Elegance At Its Finest

Elegance At Its Finest

A Chapter by Anieke

A welcoming party was being thrown that night for me, to introduce me to all the Palace’s residents, including Marcuz and his sons. I was so nervous I felt sick. Just thinking of vampires terrified me although I had been assured I was perfectly safe, Plus whats the worst that could happen? Im already dead.

“You look lovely.” I complimented as Candice entered my room. She was wearing a short white dress with small straps and a cinched waist, her hair still wavy and flowing.

“Aw thank you, Lilith. I picked the perfect dress for you earlier, I think you should definitely wear it tonight, try it on.” She said as she walked to the wardrobe, bringing out a long, silk, backless red dress with rhinestones covering the straps and strappy red heels to match.

“Its beautiful.” I remarked as I took it from her.

I felt like a princess in the dress. Candice had maneuvered my hair into an elegant up do and found me some basic make-up. By 6’o clock it was time to head down to the dining hall for the party. I hadn’t really even seen any of the Palace other than my room and the bathroom, I could tell it was huge but I was curious to see how huge it really was.

Candice walked me through the surprisingly modern halls filled with bizarre abstract paintings down to the dining hall. The doors were open and I could see people filling the hall quickly, some were already sitting down at the ridiculously long tables covered with a gorgeous banquet of food. A small stage was to the right and a 3 man band played a jazz tune that subtly filled the large room. I scanned the people who were here for my welcoming. The more I looked the more unnatural some looked, a lot were pale as paper with such a perfect aura it was unreal, some had bright hair and eyes like Candice, there was also a lot of children, I was anxious to meet these people.

“Lilith, How wonderful to formally meet you, I am Marcuz, ruler of Southern Eden.” He took my hand and kissed it gently, his hand and lips felt like ice, making my skin crawl slightly. He looked around 30, short black hair combed perfectly back, a slight stubble covered his chin and jaw, his eyes a piercing gray, with a wise know all look about them.

“Nice to meet you, Sir.” I smiled as he let go of my hand.

“She has settled in fine, Sir.” Candice mentioned.

“Thank you Candice, please, follow me girls.” He smiled, slight crows feet forming around his eyes.

He led us to the far table, pulling a chair out for me to be seated, he then sat to my right, with Candice next to him. A small namecard sat in front of me on the my plate with my name scrawled in royal blue ink. I looked hesitantly to the 2 empty places to my left, the cards read Harlem and Danny. My stomach sank sickeningly, for some reason I’d rather put off meeting with them boys again. I thought back to my foggy awakening earlier today, I was scared, the cruel coldness in their voices made my blood curl.

Marcuz quickly interrupted my thoughts, turning towards me.

“I felt something different was in you, something special, I can tell you have a good heart. That is why I have chosen you for my sons. Please make yourself completely at home here, If you need anything, just ask.” He smiled at me again warmly, even genuinely.

“Sir, uh, what is it I’m actually supposed to do.” I asked hesitantly.

He went to answer before his head lifted and he began to greet someone standing beside me.

“Boys, your late, please sit, enjoy the food.” He gestured towards their chairs.

I turned to see Danny and Harlem grinning ear to ear at me, pulling their chairs out and seating themselves, barely taking an eye off me. Harlem quickly leaned over before I could move away and kissed me on the cheek whispering in my ear, “You clean up real nice.” Before he pulled back, grinning slyly at me before turning and starting to fill up his plate, I heard danny chuckle slightly before he too turned to fill his plate.

© 2010 Anieke

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Added on September 18, 2010
Last Updated on September 18, 2010



Tasmania, Australia

Im always unsatisfied. I insist on being blonde. Im unbelievably forgetful.. seriously, you wouldn't believe it. I like red. Im completely lazy but Im a workaholic.. I like money. I wis.. more..

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