![]() Chapter 20A Chapter by EmiChapter 20 By the next day the bruise had darkened significantly, Gwen went through a lot of make-up to cover it and there were still traces. Homeroom had just started when a voice over the intercom asked her to report to the principal’s office. She knew what it was about, of course, but still she couldn’t help glancing at Zach on her way out. The trip was painfully silent with all the classroom doors shut, not even a teacher’s muffled scolding greeted her. She entered the main office hesitantly, being on your own and surrounded by stillness was impressively intimidating. Minn waved her toward Ms. Laslow’s door, with a half hearted smile Gwen walked to the office and knocked softly. “Come in, Gwen.” She pushed the door open, stepped over the threshold and closed it in one smooth motion. The only other person in the room was Ms. Laslow which quickly eased Gwen’s tension. “I didn’t think you could read through walls,” Gwen said with a grin. “Not necessary, I wasn’t expecting anyone else,” Ms. Laslow said pointing to a chair. For some reason the room seemed much brighter this time around. “So you wanted my account before you call for Kelli?” Gwen asked gracefully sliding into one of the armchairs. “No reading the mind reader,” Ms. Laslow chuckled taking her own seat. “What else would it be about, right?” “Stop that.” “Sorry,” Ms. Laslow said sheepishly. “What happened yesterday?” “It’s what I get for having fun, I guess,” Gwen said gloomily. Ms. Laslow blinked at her. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to explain this one to me,” she said. “We were playing volleyball, I was enjoying it so much my guard dropped on its own,” Gwen told her. “Apparently lower than I usually set it.” “Indeed, you don’t strike me as the kind to get nosebleeds easily,” Ms. Laslow said. “Not for a few years and even then it was due to a cold,” Gwen said waving the irrelevant subject aside. “Anyway, I wasn’t paying attention to anything other than the ball and didn’t see what happened.” “Coach Wester observed the incident, it was deliberate and there were witnesses,” Ms. Laslow said, her voice changing from a talk between Hexes to one with a student. Gwen’s eyes narrowed, she would have seen the whole incident from his mind and could have spoken to Kelli right away. Why hadn’t she? “There’s something else,” Gwen said uncomfortably. “What?” Ms. Laslow eyed her in a calm, matronly way which meant this was important. “Gwen, Kelli committed a willful and probably premeditated act of violence, I can’t let that go unpunished,” she said gently. “I intend to suspend her.” Gwen’s heart stopped. “No, please don’t,” Gwen said hastily. “She’ll make our lives a living nightmare.” “Hmm, and that would be different from what she’s been doing, how exactly?” Ms. Laslow asked balancing her chin on the back of her hand. Gwen nodded reluctantly, she was right of course, but Gwen’s passive attitude made it hard for her to agree. “I realize we can’t keep going like this, but I have a horrible feeling she’ll do something extreme to get revenge,” Gwen admitted solemnly. “I wish there was another way,” Ms. Laslow said sympathetically. “You have to do your job,” Gwen said standing. “I’ll talk to Zach, he’s dealt with this a lot better than I have.” “Good idea, he should be aware of the situation too and remember I’m here if you need me,” Ms. Laslow said. “Thank you,” Gwen said stepping toward the door. “That works both ways if you find a Hex here you can’t handle come and get me, I’m happy to help.”
