The Kick-off to the Heart - Chapter Five

The Kick-off to the Heart - Chapter Five

A Chapter by Annalynn Koopmans

Chapter Five

My mouth might be incapable of pronouncing words, but my mind was on a roller-coaster producing thoughts:  ‘What the…   ‘ ‘Seriously?’ ‘ Two-days and three-encounters- Was he following me?                          All these topics were popping rapidly into my head, an migraine in the making. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that he, Jason Akamai, and I have had three- unplanned- encounters in the last forty-eight-hours… ‘ Was this a sign?

My mind was trembling under the pressure. I started feeling light-headed and nauseas. How could this be? Before I could dwell on the thought, Jason  quickly stood up and offered his hand.

Forcing my eyes away from his ,  I stared at his hand like it was deadly poison. Remembering him touching my elbow at the grocery store "  an addictive shockwaves travelled throughout my entire body.  Would that happen again?

Before I could shake his hand, I heard Emma’s voice break the silence.

“ Uhmm, Vicki?  You alright? “ she said. She was frowning at me then turned her gaze to Jason’s hand.   “Do you two  know each other or something. ” she asked, Without it being a question. I returned my eyes to Jason’s. He was still watching me. Before I could answer Emma, or take action " Jason cleared his throat and spoke.

“Yes actually, we had two-unfortunate encounters. Great to see you again, Vicki was it? ”  he said. He pronounced my name like it was a forbidden word. It sounded more like a whisper.  His hand was still extended - I quickly reached my hand out too shake his.  His shake was firm, but his giant hands were soft like silk. I felt the familiar wave of jolt spread. It was an addictive and distracting rush.                           Trying to connect my tongue to my brain - it was difficult since my hand was still captured in his firm grip. 

“Hi, yes.  “ I mumbled.  I realized my hand was still in his " snatching my hand away like he was on fire " I turned my gaze to the other two men.  Nick Danielson was the wide receiver in the team. He was handsome, not in the same  league than Jason’s, but he was defiantly good-looking. He had  short blond hair with side-burns to the ears, his eyes were turquoise blue.  A muscular tight jaw, small thin lips stretched into a smile " showing his straight white teeth.  He stood up, standing next to Jason and extended his hand. Without overthinking I shook his hand and met his smile. 

“Hey, Nice to meet you, ” Nick said, I pulled my hand back to my side steadily and moved on to Donovan.

Donovan Coetzee was the Defensive tackle of the Miami dolphins. He was a beast of man: enormously tall,  just by looking at him I knew he had to weigh at least two-hundred-kilograms. If he wanted a hobby outside football, sumo wrestling would be a great option. His skin was a perfect shade of brown, he had a short trimmed black afro. My eyes met his dark brown ones, I extended my hand, he shook it tightly. So tight that it was almost painful.  He released my hand and looked at Jason who was standing opposite of him.

“ Jason, is this the blonde angel you were telling us about? “ Donovan said directing a smug smile at Jason. My heart starting racing, ‘what did Hawaiian a*s-face call me? -  Angel  ? No one has ever compared me too an angel…’ I quickly turned to watch Jason, his face showed a hint of blush and … panic?  His jaw tightened, his eyes piercing thru Donovan skull.

“No! “ He blurted out. Hastily, he recovered himself and cleared his throat . “No, that was someone else, ” he said steadying his voice.  A small, tiny hint of disappointment hit me. what was I thinking? he could get any woman he wanted, and I rejected him.  He would not be referring to me as  Angel.    Donovan carried a smug smile, the smile almost cracked Jason’s face. It was difficult to believe that there was a man who was more beast than Jason, but Donovan clearly was, he was taller and bigger in every way. Other people might find him intimidating, but I for one, was fascinated.     

Thankfully, Emma was too distracted by Cole to study my expression.  She stood behind him, her hands on his shoulders, crouching so she could whisper into his left ear. Cole met my gaze - I nodded a greeting and took the only vacant seat, next Jason…  

Sitting down " I noticed that the three men were still standing. Jason hesitated but turned to face me.

“I am  getting some drinks . Walk with me? “  He said , looking down at me. My heart stopped beating entirely. Before I couldn’t gather a response. He arched his back, grabbed me by the elbow and pulled me back onto my feet, dragging me along towards the bar.  I was stunned,  it all happened so fast.

Instead of heading to the bar, he pulled me into a silent corner " a few feet away from the heavy crowd.   He leaned in close to my face, I leaned back. Intimidated by this act, I was clueless how else to response. He got the message , nevertheless he leaned a little closer, close enough I could smell him and feel his breath on my face. My legs stiffened.

