![]() Living HellA Story by Angels heart![]() Girl is haunted by her dead best friend![]()
I sat on my bed looking over at my phone, waiting for the little clock on it to turn 9 am. A minute went by, 8:59. I stared at my phone, hand waiting to pick it up. 9:00. RING- I picked the blocked caller up.
“Stop calling here, leave me the sparks alone!” I yelled into the phone, but of course not loud enough for my parents to hear in the next room. A few seconds went by and all I could hear on the other line was breathing, giving me no indication of a girl or guy. “I know what you did.” BEEP. Like every time, that sparking phrase and then just beeping. I kept on holding the phone to my ear, not knowing what to do like every other time. Then I slowly started to put my phone down, thoughts racing through my head, to many to make out except one. What if my secret gets out? I just sat there, thinking about it. This has been going on for two weeks now and I can’t tell who it is or who keeps calling me, every time it’s a different voice, sometimes different numbers, all unrecognized and it never has a location. But always, it’s that phrase. I was still just sitting there when my mother walked into my room. “Aren’t you supposed to work at 9:30?” “Yes.” I answered. I slowly got out of bed and walked out my door passed mom down to my car in the garage and got in. I put in the key and turned on the ignition and opened the garage door and backed out. I closed the door before I left and drove to Apple Market, a small grocery store where I work as a store clerk, checking people out which is rarely cause the place normally ever only has one customer in it yet they have 2 employees working. I got to the grocery store, checked in right on time, and I went to stand behind the cash register. I checked people out and helped old ladies bring food to their cars, just a normal day routine I guess. At 12:00 I looked over at Lucas, my co-worker, and said, “I’m going on lunch break.” “Ok, I brought in some extra chinese if you want some for lunch.” I smiled, a heat rising to my cheeks. “Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks.” He smiled back. “No problem, it’s in the back room’s fridge on the second shelf.” I smiled some more at him and went to the back room, which is just a lounge for when you’re on break. I grabbed some napkins and a fork and set them on the large wooden table in the middle of the room and walked over to the large white fridge. I opened it, waiting to see a box of chinese food, but all I saw was a bottle of bleach, Clorox Bleach. I stepped back, astonished. T-This couldn’t be, he? I, not really thinking, grabbed the bottle of bleach and ran to Lucas. When he saw me he took a step back. I rushed up to him. “W-what is this? Do you think this is just some kind of sick joke? Do you think I don’t regret what happened then? I regret every single day of my freaking life ok! Why are you doing this to me?” Lucas just looked at me, his eyes bulging practically out of his head. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.” I looked at the bleach bottle, then back at him. “I’m talking about this!” I held up the bleach bottle. He looked at it and then back at me. “I still don’t know what that means.” After a pause of him looking at the bottle and me looking at him he said, “Wait, was this in the fridge? Does this have something to do with the Lillian Margaret suicide?” I stepped away from him and looked away, not wanting him to see my face. “I don’t know, maybe?” I said. “I’m so sorry Jayce, I know you were close friends with her. I swear I’m gonna find out who did this. You are right, if this is a prank it sure is a sick one.” He said, he reached out to my arm, but I pulled back. We stood there in silence. “The chinese food is probably still in there if you want some.” “I’m not hungry, I’m just gonna put this bleach back on the shelf and get back to work.” I walked away without a backwards glance, too scared he could see through me and somehow figure out everything. I put the bleach back on the shelf, where there was a noticeable spot for it. Someone took it off the shelf and put it in the fridge. I smiled to myself, a sad smile. For how long they were going with this prank, they sure are too lazy to bring their own bleach in and pay for it. My smile disappeared, this wasn’t funny at all, especially if they knew. I went back to work, not really talking to Lucas, maybe answering the occasional questions but that was it. At 5 I left, leaving Lucas to close up. I was walking over to my old red car when I noticed a white sheet of paper under my window wipers. I looked around, slowly walking towards my car. When I got to it, I didn’t go for the paper. I unlocked my car and searched around the front seats, and then the back seats making sure there was no one there to murder me or scare me. Then I opened the trunk. I opened it from the front seat and just stayed there, too scared to go around and check. I finally worked up my courage