Six strings to his smile
standing there, cloaked
in my frustration, I
followed the teen trail, winding
its way through the house…
socks, shoes, schoolbag, jacket,
even his guitar pick
my poetry; a falcon...caged in my throat,
ached to feel the flight of freedom…
my ears hurt in sickness,
sick of the sound of my own voice,
I needed to relax...
then I heard his home coming,
the front door, left wide open,
his life blood drifted in on the winter
winds that danced my long hair;
obscured my vision for a moment, but
I heard him, felt his joy
I was cleansed, in the letting go
of 'me' ~ the 'me' of my battles,
it was a welcomed release;
a throat…softening
as manchild played Bon Jovi "Dead or Alive"
the only thing that mattered
in that moment, were
the six his smile.