Chapter 16

Chapter 16

A Chapter by Emi

Chapter 16


Upon arrival at school that morning Gwen was surprised to see Brent in front of her locker scrubbing off the graffiti. Ms. Laslow had taken her advice and given him school community service as punishment for hitting her. She had insisted the first thing he fixed was her locker door. Ms. Laslow had also told him that Gwen spoke in his defence and he thanked her for her kindness. The school day passed uneventfully and once classes were over they headed to Lesley’s school to take her home. The elementary and high school’s were so close it was no problem and it made things easier on Doug who was still breaking in his new role.

“Hey, do you want to have dinner at my place on your next day off?”

Gwen stumbled over her feet.

“Please say you’re kidding,” she said, her voice tight with fear.

“It’s okay,” he soothed. “I understand why you’re worried, but they can’t tell you’re a Hex.”

“It isn’t just that,” she fretted. “I’ve never met a boyfriend’s parents.”

“There’s a reason for that, Gwen,” he said calmly. “You haven’t been willing to risk a boyfriend until now.”

“Which is exactly why I’m freaking out,” she said breathlessly. “I don’t want to lose you.”

Zach’s expression softened.

“I’m sorry,” he said stroking her cheek. “I’m being selfish, I only asked because my family’s been driving me crazy wanting to meet you.”

Gwen winced, he wasn’t the selfish one. She was so afraid of being discovered that doing such a simple thing for Zach seemed unthinkable. She rubbed her arms feverishly, going over the worst case scenario repeatedly in her mind. This mostly involved her walking into the room on Zach’s arm with the word Hex written across her face.

“Can’t be as bad as that,” she mumbled.

Zach looked at her in silence unsure if she wanted a reply or not.

“I . . . I’ll be fine,” she said gently. “You’re right, I’m overreacting and these bruises will be gone by Thursday anyway.”

She smiled half heartedly trying to appear cheery.

“You don’t . . .” he started, but stopped when she hugged his side.

“Yes I do,” she said as they turned onto the road to Lesley’s school. “You do a lot for me, it’s not fair for you to get nothing in return, I can handle this.”

The bell rang just as they reached the front of the elementary school.

“They’ll love you I promise,” Zach said encouragingly.

Stampedes of children exited every door of the old brick building, heading toward buses, cars and crosswalks without so much as a backward glance now that they were free.

“I hope so,” she said waving Les over from her group of chatty friends.

By Thursday Gwen’s confidence was almost totally depleted, after bringing Lesley home she raced to her apartment and ripped apart her wardrobe. Although Zach had assured her it didn’t matter what she wore Gwen wasn’t about to meet her boyfriend’s parents in jeans and a T-shirt. Pinky arrived in record time to help, Kate had to work so she was allowed to skip this meltdown. Gwen was relieved she wasn’t alone and didn’t mind that her best friend was otherwise engaged. Pinky had more practice in such matters anyway. They went through every piece of clothing she owned until they found something they both agreed upon, which wasn’t easy considering they had very different tastes. Shoes weren’t nearly as complicated Gwen only had a few pairs. Pinky finished up with her hair and make-up. She wasn’t feeling any more confident when it was time to go, but believed if nothing else she at least looked the part.

Zach was nervous, he couldn’t figure out why, this was his idea. Maybe he was sensing Gwen’s fear, they were so close now it wouldn’t surprise him. She would transport into the neighbourhood at least a block away to avoid being seen and undoubtedly use the short walk to calm down. Gwen could find the house easily, even though they all looked the same in their neighbourhood, of that he was certain. They were deceptively small in front, but while very narrow, only about three windows across, from the side you could see the aged brick walls were several times the width of the house. The second floor consisted of four bedrooms each with enough space for two or three people and two bathrooms, one for his parents the other for Julie and him. The kitchen and dining room were on the left side of the main level while the living room, a rarely used powder room and the meticulously kept laundry room were to the right. Not to mention, the basement which they had remodelled into a game room complete with big screen TV and pool table. He often wondered how his parents managed to afford it all, his guess, the stock market whereas his imaginative sister believed they received a legacy. Ah yes, his sister, the one he had blackmailed earlier in the day so she wouldn’t upset Gwen or release any of his childhood tales. Zach nearly hit the floor in his rush when the doorbell rang and glanced at the clock on his way into the hall, 5 o’clock, she was right on time. Julie beat him to the door and elbowed him in the gut when he tried to pass her. She opened it with a triumphant smile, then froze. Gwen stood on the front step in a tan, short sleeved button down dress with cargo pockets and a matching belt accentuating her waistline. She wore strappy heels and had her long red hair pulled out of her face. Julie was shocked.