and went around there was nothing out of the usual. I closed the trunk and finally went to the front of my car and took the white piece of paper out of the wipers. It wasn’t normal paper though, it was the kind that you used to print photos on. It was folded in half and it was clean. I finally opened it up to see Lillian’s and I’s smiling faces squished together to fit into the picture, we had braces on then and we were so happy in the photo, letting all of our teeth show even though we were so self conscious of them. I let the paper drop out of my hands, my eyes bulging out of their sockets. No, I deleted that picture. I slowly walked away from it and looked around. Then, for some reason, I started getting mad. “This is stupid!” I screamed. “Come out! Or are you too much of a coward to show your face!” I picked up the photo. “Do you think this is funny? Well it’s not! You’re just an idiot with no life who can only stalk a 17 year old girl! You don't know anything!” Show your face you freaking COWARD!” I heard stomping and looked over at the grocery store to see Lillian sprinting right at me. Impossible. I started backing up but I ran into the driver’s door and fell down slamming it shut. Lillian was now right in my face, standing over me. But, she was transparent. She grabbed my shirt and brought me up to her face to where our noses were almost touching. “I am not a coward! How dare you call me that after what you have done to me!” I tried fighting her off, kicking, scratching, punching, but nothing worked. I just kept on going through her. “If anyone is the coward, it is you!” She screamed. Then, she started shaking me back and forth back and forth saying, “Coward.” Over and over again. But then, the voice changed. “Jayce, oh Jayce look at me.” I opened my eyes to see red fiery hair. Lucas. “Oh my god, thank god you are ok. I thought you were having a seizure.” He said letting go of me and rubbing his hand through his hair. “What?” “I heard you yelling and screaming and when I looked out you were on the ground kicking and punching and I didn’t know what you were doing and so I came over and tried to help.” He said looking at me, worry in his eyes. “I-I’m fine.” I put my hand to my shirt where Lillian was grabbing it, it was freezing and there was a weird imprint in it now. “I think.” “What happened?” He asked, knowing I wasn’t having a seizure. I just looked at him, not knowing what to say. “Um, I, fell?” He just looked at me. He held out his hand and I took it and he pulled me up. “Don’t lie to me, if you don’t want to tell me just say so, but i’ll believe anything you say, I’m here for you.” He said, looking me in the eyes. “Yes, t-thank you Lucas, for everything.” I looked back into his warm blue eyes. He smiled at me and let go of my hand and opened my car door for me. I stepped in slowly and he shut the door. He was still standing there when I drove out and I waved before I left. My mind lapsed over and over what just happened, trying to figure out what had happened. There has to be a reasonable explanation for this. I thought. I-I just feel bad from what happened, I’m not going crazy, I’m not going crazy. I repeated that all the way home, trying to convince myself. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that what just happened did happen and I couldn’t get the smell of vanilla off of me, Lillian’s scent. When i got home, I pulled in and took a shower. I couldn’t get that scent away from me, it has always been lingering around me, always. But now it was stronger. When I was done, I threw my clothes into the laundry basket and went to my room and got changed into some jean shorts and a one direction t-shirt. I layed down on my bed and stared up at my moving ceiling fan, watching one blade go around and around and seeing how long I could follow it. But my mind drifted to what happened, was I seeing things? I let my eyes flutter close as I drifted off on a cloud. I had a brutal awakening. I was shoved off my bed, face first onto the ground. I turned around to looked at who did it, but there was no one around my bed. I looked around, I swear I felt someone push me. I shook my head, it must have been in the dream. Even though I thought it, I still didn’t really believe it. I stood up and brush myself off but before I could take another step, I was pushed down again, but this time I saw something. It was a clear face. I jumped up instantly, ready to fight. I looked around and saw nothing out of the usual, except there was a picture on the ground, I took a step back when I saw it. It was the same one off of my car. I grabbed it and threw it in the trash can. “You are dead!” I screamed at it. Something grabbed my shoulders and swerved me around. It was Lillian again, except she wasn’t as transparent. “Yeah, but I came back for you.” “No.” I managed to whisper. “Why?” She asked, then her face became dark and it seemed like the room was spinning around and around. “I thought I was your best friend? We lived together, and