so hard for you to believe that men want you? I am certainly not the only one. “ He said his voice more friendly than it was a few seconds ago. I stopped laughing immediately after the last words. ‘He wanted me? Jason Akamai, wanted ME ? ‘ . Sure, I knew he was interested, but that he wanted me was something that left me stunned. 

On the rest of the way, we exchanged no words. Just sharing the awkward silence.  He turned his car into my driveway and turned the engine off.  I turned my body to face him directly.

“Why…? I am not that special, you could have any one you want… “ I was insecure about myself, not because of my looks or my personality. But because no one ever wanted me. Not even my own mother.

He turned his body towards me and looked deeply into my eyes.

“Don’t see it, do you? You’re not only breathtakingly beautiful. But you’re : Honest, sweet, caring and forgiving. And beside those obvious traits you’re :  Sassy, competitive, adventurous and full of surprises… It goes on-and-on. Should I keep going?  “ His voice sweet and calm. My heart racing. I wouldn’t call myself those things. But it was definitely the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.   “Plus, you have the most amazing a*s! “ He teased.  That got a laugh out of me. He raised his hand to my cheek and stroked my curved lips. He leaned forward, put paused just a few inches from me.

“God, I want to kiss you…  But I won’t… Not yet… “ He whispered. I was disappointed that he didn’t, but I felt relieved that he did want to kiss me. Eventually, he returned to sit up straight.

“Good night. “ I quickly leaned over- and kissed him on the cheek. I was out the car before he could respond. I opened the front door and turned my body to wave at him. After I heard his engine start I quickly went inside and closed the door behind me. My heart was beating out my chest, and I felt something unfamiliar in my gut… ´Butterflies? Maybe? Damn, this is addictive. ‘

© 2015 Annalynn Koopmans

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Added on April 14, 2015
Last Updated on April 14, 2015
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Erotica, Thriller