What Crosses Your mindA Poem by AnnaGMartinIf you aren't in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret. -- Jim CarreyWhat Crosses Your Mind? What crosses your mind, When words don’t come out, And all that formulates within, Are choppy half-complete impressions made of sounds, Or maybe words that barely make it to a sentence
What is it that crosses your mind? At the hit of thoughts against the contour of your essence And at the relief , once they leap aback into the swirl
What crosses your mind? When conversation takes place within
Do you hold on to faith? Or do you hold on to fear? © 2014 AnnaGMartinReviews
5 Reviews Added on June 21, 2014 Last Updated on June 23, 2014 Tags: What crosses your mind, When, words, don’t, come out, all that, formulates within, Are, choppy half, complete, impressions, made, of, sounds, Or maybe, word, barely Author