we couldn’t die together, but we sure as hell can continue being dead together.” “No!” I screamed at her. Then, she let go of my shoulders and I was flung back at the wall above my bed and I hit it hard and fell down on my bed. Everything was blurry, I hit my head and I couldn’t really keep my eyes open, they were fluttering open and close. But still, I could smell her scent and see her long raven hair right next to my bed. She bent down, face to face with me. “See you in hell.” ******* I was running, I don’t know what from but I knew if I stopped I would be killed. There was a layer of sweat covering my forehead and I would give anything for some water, but I couldn’t stop running. There was laughing everywhere. Recognizable, but not placeable. Suddenly black walls dropped around me and I was surrounded. I was trapped in a black box. I hit the wall and kicked it, trying to escape, but I couldn’t break it, I couldn’t get out. The laughter was getting louder, and I started trying harder to get out. Then, it was silent. There wasn’t even noise when I hit the walls trying to escape. Then, I felt something. A chill on my back. There is someone behind me. I slowly turned around, not knowing what to do. There she was. Skinny figure with long legs and arms. Pale lips matching white shiny skin and a straight pointed nose. Then straight long raven hair. I pressed myself against the wall, nowhere to escape. She slowly walked towards me, a predator stalking her prey. She came closer and closer but then she stopped a yard away and just, looked at me. An evil smile was plastered on her face. I didn’t know what was going on or what to do so I just stood there. “Say goodbye to life, because tomorrow is your last day living it.” ******* I woke up, sweat covering my whole body. I sat up, remembering everything. Then a pain went through my skull, like it was splitting it in half, and I laid back down slowly cradling it in my arms. Then I could feel my front pocket vibrating. I took out my phone and looked at the caller. BLOCKED. I slowly opened my phone and put it to my ear. “H-Hello?” I asked. Breathing, light breathing. “See you soon.” Then wild laughter of several voices, it filled my head. “No!” I threw my phone at the door and I layed back in bed. Looking at the time, 9:01 I didn’t want to move but what choice did I have, I had to go to work. I slowly got up and went and got my work clothes and walked to my door, avoiding my phone, and went to the bathroom and got changed and ready for work. When I got to work, the parking lot was dead except for Lucas’s and now mine’s car. I walked in and Lucas was standing by the register reading a book like normal. “Welcome to Apple Market.” He looked over at me, surprised. ”Jayce? I thought you weren't coming in today.” “No, when did I ever say that?” “You didn’t you had a friend call you in. They said you were taking a vacation day to hang out with them.” I froze at the cash register. It couldn’t be. “Well they lied.” I said continuing to set up my cash register. He just looked at me and didn’t say anything. I couldn’t help but shake, Vacation to where? I tried not thinking about it, but how could I not, Lilian is trying to kill me. The day slowly went by with that thought always in my mind and Lillian always on my shoulder, there to remind me. Finally the work day was done and I was ready to go home and go to bed and have the next day come, for me to make sure I will be alive the following years. “Night.” I said as Lucas walked out of the door, my day to close the grocery store. “Sweet dreams.” My head snapped back, everything setting me off today. But, Lucas was gone. I blinked a few times. He must have parked around the side. I thought and continued with counting the money. My mouth was getting dry and so I went to the back room and got a cup and put it under the jug of water, pressed it down, and water started to fall into the paper cup. I waited patiently. I took a few sips, filled it back up, and then started walking back to the cash register. Before I could open the door, everything started getting fuzzy and I started getting dizzy. Wow, I need to drink water more. I tipped my cup back and water started flowing into my mouth. When the taste hit my tongue, I spit it all out. “W-what is this?” Everything was getting fuzzier and fuzzier. I tried taking a step towards the door but my foot slipped on the water and I fell on my back. I rolled onto my side, facing the jug, and next to it I saw that easily recognizable raven hair. “W-what did you do to me?” I could feel something crawling up my throat and i hunched over on my knees and started throwing up all over the ground. “Taste horrible, right? That was something I slightly remembered when I drank it. Except I drank enough to kill instantly, I didn’t throw up. Well, not when I was alive. I saw puke coming out when I died.” I took a few breaths, trying to settle my stomach. I looked over at her. She walked behind the table and pulled up a now