“I think you have the wrong house,” she said.

Gwen smiled at her unflinchingly.

“Nice to meet you too, Julie,” she said walking inside.

Zach smirked as Gwen came up and gave him a kiss.

“I’m glad you’re here,” he whispered too low for his sister to hear.

“Take a seat in the living room kids, we’ll be right there,” his mother called from the kitchen.

Zach guided Gwen into the next room with his hand on the small of her back, Julie followed behind them. They took the couch and she plopped on one of the chairs across from them. Gwen settled in next to Zach, crossed her legs and smoothed out her skirt.

“What ever you do, don’t ask her about school,” Zach warned. “She won’t stop talking.”

“Shut up!” Julie retorted. “Being in the class’ top ten gives you a lot to talk about.”

“That’s great,” Gwen said. “I wish I could say the same.”

Julie was surprised, most people didn’t bother trying to humour her, but Gwen seemed genuine. Their parents walked in moments later.

“Dinner will be ready shortly,” his mother announced, then spotted Gwen and her face broke into a wide smile. “Glad to finally meet you Gwen, dear.”

Gwen stood, expecting to shake her hand, but was pulled into a tight hug.

“Mom,” Zach said disapprovingly.

His mother reluctantly released her.

“You too, Mrs. Wallace,” Gwen breathed, she turned to her husband and shook his hand. “Mr. Wallace.”

“We’ve heard a lot about you,” he said with a more subtle expression than his wife.

Gwen liked them already. Mrs. Wallace was slightly taller than her with sandy hair and round eyes. Her husband had a crooked nose, large, rough hands and sun kissed skin. They eased into a pair of matching arm chairs near Julie, Gwen returned to the couch. She cleared her throat nervously, her conversational skills always faltered at the worst times.

“How’s life at the precinct?” she asked unable to think of anything better.

“Oh so-so,” his mother said cheerfully. “It’s been rather quiet in the lab this week, upstairs as well the last I heard.”

“Gave us a chance to catch up on paperwork,” his father added nodding.

Gwen couldn’t help giggling.

“What about you sweetie, how’s school?” asked his mom.

“Pretty good, my grades have gone up this year, I’m just shy of honour role status,” Gwen replied sitting straighter.

“Excellent, your parents must be proud,” said his mother kindly.

Gwen’s shoulders slumped, she was really hoping her family wouldn’t come up today. Zach glanced at her sympathetically, aware that this was one subject she would have to address.

“Um, I’m sure they would be . . . if they knew,” she said softly, not quite able to look at them, but could feel their confusion. “My parents and I . . . had a bit of a falling out, we didn’t see eye to eye so I live on my own.”

His parents were stunned, sensing Gwen’s uneasiness Zach rubbed her back supportively.

“You have no adult supervision?” his mother asked, the pitch of her voice slightly raised.

“Well . . .” Gwen said, her hand instinctively searching for hair strands to brush away, but finding none. “Not in so many words, my land lady checks in on me constantly and my neighbours are always around, but in essence no I don’t.”

The silence that followed was torturous for Gwen, she was sure something was coming.

“What kind of birth control do you use?” his father asked even toned.

Gwen turned so red her hair colour looked fake, both Zach and Julie were struck dumb. A loud DING echoed through the room cutting into everyone’s attention.

“The chicken’s finished,” his mother said taking the opportunity to leave.

His father didn’t move, his question wasn’t going away, Gwen tried to decide the best way to answer him.

“Uh,” she started with an embarrassed cough. “The fool-proof kind.”

To her horror, he frowned with puzzlement.

“What . . .”

“For God’s sake, Dad,” Julie said annoyed. “She means they don’t need it because they aren’t doing anything.”

Gwen breathed with relief as his expression relaxed.

“Jim could you give me a hand, please?” called his wife from the kitchen.

His father stood and walked out of the room without a word. Once he was out of sight Gwen fell against Zach, drained.

“Don’t worry about him, that’s just the detective side of his personality, he’ll ease off now,” Julie said supportively.

“Thanks,” Gwen said desperately trying to cool her face.

Zach held her against his chest fully aware of how uncomfortable this made her, most people knew Gwen wasn’t that kind of girl.

