![]() Good and Gone. Chapter 4A Chapter by AnnaI slipped in quietly as I set my keys down and went upstairs. I sighed and snuggled into my bed, thankful that I skipped a meeting with Satan. I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes. ~ I woke to the most awful thing in the world. Eric's fingers twisted in my hair and his other hand curled into a fist. "You little f*****g s**t! You left school AGAIN?!" He screamed. I winced, but didn't do anything more. I expected this. But I didn't expect this much force. He must've been drinking again, even though it was 2 pm. I looked into those crazy blue eyes as he slurred profanity and slung spit in my face. "Do I have to f*****g make an excuse for you every time your stomach f****n hurts? You need to start sucking it up and going to goddam school!" "Technically, I went," I muttered. He put his fat, ugly face close to mine. "What the hell did you just say to me? Did you just backtalk? You're gonna have to tell me where you're getting this spirit from son, I'll rip it to f****n shreds!" Then he was done yelling. It was the next phase. Beating the s**t out of me. First he hit my thigh a few times, then he just struck blindly. Usually he's more careful about leaving marks, so then I knew he was drinking. I felt a few tears down my cheeks. "Man the f**k up, you p***y!" I felt a sudden pain across my face. I screamed. And he let me drop to the ground. He had never hit my face. Ever. I looked up at him and he looked surprised at what he did. "You got hit by the door," he told me sternly and left. I let sobs run through me as I reached for my iPhone. There were a few messages from Pierson. Let me know how that goes. Ugh, I didn't get any lunch and now it's 3rd period....stupid AP - I miss you. How you feelin sexy? - Could I stop by after school? I called him. I was crying and upset and I wanted to hear his voice. But I forgot he was in school, so he didn't answer. I face-palmed and sent him a text. Didn't go so great, so i dont think so. call when you can. ~ As I waited for his call, I took pictures of the damage and sent them to Pierson. I sighed and turned down my stereo as I heard Eric calling me. "WHAT?" I yelled back. "DINNER'S IN THE FRIDGE. WE'RE GOING OUT!" "OKAY, HAVE FUN!" I was about to turn my music back up when I saw Pierson calling. I picked up. "Hey." "Are you okay?!" He sounded so worried. "I tried to get out of class, but my teacher's an a*****e." "I'm fine, really. He's never hit my face like that, but I think he didn't mean to. He was drinking, and I did piss him off." "Don't even start. This is in no way your fault," he said. I heard a whole bunch of people in the background. "Where are you?" I asked. "Ugh, on the bus. I wish I didn't have to ride this everyday. I called as soon as I got out of those doors." I sighed. "Well, maybe I could start taking you home and picking you up?" I suggested. "That'd be awesome! Nova said he could take me by your house after school, since its on the way, but your stepdad..." He sounded so worried. "It's fine. So what were Nova's conditions? Just as long as he could look at my car?" I asked and laughed at the thought. It was probably true. He chuckled. "I'm glad y'all get along. He's like a brother to me," Pierson said. Then he pulled away from the phone and yelled at someone. "Sorry, people are being stupid. Anyway, I gotta go. I'll text you?" I grinned and fell onto my bed. "Yeah." I sighed happily, once again the events not bothering me...until he came home. Even more drunk. "You little filthy w***e!" He hit my mother. "She's not a w***e!" He hit me. "Baby, don't stand up for me. You'll just get hurt!" "Ya wanna be a hero? You wanna be a goddamn hero?!" He hit me. "Honey, he doesn't know what he's talking about, leave him out of it!" "Shut up w***e!" He hit me. "You're an a*****e!" "I picked you up off the streets and this is how you repay me?!" He hit me. "I'd rather be on the streets than here!" "Then go!" He hit me. "F**k you!" He hit me. "No, you don't have to leave. Honey, lets talk about this! I'm sure he's sorry!" He hit me. "This p***y isn't f*****g sorry!" He pulled a knife and pressed it against me. "No, Eric, I am sorry! I'm sorry!" He hit me.
© 2013 Anna |
Added on April 21, 2013 Last Updated on April 21, 2013 Author