empty jug of bleach. My eyes slowly slid over to the jug of water I just drank. “No.” I managed to get out. “Oh, but yes.” She walked/ floated over to me. She bent down so her face was just a little above mine. I wanted to move away, to close my eyes and for all of this to be a dream. But it wasn't, and I couldn't. I locked eyes with her and I couldn't look away no matter how much I wanted to. “Still, you didn’t drink enough for you to die, at the moment your system is trying to get the bleach out of it.” At that thought, I turned over and more puke flowed out of me, now clear and watery. Once I was done. I could feel warm tears streaming down my face. I looked up at her, trying to find her eyes but everything was now completely smeared together. “P-Please, please Lillian don’t kill me.” “Hush.” She whispered. “I’m not going to kill you. You’re gonna kill yourself, just like I did. And I’m going to walk you through it.” A shiver went through my body, remembering those words around a year ago. She stood all the way back up and started walking around me. “There are several reasons why you should die by your own hands.” She started, circling me like a shark circling their prey. “Shall I name them?” I turned over and started throwing up again, it felt like something was burning through my stomach. “Well, first off, because you’re gonna die either way. Might as well do it now and save everyone who has to talk to you, who has to see you, who even has to be in your presence.” “Please stop, I’m sorry!” I cried out. She bent down to me in a flash. “Sorry isn’t gonna bring me back from the dead!” “I didn’t know there was bleach in that bottle. I thought they exchanged it for water. I’m so sorry Lillian, I’m so sorry.” She looked me in the eyes, really looked at how low I was stooping. “Lies!” She stood back up. “Another reason you should kill yourself, no one loves you.” It hit me hard when she said that, and she knew. She knew that was my insecurity, that nobody will love me. I could make out her smiling down at me, knowing she has finally won. “You’re parents ditch you every moment they get. ‘Business vacation’, more like vacation away from you. They don’t love you, they don’t care about you. You were the accident remember?” Tears started leaking out of my eyes and I started shaking my head. “Don’t shake your head when you know it is the truth. And what about Lucas.” I looked up at her. knowing this topic all too well. “Stop, please, let's just forget that, forget him.” “How could we? We both loved him, and we both lost him. But the thing is, he didn’t and still doesnt love you back. He loves me. Instead of him asking you out, he asked me out and we loved each other, we never let go of each other. He never once mentioned anything about you or you being even his friend. You are nothing to him, do you understand?” “No, we’re great friends.” “Why are you lying to yourself, I’m just trying to help you see the truth. And the truth is, you have no friends. Ellie, Samantha, and Ruby ditched you once you did what they wanted you to, and then you pushed away all of your other friends, then of course Lucas is only a colleague and will never see you as a friend.” I couldn’t help the hiccup that escaped my mouth, tears were leaking down my face and my stomach felt burned out. But really, what was the point of my life? All my life I had a best friend then one day, I made her kill herself. I slowly got up so I was face to face with Lillian. She looked into my eyes and smiled. “That’s what I thought.” I started wobbling over to the table and to the bleach bottle. I picked it up and just looked at it. “Ignore the taste, it doesn't matter when you’re dead. Also, don’t look at your body once you’re dead. I made that mistake and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.” I nodded and lifted my head and poured the bleach down into my mouth, chugging mouth fulls. The taste was horrible and it burned on the way down, but I didn’t stop. I didn’t stop drinking until I couldn’t lift my arms anymore. I dropped the light bleach bottle on the floor. I looked at Lillian, everything blurred and swirled together in a big glob. I heard a faint laugh and then, “See you in the next world.” Then, everything went black and my head hit something with a hard WHACK! ***** 1 Year Earlier I snapped the photo with our faces squished together. “Let me see it!” Lillian pleaded and I took the camera and went to the picture. Our faces looked funny and our ugly braces were clearly visible. “Ew! I look so ugly, and braces look terrible.” I stretched out, showing my concern. “What!?” Lillian exclaimed. “You look absolutely beautiful with your light blonde hair! Look at my ugly black hair, and my braces look way worse than yours.” We looked at each other and laughed. From the corner of my eye, I saw a bright red head and looked over. It was Lucas. “Oh my gosh, look Lillian It’s Lucas!” I slightly pointed at him, not to draw attention to us. She looked over at him and then