“ Don’t be nervous, I am not going to touch you.”  He whispered. Processing his words, my mind was relieved but my body was aching for his touch.  I watched him lick his lips and continued talking.  

“ Listen, I know you hate me. You have every right too.  But you’re Emma’s best friend and I am her husband’s best bud, we are going to be seeing more of each other. We should at least try to get along. “ he said sincerely. He was right though, we should at least try.  My eyes gazed up at his.

“Jason… I … don’t hate…  you … “ I  stuttered the words out of my mouth.  “ But yes,  you’re right. We should get along.     I said my voice growing stronger and louder. “You can start scoring points by buying me a drink. ” I continued. His expression changed from serious into a captivated stare.

“ Fair enough, but if I recall:  earlier today I was trying to make it up to you,  which you rejected… So for what exactly am I scoring points for? “ He asked me flashing his one-million-dollar smile.                   “Well that’s simple,  I will magically start to forgive and forget you calling me fat and stealing my ice cream.” I flashed my smile up at his, he was watching  me immensely. His eyes sparkled in the dim light, he scent was erotic, his lips were flawlessly fully shaped. I wanted to do the weirdest thing… kiss him...

 I’ve never wanted to kiss someone this bad before. Not even with my two-exes. They were just flings, I was young and seeking for affection. Eventually I fell into their hold. The first, Matt,  lasted one year. I caught him cheating on me, I wasn’t even bothered . Which upset him because he found me emotionally unavailable. Shortly after Matt,  I met Luke, he only lasted four-months he thought of me as detached and cold. Both of them never to be heard or seen again.

 “Didn’t you say earlier that you have already forgiven me? “  he asked amused.  

“Well , yes I did. I do . But forgiving is not forgetting, and if you don’t score plus points- I might be holding it against you.” I answered.

“ Okay, I can work with that. Come I’ll buy us drinks.”  He said. As he was leading me to the bar his hand shifted from my elbow to the small of my exposed back. Skin on skin. My heart was pounding so fast I thought I was going to drop.  His hands were large, but his skin so delicate. I won’t ever admit it out loud, but I wanted his hands , his touch, everywhere on my body.

Arriving at the bar we were squashed between two different groups of people. The one behind Jason were talking seriously about something involving politicians, and the group behind me were laughing and talking loudly. The narrow space forced our body to compress. All of our body parts were touching one another. I couldn’t think , let alone speak.

Jason turned his head, positioning  his mouth by the base of my ears.

“What do you want to drink?” he whispered. I could feel the vibrations of his voice travel through my veins. It made me shutter.

“Coca-cola please,” I whispered back into his right ear. He leaned back, studied my expression. I don’t know what he is looking for.  He recovered his position at my ear.

“No beer? Wine? Cocktail? Tequila? “ He asked me.  He leaning back to watch me expression. Shaking my head. He raised his eyebrows and nodded continued to order our drinks. I didn’t drink alcohol for various reasons - most people found me strange for it. But I have never had droplet …         I don’t find it comforting.   

He handed me my soda as we slowly retreated to our table, his hand again situated on my naked back. Once we arrived I hastily sat down in seat, I was feeling a little woozy.  He put the four other drinks in the center of the table and took his seat next to mine.  Sitting next to Jason was oddly soothing. He had this way about him that just was so…  laid-back.  I liked it.  Slowly recuperating myself, Cole and Nick were sharing tales about their childhoods,  Donovan started sharing tactics about the upcoming game with Jason. Jason nevertheless was a little reluctant. Like his mind was on a parallel universe… I didn’t dwell on the thought, since Emma started an conversation with me. We were talking about everything:  her plans involving my hair, that she wanted to go shopping soon, about her salon, about my cafe. We were catching up, even though we saw each other less than five-days ago, it felt like months.

Emma and I were jumping from one topic to the next. Suddenly, I felt a soft hand caress my bare knee below the table. I froze, stopped breathing, stopped thinking " stopped everything. The hand continued to gently stroke my kneecap.  I gathered my eyes and stared at my lap, it was Jason’s hand. His hand was hidden from sight,  no one at the table noticed. But I sure did.  It was detractingly wonderful.  My eyes travelled upwards his arm, passing his biceps, shoulders, neck, lips - finally I met his eyes. His eyes were wild, like there was a fire spreading inside him.  Before I could react, he turned his face away from me and continued his conversation with Donovan. But his hand remained on my knee, moving his fingers in torturing motions. My jaw was slack,  I was confused about his act, but also confused by the fact that I didn’t push his hand away, nor did I want too. The feeling was sensational,  something I’ve never experienced before.  It was addictive.

© 2015 Annalynn Koopmans

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Added on April 12, 2015
Last Updated on April 12, 2015
Tags: Romance, Erotica, Fiction, Thriller