Deliver Me Safely - Chapter Eight

Deliver Me Safely - Chapter Eight

A Story by ~AnnaCentric~

Finally, the group has reached the monastery. But what awaits them there?


Deliver Me Safely

Chapter Eight


      It stares hatefully at Leon, an evil grin on its face. Leon feels a shiver run down his spine. He backs away and out of the cage. Serenity’s eyes follow him. He locks the door of the cage. Etienne motions to him and quickly goes back to the campsite. Valere and Antoine are looking their way, unsure of what they’ve just seen. Leon’s head snaps away from Serenity. He is unnerved by what he’s finally figured out. It’s so callous, and he isn’t sure how to comprehend it. All he knows is that Serenity is in danger, and he has to save her. But the only chance of that happening is to deliver her to Bonarame. Frustrated, he clenches his fists.

      “Leon!” Etienne calls to him.

      Leon looks up and runs back to camp. He sits next to Antoine. Quietly, he informs Valere and Antoine of what happened. The two look at each other.

      “Nothing good will come of this. We should go back,” Valere mutters.

      “We cannot,” Etienne sighs. “We have a duty to deliver the witch to the abbey.”


      “There is no turning back,” Leon breaks in.

Valere turns his face downward.


      Meanwhile, Serenity is silently crying. She reaches deep within herself and sees it, the demon that has taken control of her. It still scares her, even though it has been a year since she had been taken; she is still not used to seeing it. It speaks to her; although wordlessly, she can understand its intentions.

      “You will not survive,” it says. “I will not allow it. Those men will fail, and you know it.”

This sends Serenity further into a depression, as her tears continue to fall.


      The men stay silent for the rest of the night.


      The next morning everyone woke up at the same time. They all quietly packed up the wagon and went on their way. They should reach the monastery by today. Everyone is on edge. Finally, they make it to the end of the mountain range. There is a large mosque-like building some fifty yards away.

      “Bonarame,” Antoine says aloud.

      The only thing coming between them and the abbey is a bridge; it is in good condition. Etienne guides the wagon slowly across the bridge, Leon and Antoine following after him. Leon is at the back of the cage, where Serenity peers at him. He keeps his glance away from hers. Serenity looks disappointed.

      Je désolée. I’m sorry,” she mutters to him.

Still, Leon does not acknowledge her.

      “Will ignoring me really ease your tension?” she asks.

No answer. She sighs and turns away from him.


      The abbey’s gates are open. The group rides in. There are four stone pillars lining each side of the corridors connected to the sides of the middle structure. Stone steps lead up to the main doorway. Etienne stops the wagon, and he and Valere dismount. Antoine looks about, muttering to himself. Leon dismounts his horse and heads up the stairs.

      “Wait, Leon,” the priest calls after him.

Leon stops and waits for Etienne to catch up to him. When he does, the two make their way into the building.


      “We’re sorry for the intrusion, brothers,” Etienne declares. “but we are in need of your aid.”

A group of monks that were standing before a cross look back at them. One of them comes forward.

      “Are you here with the Black Witch?” he inquires.

      “Yes,” Etienne answers him.

      “We’ve been expecting you.”

      “The Cardinal told you of our arrival?” Leon questions.

The monk nods his head.

      “I am Father Aubert, head minister of Bonarame,” He informs them.

     “Pleased to meet you,” Etienne bows his head. “I am Father Etienne.”

Then he points to Leon.

      “And this is Leon de Mace.”

      “Now that we have introductions over with, let’s focus on the task at hand,” Leon blurted, heading towards the open doorway again.

      “Of course.” Father Aubert says and follows Leon outside, grabbing a bottle of holy water.

Etienne proceeds after them.


     Valere and Antoine are waiting expectedly by the cage. Inside, Serenity has her eyes close, muttering things to herself, out of earshot. Father Aubert inspects her, and she still doesn’t respond to anyone’s presence. Etienne stands next to him, a hint of nervousness apparent on him.

      Ouvrez vos yeux, ma fille, Open your eyes, girl,” Father Aubert commands Serenity.

She slowly opens her eyes and faces him. She says nothing. Her expression is one of a lost child.

      “This is the witch?” Father Aubert questions, turning to Etienne.

      “Yes,” Etienne affirms.

      Father Aubert looks back at Serenity once more. Antoine is fidgeting nervously. Valere and Leon look at each other, hoping the same thing, and then return their attention to Father Aubert and Serenity.

      “Why must you peer at me so much?” Serenity questions, annoyed.

      “Are you indeed a witch?” the minister asks her.

Serenity is about to answer when Etienne breaks in.

      “She has already confessed to this,” He says.

Father Aubert reaches through the bars. The girl backs away.

      “W-what are you doing?” she demands.

The minister c***s his head to one side and smiles reassuringly.

      “What are you afraid of?” he questions. “If you are an innocent girl, you have no reason to flee from my touch.”

      Serenity calms herself, carefully sliding towards Father Aubert again and stopping just a few inches from him. He comes in again and lightly touches her leg. Serenity shuts her eyes. A nearly inaudible whimper escapes her lips. Father Aubert takes his hand away, his eyes narrowing.

      “What’s the matter?” he asks.

      The girl opens her eyes with a new image of hatred visible in her eyes. Her icy glare is aimed at Father Aubert. Then it focuses on Etienne, and then Antoine, who stands two feet behind the priest. Finally, it focuses on Valere and Leon. The stare grows more spiteful while locked on Leon. Serenity, no, it mutters something none of the men can hear.

      “What was that?” Father Aubert ponders.

It looks once more to the minister.

      Tu vas brûler en enfer, You’re gonna burn in hell.” It growls.

© 2012 ~AnnaCentric~

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Added on October 24, 2012
Last Updated on October 24, 2012



Cameron Park, CA

I've been interested in writing since my sophomore year of high school. My topics of writing normally circle around Europe in the 13-1400's (at the time of the Black Death), but lately I've been dippi.. more..

Kyoto Kyoto

A Poem by ~AnnaCentric~