back at me and smiled. “You mean your future boyfriend?” “Oh I hope, I hope, I hope! He’s just so hot!” I did a little giddy jump that I couldn’t help. “Haha, I saw you guys talking yesterday. Are you guys getting close?” “Yea, whenever we see each other in the hallways we give each other highfives. And I got his number. I’m hoping by the end of the year we’ll be dating.” I pressed my hands together and jumped from one foot to the other. “Well, what are you doing? Were in a hallway and he just passed you, let's go get your high five.” Before I could protest, she grabbed my hand and we ran over to him. “Lucas!” She yelled, attracting attention from everyone. He stopped and looked over at us and waved. When we got to him he asked, “What’s up?” “Nothing much, just finding people we know.” Lillian answered, letting go of my hand. “Sounds like fun.” He looked over at me. “Hi Jayce.” I looked off to the side, a blush rising to my cheeks. “Hello Lucas.” He raised his hand and I threw my hand at his and hit it. I looked over at Lillian and she was smiling at me. She looked off to the side and said. “Oh there’s Samantha and her gang, gotta go. Bye!” She fast walked away as the three devils (Samantha and her gang) came walking. They have history with Lillian, and not the good kind. “They still absolutely hate each other?” Lucas asked and I brought my attention back over to him. “Yea, like always.” I answered. I looked back at Lillian, who was standing behind a couch in the resting area. She looked up and started waving and I waved back, smiling happily. I turned around and saw Lucas put his hand down into his pocket with a big smile on his face and his eyes looked, soft. I was mesmerized and didn’t think much of it, not knowing that was where the thing between them started. ***** 5 months later I looked over at Lillian’s new lunch table. She was sitting next to Lucas, smiling happily as she laughed at a joke Lucas said. He took a kiss chocolate out of his pocket and put it to his lips and leaned forward to Lillian and Lillian leaned forward to him. I looked away before I was scared more than I already am. I waited a few seconds before I looked back over my shoulder. She was laughing at Lucas’s friend’s reactions to their kiss. Lillian looked up and saw me peering over at her. Her smile became a little sad, but she didn’t break eye contact and neither did I. Finally she raised her hand a did a little wave to me, pleading with her eyes. I flipped her off. She just looked at me, no expression on her face. She slowly put her hand down and just looked at me. Then, something over my head caught her attention and she looked down at her hands and absolutely refused to look anywhere near my direction. I faced forward to see what was going on. Standing in front of me was the three devils, Samantha, Ellie, and Ruby. “Hello, Jayce.” I was surprised, not by her being here but by her calling me by my name other than the normal ‘Side Show’. “Samantha.” I said. “What do you want?” “Revenge.” She said, her eyes lighting up. Ellie and Ruby laughed. I looked behind my shoulder and caught Lillian’s gaze, she looked sad and like a puppy in trouble. I almost felt bad. Almost. Then I looked over and Lucas was smiling and laughing, but his gaze would wander over to her, like he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her and she would look up and smile at him and then go back to being sad, like a trick. Anger spread throughout my body and I faced forward. “Whatever you’re planning, I’m in.” Samantha looked over at Ellie and Ruby, smiling evilly. “Great.” That was the day we started planning and throughout a few months we came up with a plan. I would get into Lillian’s house when her family was out and I would have a bottle of bleach, which Samantha is going to dump out and put water in. I would convince Lillian to drink it and she would freak out and Samantha, Ellie, and Ruby would pop out and tell her it was a joke and take pictures of her reactions. It was full proof and no one really got hurt, not physically, maybe psychologically. But really, I should have saw what was going to happen, in the back of my head I knew they might do it, but really, I don't think I cared if they did it or not. ***** 6 months later (Lillian) “Please Jayce, just get out, I’ll- I’ll forget everything, please, don’t kill me.” I pleaded as my best friend stood over me as I sat on the floor of my room. Her gaze had not a feeling in it for me and she looked, scary. Even with her short angelic bleach blonde hair she looked like the devil. “Oh, I’m not going to kill you. You’re gonna kill yourself.” She slowly un-twisted the cap off of the large white bleach bottle and set it right in front of me, a sloshing noise coming from the inside, letting me know this is real and it is happening. “And I’m gonna walk you through it.” I just looked at it, not knowing what to say or do to make her stop. She just looked into my eyes, just looked at them, and then stood up and started