Reflection in fire when the flames of life have been doused. Waiting for nothing to happen but a continuation of hardship, I sit and relax under the stars. In the light polluted skies, I study each glimmer of life.
Perhaps under these stars someone else has the same struggles, or maybe another person, studying my own star, is thinking about the same things as I.
There is something about looking into the night sky that calms the mind. Humbling yourself at the thought that you are a single person versus billions of other lives, other stars, and even other galaxies.
As the smoke from my pipe swirls on this warm summer night, I cannot help but hope everything will be alright. While pondering this, dark shadows of the forest creatures play in the night. Even these creatures share the same sky. Though we do not have the same worries, we have the connection of the sky and of life. They do not know of the passing time. However they continue to live.
As do I.