“I didn’t ask,” Gwen replied eyes on her plate. “What else is new,” Kate said glancing at her. “Hey, cheer up, maybe being Kelli free for a while will be good for everybody.” “I’m perfectly fine, Marinara,” Gwen said smartly. “Now, I’d be more inclined to believe you if you hadn’t called me that,” Kate said grimacing. Gwen laughed. “You’re too easy, Katie.” “I’d agree, but I have no clue what you’re talking about,” Zach said sitting down next to Gwen. “Nothing,” Kate said warningly. “Ah, the unspeakable nickname,” Zach said jokingly. “Watch it, Boy Scout,” Kate threatened. Gwen placed her spoon on the table harder than normal, silencing them both. “I don’t mind you two taking pot shots at each other, but this really isn’t the time,” she said sternly. “What’s the matter?” Zach asked concerned. Gwen sighed and peered around to make sure no one overheard her. “Kelli’s getting suspended for yesterday,” she explained. “I can’t help feeling there’s a bad moon rising because of it.” “You are so paranoid,” Kate teased. Gwen glared at her best friend. Paranoid was one word Gwen didn’t like to be called and she knew just what card to play in retribution. “Say that again after you manage to make a move on Dustin,” she said with an edge. “Okay, sorry,” Kate said, her cheeks flashing pink. “Yes Kelli’s evil, but how much damage can she really do?” “You mean on top of what she’s already done?” Gwen asked in return. “True,” Kate concurred. “She has to run out of ideas eventually,” Zach said nonchalantly. Gwen looked unconvinced, Zach wrapped his arms around her. “Hey if push comes to shove I can always get a restraining order.” Gwen let out a small, but clear giggle and Zach grinned. “Two hundred feet might do.” “I think a gag order would be more appropriate,” Kate added. Gwen laughed, anxious as she was they could always break her tension. “Fine,” she breathed. “I’ll calm down, but if Kelli masters voodoo and curses us all I’m blaming you.”
“Hey,” Zach said halting clumsily. They were far too serious, the last time he saw that melancholy look from them was when his Grandpa was in the hospital. “Did something happen to Gran?” he asked thinking it must be a similar problem. “No, dear,” his mother said sadly. “It’s Gwen.” Zach’s brain froze for half a second until the words sunk in and he had to do a double take. “Wha . . . Gwen’s fine, I just left her a few minutes ago,” he said dumbfounded. “That’s not what I meant,” his mom replied. “We need to talk.” Despite her tone and his father’s rock hard expression he still wanted to hurry. “Can we do it later, it’s her day off and travel already takes away enough of our time together,” he said. “We don’t want you seeing her anymore,” his father said bluntly. Zach dropped his bag in disbelief. “Why not!?” he yelled. “We’ve been told something disturbing Zach, maybe you should sit,” his mother said calmly. He stood firm with his arms crossed. His mom sighed defeated. “Darling . . . she’s a Hex.” Zach’s eyes darkened. “Who told you?” “A reliable . . .” His mother stared at him. “You knew?” Zach glared back. “Of course I did, I always have,” he replied darkly. “You can’t exactly hide that from your boyfriend for all this time.” “What were you thinking?” his mother squeaked, his dad didn’t appear much happier. “They’re dangerous!” “Don’t lump her in with the criminals you’ve heard about, she’s not like them,” Zach raged. “How can you be so sure?” his mother asked unconvinced. “She’s not a threat to anyone,” he insisted. “A guy at school punched her in the face and she defended him to the principal.” “Zach . . .” “I’ve seen her powers, met her Hex friends and normal co-workers, you’ve talked with her did she seem dangerous?” “We’ve made up our minds, Zach,” said his mother. “As long as you live under our roof you will follow our rules,” his father said adamantly. Zach kicked his bag and ran out the door with a furious growl. He had to get away, it couldn’t be over, there had to be something else he could do.