circling me, like a shark getting ready to bite. “You wanna know why you should kill yourself?” She started. “No.” I whispered. “Oh, but yes. You need to know the reasoning before you make your final decision.” “Jayce-” “Shut up!” She screamed at me, anger leaking out of her. “You are never allowed to say my name ever again!” She just looked at me, huffing from her outburst. Then, she composed herself again and started walking around me again. “There are many, many reason’s why you should kill yourself. Reason 1, you have zero friends.” I shook my head. “I-I’m friend’s with Lucas’s frie-” “‘Lucas’s friend’s’” She mimicked. “Not your friends. the only reason they’re ‘friends’ with you, which is just them being nice, is because you’re Lucas’s girlfriend. If you weren’t, they wouldn't give two looks back at you. Admit it.” I didn’t say anything. “Reason 2, you are nothing but a w***e to the whole world.” “Ah-” “No, no, no. I’m not done.” she waved her finger back and forth in front of my face, like scolding a child. “You’re a w***e to everyone, and they are right you are one. You stole Samantha’s boyfriend by making out with him, that’s why she hates you, I figured out. You date every guy who asks you out because you are so desperate to find your ‘love’. Now, let’s be serious. It’s just you wanting to get laid.” “No.” “Yes. And then most recently you stole your ‘best friend’s’ crush that she has had on him for about a year now.” She looked down at me. I could see a sparkle in her eyes, like they were watery. “I don’t know about you, but that doesn't sound like something you would do to your ‘best friend’ unless you are a w***e.” “He asked me out!” I exclaimed. She leaned into my face. “You could have said no!” I was stricken back with that thought. How could I have done this to her? I really am a w***e. I thought. I looked at the bleach. Life, hates me. “Even your parents think you’re a w***e.” That struck me, and hard. She knew, and she knew how much it hurt. “They say they love you, but do they really? They’re always getting in a fight over how s****y you are and how much of a failure of a child you are, especially compared to your older brother who had and still has straight a’s throughout high school and currently college.” My head sagged down, not wanting her to see my face, see the nothingness swallow it up. She leaned in forward. “No one will miss you, not even Lucas. Let’s be serious, when do sophmore relationships ever last through life? You will just be another ex-girlfriend, lost in the sea of faces. You’re bound to be hurt by him.” With her foot, she pushed the bottle of bleach forward. “Unless you drink, then he can’t touch you, can’t even get close to hurting you.” There was complete silence, not even the crickets were chirping. My hand shook as I reached out for the white bottle. “Just drink and all your pain will go away.” She whispered softly into my ear. And so I did. All I can really remember from then on is the horrible taste, and how it follows you into the afterlife. And the image of my body lying there, dead, in my bedroom with foam and puke coming out of my mouth. I looked over at Jayce, and she just stood there looking down at my body. No expression on her face. But her eyes carried a horrible grin to them, an evil grin, with no feeling in them. Out of everything that I saw that day, that will be the thing that haunts me for the rest of my afterlife, even after I get her back for what she has done to me. ***** Present time (Jayce) I woke up with a horrible burn in the back of my throat. My whole body burned, but it was a nice heat. The taste in my mouth was the only thing that really bothered me. I sat up and opened my eyes slowly. I was in a red satin bed and there was fire all around me, and it stretched out for as far as I could see. Then I remembered what had happened to me, what I had done to myself and to Lillian. I was now in hell. “Come.” A deep, rough voice beckoned me. I looked forward, where the voice came from. There was a red tiled isle to a set of stairs that lead to a tall dark chair covered in shadow. It had a person in it, but I could not make out who it was, or what it was. I slowly got out of bed, noticing what I was wearing. A black satin nightdress with lace as sleeves and at the bottom. I started walking to the chair, trying to make out what the person looked like. When I was about 2 yards in front of the chair, the voice called out, “Stop.” And I did. I could make out a chair, red, a blood color of red. There was a person sitting in the chair, but i couldn't make out any features. It was like the person was made out of shadow. “State your name.” The voice called out. “Jayce Williams.” I answered, trying to make out the face. “Ah,” It said. “we have been expecting you for a long time now Jayce.” I wasn’t really surprised, I deserved to be down here. “I know.” “Do you now?” The voice asked. The person in the chair stood up and started walking down the blood red covered steps, the shadow