“No problem, if he had any clue about teenage girls he’d have taken your reaction as an answer,” said Julie tossing her hair over her shoulder. “Any s**t wouldn’t have blinked.”

Gwen wasn’t quite sure how to take that, but fortunately Mrs. Wallace gave them an excuse to leave it alone.

“Come on kids, it’s all set.”

Julie left the room before they managed a step, they moved across the hall to the dining room as his parents entered with their hands full of plates. Zach helped Gwen to a chair, then sat between her and his sister. His parents placed the dishes in front of them taking their seats on the other side of the table. Stuffed chicken breasts, potatoes and peas and carrots, it looked delicious. Gwen watched the others just in case they had some sort of pre-meal ritual, but luckily they went straight for the cutlery.

“So, where are you living now, is it a safe neighbourhood?” his mother asked.

Gwen assumed her husband had relayed the answer to his birth control question so she was allowed to be cheerfully curious again.

“Yes, my building’s on Corona Drive,” she said cutting into her chicken. “I have a great loft on the tenth floor with brick walls and hardwood floors.”

“Sounds sweet, they have any openings?” Julie asked, her fork full of potato.

“Got the money for rent?” Gwen replied with a small grin.

Julie shrugged in defeat, “Point taken.”

The table erupted with laughter, going to the academy left little time for a job.

“Who pays your rent Gwen?” his mother asked.

“I do,” said Gwen, surprised she needed to ask. “I work about a mile from my apartment so I can walk to work.”


Gwen reached for her water glass with her head bowed shyly, she never thought so, it was just something she needed to do. A cellphone’s ringtone made all of them stop, for the second time that evening Gwen turned bright red.

“I’m sorry, I thought I put it on vibrate,” she said digging into one of her pockets.

“If that’s Kate tell her she’s dead,” Zach said as she checked the caller ID.

“It’s not Katie it’s the restaurant,” Gwen mumbled.

Zach’s dad shot him a look, he never actually said that Gwen was the waitress Jed attacked.

“They only call if it’s important, excuse me.”

Zach rose with her and waited until she left the room before he sat back down.

“Gallant much?” Julie mocked.

“Back off,” he growled. “Gwen was scared to come here I’m just trying to ease her nerves.”

“Scared, what for?” Julie asked frowning.

Zach glared furiously at her and her face cleared.

“She’s never met a guy’s parents before, has she?”

Julie had a habit of reading his glares if he didn’t know better Zach would have sworn she was a mind-reader too. Gwen reappeared in the doorway with troubled eyes.

“Is everything all right?” his mother asked kindly.

Gwen sighed and put her cell back in her pocket.

“Some big party must have let out because the restaurant’s packed with people and there’s more waiting, Tony’s calling everybody in,” she said moving forward slightly. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.”

“That’s fine sweetie, we all have things we need to do,” his mother said smiling.

“Thank you for understanding,” she said sounding relieved. “I hope we can do this again.”

“I’ll walk you out,” Zach said standing.


“Be safe,” his father said, naturally.

“Don’t work too hard,” his mother added.

“Make sure they pay you overtime,” Julie pointed out helpfully.

“Bye, everyone,” Gwen giggled as she left the dining room with Zach.

They stopped on the step outside and Zach closed the door behind them. Gwen breathed deeply and any residual tension left her body.

“I’m proud of you,” he said rubbing her arms. “You did great.”

“Thanks,” she said gazing into his warm eyes. “I’ll tell you this, if the tips aren’t good tonight I might just take your sister’s advice and make Tony pay extra.”

Zach laughed and pulled her against his chest.

“Should I come pick you up later?” he asked into her hair.

“Don’t worry about it, I’m not sure if this is a full shift,” she replied.

“Okay,” he said letting his arms drop. “I’ll see you tomorrow, be careful tonight.”

Gwen grinned as she took a step away.

“When am I not?” she teased placing her hands on his neck to intensify the kiss that followed. Zach leaned back afterward with a happy moan.

“Mmm, tastes like chicken.”

Gwen shoved him playfully as he laughed, then hurried down the stairs and into the street below. He watched her go until she was out of sight before returning to the house.

© 2014 Emi

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no kill kelli. come you put laser gwen zach and kelli in a dark alley abd bam. kelli could take one right.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 10, 2010
Last Updated on January 23, 2014
Tags: Urban Fantasy, Superpowers, Romance



Windsor, Canada

I've been writing since I was thirteen, it started with poetry since it was the only way for me to express my feelings at the time but since then I've moved into novels. I've been working hard on .. more..

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