The elevator was the only time Zach stopped, he had run the entire distance to Gwen’s apartment and even small breaths hurt. The doors opened to the tenth floor, but his exhausted muscles weren’t inclined to move. He practically had to jump into the hall and run the rest of the way. He burst through the door with sweat sliding down his back and his lungs burning like fire. “That you, love?” Gwen called from the upper level. He couldn’t answer, his airways were aching from exertion and other than taking in badly needed air they were useless. Her footsteps echoed above as she crossed her room, then came down the staircase. She paused on the step half way between the top floor and the living room, before scanning the kitchen for her guest. “Zach!” she cried. Gwen jumped off the stairs and floated toward him on a pane of light, landing gently on the tile floor. “Sweetie, what happened?” she asked the sparkle in her eyes full of concern. It took him a handful of breaths to find his voice again and another to gather his nerve. “They . . . my parents they . . . they know!” he stammered. The words were like poison in his mouth, he was foolish to think they would understand and now all he could do was watch the sparkle in Gwen’s eyes die out. “Oh God,” she whispered resting against her table. Her throat burned and eyes stung as she recognised what this meant. “Then, it’s over,” she said holding her head miserably. “What!?” Zach said shocked. “We can’t just give in, let’s fight this.” “I . . .” she started with her head down. “I’m not leaving you,” he said grabbing her arms. “I can live like you, I’ll live on the first floor and work a crappy starter position, please.” “There’s a difference, Zach,” she said dejectedly. “My parents wanted to forget me, yours are trying to protect you and that’s good.” Zach held her tighter, she didn’t sound like her normal self and it unnerved him. “I’m very good at hiding it, but there are days when it kills me that I live alone,” she admitted. “Not having a parent greet me when I come home or being able to help my sisters with their homework. Zach I don’t mind a lot of what people say or think of me, but I refuse to be known for breaking up a family.” “Nobody’s going to say that.” “Yes they will because it would be true,” she said firmly. “This is my doing, I knew this would happen, but convinced myself everything would be fine. Unless your parents change their minds there’s nothing we can do.” “Gwen, I . . .” “I’m sorry, trust me I don’t want to do this, but . . .” she said her voice shaking. Zach wrapped his arms around her, pressing her against his chest. “How can it end like this?” he asked his voice so small it was practically non-existent. She slowly lifted her hands and hugged him back, her fingers digging into his shoulder blades. He couldn’t let her go, Gwen was the one thing he could put his faith in above all else. Zach felt a tug in his chest that he ignored, believing it was emotion until he felt the pressure from Gwen’s fingers leave his back and her weight in his arms vanish. He opened his eyes and was staggered to find he was standing in the street outside his house, alone. Gwen was sure neither of them could bare to say goodbye, she arranged it so they didn’t need to, it still hurt. A breeze swept through the area and he noticed a small cold patch on his shoulder, looking down he saw a circle of moisture. Gwen was crying, the entire time they had been together she had never shed a tear, not when she spoke of her family or took a hit to the face. A mixture of anger and sadness grew inside him. He hated his family for hurting the one person he cared about, despised the person who tipped them off and it killed him that he was helpless. He trudged up the steps to his house, it was no longer a place of comfort to him, he entered and closed the door infuriated. He managed a few stairs before his parents walked into the hall. “Oh good you’re home, honey let’s talk,” his mother said gently. “Don’t bother,” Zach said with restraint. “You got your way.” “You broke up with her?” his mother asked. “Good,” his dad added. The banister creaked under his grip as something deep within him snapped and he spun to face them. “As a matter of fact I didn’t break up with her,” he said furiously. “I was ready to leave, move into a crumby one room apartment and get a low level job so we could be together. Gwen, however believes I have a loving family that are only trying to protect me. She didn’t want me to live the kind of life she has due to her secret. So if I have to stay here until I graduate then I will, but as far as I’m concerned both you and your informant can go to hell.” With that Zach ran to his room and slammed the door behind him, he couldn’t look at them anymore.
© 2014 EmiReviews
5 Reviews Added on May 10, 2010 Last Updated on January 23, 2014 Tags: Urban Fantasy, Superpowers, Romance The Hex : Opposites Attract
Chapter 10
By Emi
Chapter 11
By Emi
Chapter 12
By Emi
Chapter 13
By Emi
Chapter 14
By Emi
Chapter 15
By Emi
Chapter 16
By Emi
Chapter 17
By Emi
Chapter 18
By Emi
Chapter 19
By Emi
Chapter 20
By Emi
Chapter 21
By Emi
Chapter 22
By Emi
Chapter 23
By Emi
Chapter 24
By Emi
Chapter 25
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Chapter 26
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Chapter 27
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