working it’s way up the person every time they took a step down. Finally, I could see everything. There isn’t a word in the world that could describe how surprised I was right now. It was a man with straight red fiery hair and a hard jaw with light blue eyes that could trick anyone into thinking he was an angel. Even I fell for it. Lucas was standing in front of me as ruler over hell. “Surprised?” He asked, motioning down to himself. “Y-yes.” I answered. He just looked at me, for some reason, disappointed. “Do you know why you are here?” He asked. “Because I made Lilian, your girlfriend, kill herself even though I didn’t know-” “But you did.” He cut me off. “In the back of your mind you did, but you didn’t care. You wanted her dead, you wanted to kill her.” Before I could say something back, he asked, “Why do you think that the fires that I created for so long, that burn so harsh and hot, do not affect you? When they effect everyone who falls down to hell, whether they fall in a fire or not.” I didn’t answer. He smiled. “I will explain it to you.” He started walking back to his throne. “It was because you were made to be here.” He turned around when he got to the base of the stairs and faced me again. “It is because you are meant to be queen of Hell.” He raised his arms above his head and the ground started shaking. Cry’s came out all around me. They sounded, like a lullaby. Next to the throne grew another, smaller, throne. It was more girly and it was sized perfectly, for me. I slowly started walking towards Lucas, my eyes fixated on the throne. I knew it was made for me, only me, no one should sit in it but me. “That is right, my queen.” Lucas’s angelic voice pulled my attention back to him and i realized i was just a few inches in front of him. I looked into his eyes, not knowing what to do. I finally asked, “How did you know?” He smiled. “I was walking the earth, bringing chaos as I go. When I passed a window with an infant and a family in it. I went up to the window, something pulling me there, and saw the parents leave the room. The infant got mad at them not paying attention her, so she took a lighter and threw it at her parents, setting her mother on fire. Then, the infant just sat and watched her burn without a expression.” His eyes looked glazed over with the past. “It was amazing.” He looked at me, really looked. “That beautiful infant was you, Jayce.” I wanted to say something, but no words came out of my mouth. I remembered that like it was yesterday, but I was told as a baby that was a dream and to ignore it and the feelings attached. “Because of that incident, they took you to a weird rehab where they filled your head with loving thoughts and they taught you to think of that incident as a dream, to ignore the feelings that follows. But secretly, you loved that feeling. Your body, mind, craves that feeling. That's why you can’t dream, you can only think of that over and over again. “So, I came up with a plan. I made you fall in love with me and then when I knew you were deeply in love with me, I took your friend. That started the spark, I was gonna somehow help you, but Samantha and her crew did it for me. I just sat back and watched. And of course Lillian came back and dragged you under so I can have you. And so you can be free of the world above and have the time of your life.” He leaned forward and whispered into my ear. “I shall let you have it, you don’t need to hide your true self anymore.” Something in me sprang forward, free of its chains. I started laughing, first a soft giggle with turned into a maniacal laughter. I looked into Lucas’s eyes, seeing now the inner circle of them. A deep blood red. I love them. I reached forward and latched onto him and started kissing him. He wasn't surprised, he knowing me well saw I could do it and he latched onto me and well and our lips were glued together. I lifted my head away from his mouth, but he just trailed it down my neck. “Lucas.” I said. “Yes, my queen.” He said in between kisses. “I want to watch her burn, for kissing you, for touching you, for looking at you.” He lifted his head up and looked into my eyes, then a sly smiled appeared on his face. “I thought you might say that, and so I prepared a room just for you. So you can watch her burn when your bored.” I smiled at him, happy. The thought of watching her burn gave me pleasure. She was the one who brought me down here and brought me and Lucas together, but it was all because of Lucas, because of his love for me. I will always hate her. © 2015 Angels heartAuthor's Note
Added on December 20, 2015 Last Updated on December 20, 2015 Tags: Murder, death, suicide, accidental suicide, hell, devil, ghost, fighting, best friends, best friend, crush, boyfriend Author![]() Angels heartPlatte city, MOAboutEvery chance I get I love to write read and draw. Also, even in the middle of class, I HAVE to write down an idea if I get one. I love to dabble in all sorts of things. Enjoy my writing and please lea.. more..Writing